Chapter 69 - Hatred

"Your majesty." Qin Luofei struggled to break away from the embrace of the Emperor Ming, but the Emperor Ming acted as if he didn't hear anything, and continued to hug Qin Luofei tightly. His hands even disobediently moved up and down, as if he was performing a chun palace in front of all the concubine s.

In the past, it was fine to just watch him and the Imperial Consort Leng perform, but now, it was changed to her.

The corner of Qin Luofei's mouth was almost torn from his own, so she was able to restrain her urge to kill.

It was just like how, in front of her, she was forcefully driven to the roof and the Emperor Ming turned her sign over to her face in front of all the jealous gazes of the concubine.

Emperor Ming obviously had the name of the concubine Ning, how could he miss the appointment?

He had really hurt himself.

The envious scene of others was like a purgatory for Qin Luofei. Ever since she entered the palace, she still didn't know how to face her former lover.

After exiting the empress's palace, a young eunuch supported Qin Luofei onto the carriage parked in front of the palace entrance.

The curtains of the carriage were made with gold and phoenix stripes, which were specially used to transport concubine s to their rooms. It was carefully woven with silk threads. It was an allegory of many sons and many blessings.

He had a good relationship with Du Qingcheng, so perhaps he would hold a grudge against him from now on. This was not a good thing for him, it was all because of this damned man.

However, since he was already here, he might as well let things be. He had no way to fight back.

Qin Luofei sat inside the carriage on the smokey-gray purple flower cushion, but when she thought about it again, it was unknown how many women had done it before, so she immediately felt as if her body was tainted with unclean places, causing her to feel uncomfortable.

She was an empress in her previous life, so she naturally didn't need to go to the emperor's chambers to sleep like the concubine.

The horse carriage moved forward steadily. After several cups of tea, Qin Luofei found it hard to sit still.

Emperor Ming and Imperial Consort Leng were making fun of each other, yet they brought him along to be the scapegoat. It was truly hateful, he wanted to sacrifice himself for nothing.

Qin Luofei sat inside the car, not being able to hear anything from outside. Presumably, there were many palace maids and eunuchs accompanying them, but they couldn't hear a single word of the commotion.

Qin Luofei couldn't resist extending her hand and secretly lifted a corner of the curtain to take a look.

The Yan State Imperial Palace had been constructed for two hundred years, but it was still a dazzling sight to behold. The floor was covered with white jade, the jade stone was neat and clean, and the light could shine through.

The towering palace walls were flanked by red gilded gates. Through the gates, one could see the red walls and yellow tiles. Occasionally, one could peep into the pavilion's long corridor.

However, most of the palace maids lowered their brows and remained submissive, not daring to raise their heads. They only stared at their own feet and bent their backs.

These palace maids looked to be only twelve or thirteen years old, but their faces had already been tempered to the point where they didn't have any expression. Outside, they were still the flesh of their parents, but here, they were constantly protecting their own lives as if they were treading on thin ice.

This palace was a place to eat humans.

"My lady, please put down the curtain."

Seeing that Qin Luo Fei had lost the rules of the palace, Xiao Linzi reminded his in a small voice.

Qin Luofei hurriedly put down the curtain. She knew that the palace rules were strict, so she couldn't peep at them as she pleased.

The carriage continued to move for a long time, until Qin Luofei felt drowsy from sitting inside. Finally, she heard a eunuch report, "Princess, please get out and chase them away."

Two pretty and delicate maidservants lifted the golden curtain and helped Qin Luofei out of the carriage.

The platform was originally a resting place for the emperor, but now it was also used for his lucky concubines to bathe and change clothes, as well as for the occasional stay.

The platform was built over the lake, with three sides facing the water. A wooden floating bridge meandered between the lake and the platform.

In autumn, the lake was foggy, and the rain was like the sky of the celestial realm. It was beautiful and unpredictable, and was one of the Emperor's favorite sights.

It was said that the current emperor's matriarch had met the late emperor here, leapt from being a noble woman to be the mother of the world, and even favored the harem – the current empress dowager.

This could also be considered a blessed land for the future wives to dream of.

Therefore, during some important festivals, the imperial concubines would secretly come here to offer sacrifices to the gods, praying that they too would be favored by the emperor and give birth to their sons. They would enjoy the glory of wealth as mothers and children.

A bunch of lotus flowers were planted in the lake. At this moment, the lotus flowers were just beginning to sprout. Occasionally, a dragonfly would step on the water and stay there, causing the leaves to sway incessantly in the breeze.

A small pavilion made of golden-colored glazed roof tiles. Bathing in the clear lake water and the green lotus leaves, it was as beautiful as a fairyland. One would feel relaxed and happy as they stepped onto it.

The setting sun accentuated this beautiful scenery, making it seem even more unreal. Coupled with the moving rainbow palace maids, it made them feel like they were in paradise.

Qin Luofei had seen much of the world, but she couldn't help but exclaim in admiration: No matter how extravagant a wealthy family was, they would never be able to compare to this place. Even the Jade Flower Princess Palace and the Imperial Palace wouldn't be worth mentioning.

It was laughable that she had never been to such a place in her past life as a pet.

At that time, there was only that heartless and unfaithful man in her eyes. She could not see anything else.

"Royal daughter, how's the scenery?" Xiao Linzi asked when he saw Qin Luofei, who was watching the scene ecstatically.

"Very beautiful, it really is the imperial scenery." Qin Luofei's lips curled into a smile, but her eyes were slightly gloomy, it was unknown as to what she was thinking.

Xiao Linzi looked at Qin Luofei, and slowly said: "Then I'll take my time to admire the imperial woman, and then I'll go back to report to the Emperor." Xiao Linzi brought the few palace maids away.

"Eunuch invites you." Qin Luofei politely watched as Xiao Linzi left, and then, under the guidance of a palace maid, he entered the small pavilion.

In the pavilion, layers of curtain hanging like cicada wings were carved with exquisite and auspicious dragon patterns on top of the curtain. The smoke was so long that people suddenly fell into a maze, not knowing which direction was which and which direction was which.

When the palace maids saw Qin Luofei enter, they swiftly lifted the curtains. In front of them appeared a steaming Dragon Pool.

The water in the pool was clear enough to see the bottom. The colorfully dressed palace maids began to sprinkle various colored petals into the pool, and the fragrance instantly seeped into one's lungs.

Our emperor really knows how to enjoy life.

Qin Luofei sighed faintly to herself.

Two beautiful palace maids with bare shoulders and only a light muslin wrapped around them came to serve Qin Luofei.

Qin Luofei pursed her lips, waved slightly, and said: "You may leave! I'll do it myself. "

The two palace maids looked at each other with doubt in their eyes before bowing and leaving.

Currently, the concubine s that were attending the Emperor Ming's bed usually chose to sleep here for the sake of their fortune. There had never been an Empress who wanted them to change clothes before, so they were naturally curious about it.

"All of you should go down as well!"

Qin Luofei had lived two lifetimes, but she was still not used to undressing and undressing in front of so many people. She waved her hand and withdrew from the palace maids standing on both sides of the hall.

After making sure that no one else was present, he unbuttoned his shirt and took off his embroidered shoes.

Qin Luofei walked to the side of the pool and stood beside it. She carefully stretched out her foot to see if the water was hot or not. She accidentally fell into the pool and gulped down a few mouthfuls of water.

The hair was loose and disheveled.

Qin Luofei came out of the water vexedly, only to discover that someone had taken her earlier ugly appearance to heart.

At some point, a graceful and elegant man with peerless beauty was standing next to the drapes.

A pair of long and narrow phoenix-like eyes, dense with a cold feeling, lips thin but clearly defined, delicate cheeks as handsome as carved jade.

Wearing an embroidered robe with complicated patterns embroidered on the crescent moon, a golden soft jade belt tied around her waist, and a pair of thin boots shaped like a golden dragon pattern on her feet, a pair of sharp eyes were staring straight at Qin Luofei.

Qin Luofei jumped in fright. At first, she thought it was the emperor, but upon closer inspection, the two looked very similar. However, this person was definitely not the emperor.

She had never seen him before, not even in her previous life.

If one looked more closely, what was rusted on his robe was not a dragon tattoo, but a python. Thus, he should be a prince.

The man clasped his hands behind his back and looked at Qin Luofei. His eyes creased slightly as he glanced at her coldly.

Perhaps he wasn't treating her as a woman who was trying to seduce him! There were too many women in this palace, but there was only one emperor. It wasn't that there hadn't been the incident of a palace maid luring into the palace.

Qin Luofei was slightly shocked in her heart, hoping for two palace maids to release her.

It was a matter of life and death to see a man messing with a woman in the palace, but if the female lead inside was him, then it would be even more so a matter of her brain.

She didn't want to die so recklessly. Was she waiting for her revenge?

But she was even more afraid to call for help. Otherwise, if the other person's life was still around, then he would die first.

Lust and chaos within the palace was a serious crime, and even ten mouths wouldn't be able to explain this scene.

Moreover, he was just a small imperial maid right now, so the Emperor wouldn't care about him that much. Before he could finish his explanation, his head had moved.

Qin Luofei submerged herself in the water and only glared at the man.

"How did you get in?"

"Is This King that scary?"

The man and she stared at each other for a while before he finally lost his patience and asked coldly.

The man's face was clearly smiling, but there was no trace of a smile in his eyes. Moreover, it was even colder. He resembled the current emperor; they were both ice-cold characters.

"This King." Qin Luofei was even more certain that the person standing in front of her, was a prince.

"No, Your Highness is overthinking it. Your Highness should leave quickly!" Qin Luofei was so anxious that thin beads of sweat seeped out of her forehead. She was deeply afraid that the palace maids and eunuchs outside would come in, so she could only hope that the Lord would quickly disappear before her.

The man's expression immediately darkened. The corners of his lips were pursed into a stiff smile, making him appear even more terrifyingly cold. "Could it be that you like him because he's the emperor?"

Qin Luofei's complexion turned even more green. Could it be that this prince knew the owner of her body? Otherwise, he wouldn't have said such presumptuous words.

It seemed like this master was purposely looking for trouble with him. How should he answer that question?

However, he couldn't afford to offend this person either.

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