Chapter 76 - Poisoning

Imperial Consort Leng was already nine months pregnant, there was only one more month left to give birth.

The emperor was sitting on the other side of the beauty bed and was peeling grapes for the Imperial Consort Leng to eat.

"Chenqie greets the Emperor and the Emperor's Imperial Concubine."

Imperial Consort Leng's eyes were hazy, glanced at Consort Mo, and said: "Little sister, get up! How do you have the time to come to my palace? "

"I plead for the Empress to take charge. The Concubine Qin killed the female officials of the concubine Ning Palace." As Consort Mo spoke, her bright and clear eyes lovingly looked at the overlord lying on the ground. She realized that the Emperor Ming's gaze was only focused on the body of the Imperial Consort Leng, not even giving her a single glance.

Seemingly seeing her unwillingness, the corner of Imperial Consort Leng's mouth revealed a cold smile.

If she wasn't pregnant and couldn't serve the emperor, how would she be able to receive their favors? This was truly wishful thinking.

"She's just a palace maid, what's there to be surprised about. It might not have been done by Concubine Qin, let Internal Torture Division investigate properly, if not, there's still Lord Cheng." Imperial Consort Leng said indifferently as she played around with the one-inch long pill.

It was not a big deal for a palace maid to die in the palace, and looking at Concubine Qin's delicate appearance, it seemed like she could not kill anyone. However... She actually wanted to seduce the emperor, so he had to teach her a lesson.

Once he entered the Internal Torture Division, even if he could get out, his face would be ruined. He would no longer have a face in the palace, and his life would be over.

Emperor Ming peeled the purple grapes from his hands and fed them to Imperial Consort Leng. With a voice as gentle as water, he said, "Love Consort, leave this kind of small matter to the empress to handle. You just have to protect my son."

"Chenqie, got it." Imperial Consort Leng snuggled into Emperor Ming's embrace with a coquettish expression.

concubine Ning stood behind Consort Mo. He hated him so much that his teeth itched, but he could only let himself suffer. This enchanter of the Leng Family, his entire family had been annihilated, and she was becoming more and more favoured.

They all say that back then, she was the one who helped the Emperor annihilate the entire Leng Family and was even able to harm their own family.

"Leave!" Emperor Ming waved his hand impatiently.

No matter how much hatred there was in their hearts, Consort Mo and concubine Ning did not care to show it on the surface. The two of them followed the palace maid out of the hall, and the sounds of the Emperor Ming and his playing came from behind.

"Love Consort, let me kiss you."

"No, your majesty is good or bad, don't."

The delicate voice caused Consort Mo's face to tense up in anger.

It had been a long time since the emperor had looked at the brands of other concubine. He never thought that the emperor would pamper the Imperial Consort Leng so much, even though she was pregnant and couldn't sleep with him, the emperor was still infatuated with her.

"Empress?" What concubine Ning wanted was not this kind of ending. She never thought that neither the Empress nor the Imperial Consort Leng would want to get involved with this matter. Like a scalding potion, it fell into her hands.

"Do you still want to come out alive after entering the Internal Torture Division? She stole your love, and this is what happens to her? " Consort Mo snorted, her face revealing a sinister look.

concubine Ning did not seem to be able to bear it, but upon thinking about it, he decided to follow along with it.

With money, it was easy to do things, but Eunuch Qin was a trustworthy person.

"Concubine Qin, let's go! This old servant can only help you meet the Supreme Court's Senior Min. Senior Min's case is like that of a god, the rest depends on your luck. "

"Naturally." Qin Luofei pursed her lips.

Eunuch Qin brought Qin Luofei to a secluded courtyard, where Lord Min of the Supreme Court was already waiting.

The courtyard was not very large, but it was extremely exquisite. The courtyard was filled with lush green bamboo that swayed in the wind, making a rustling sound.

A man wearing a bright red official's uniform was standing under an ancient tree, gazing at it. The ancient tree was covered in light, sparkling flowers. Behind him were two armored imperial guards.

Could it be that they were afraid that he would run away?

Master Min, I have brought the Concubine Qin here. Eunuch Qin gave Qin Luofei a meaningful glance.

Master Min slowly turned around, smirked, and said lightly: "Thank you, Eunuch Qin. Eunuch Qin will temporarily stand to the side, I have a few words to ask Concubine Qin. "

Qin Luofei's eyes looked towards the legendary man. She had hidden her family's pavilion deep in her heart and had heard of the name of the Supreme Court's Shi Min Qiyu.

Beautiful like Pan An, a deep imperial pet.

Sure enough, her appearance was gorgeous, to the point that even a few girls couldn't compare to her beauty.

Her eyes sparkled like glistening pearls, her nose was like a floating gall, and she stood tall and straight. The corner of her mouth was thin like congealed oil, and her lips were curved like a butterfly's. Anyone who looked at her would feel as if she was caught within it, giving birth to an extreme desire.

"Why did you go to concubine Ning's palace?" Min Qiyu coldly swept a glance at Qin Luofei, and asked in a somewhat rude manner.

"It was the palace maid beside concubine Ning who brought me to the palace." Qin Luofei said calmly.

"Have you seen that palace maid before?"

"Never seen it before?"

"Then how can I trust you? You didn't kill anyone."

Qin Luofei smiled faintly, "Why would you ask a weak girl like Luo Fei about something that even Lord Min couldn't solve? If Luo Fei can give an answer to everything, then would Lord Min give the position of Supervising Magistrate to Luo Fei?"

"A sharp tongue. Answer my question?"

Min Qiyu said angrily.

Even under such great anger, her beauty didn't diminish in the slightest. Indeed, she was worthy of her reputation as a peerless beauty.

Qin Luofei gracefully walked to Min Qi Yu's side and said in a low voice, "Lord Min, as long as Lord Min can explain this sentence, then you can naturally give an answer, even if it means admitting your guilt."

Qin Luofei's expression did not change, and even the Eunuch Qin beside her was secretly surprised. This Qin Luofei had such big guts to dare speak to Lord Censor in such a manner, even thinking about losing his head. Lord Min was the most difficult to talk to, even the Emperor would usually give way, and even he would have to cower a little when he saw Lord Min.

"What do you mean?" Min Qiyu had never been happy with these concubines, and his tone was not friendly.

Qin Luofei tiptoed and whispered a few words into Min Qiyu's ear.

Min Qi Yu's face turned cold and said in a deep voice, "Impudent, Concubine Qin, are you provoking me?"

"Ignore the provoking lord. Lord Qiyu is not allergic, can you explain it all to the world? If not, neither could Luo Fei. Luo Fei then took her leave. Her family's life depended on Lord Min. She hoped that Lord Min would not avenge her personal grudges. Eunuch Qin, let's go! "

This case will eventually come to an end, and the people behind concubine Ning will definitely not be dealt with so easily.

Eunuch Qin took a glance at the furious Min Qi Yu, and wondered what Min Qi Yu and Concubine Qin had just said that made him angry to such an extent.

Min Qiyu was the calmest and calmest person, but he had never been so angry before. This Concubine Qin truly had a trick up her sleeve.

Qin Luofei who was following behind Eunuch Qin regained his extremely weak appearance.

"Concubine Qin, what did you say to Master Min?" After walking through the corridor, the Eunuch Qin couldn't help but ask.

Qin Luofei looked at the deep red wall with her beautiful eyes, and said indifferently: "Eunuch, Luofei was just about to ask Eunuch, who is the owner of this Eunuch? How will Eunuch report to Master what Luo Fei has done today? "

"How dare you." Eunuch Qin looked around in fear.

Qin Luofei chuckled, and said without a care: "Killed the head? Does Eunuch Qin think I would be afraid? Isn't the Eunuch Qin as clear as clear as clear water? "

Eunuch Qin looked at Qin Luofei as if he had seen a ghost.

Qin Luofei approached the Eunuch Qin in a low voice, and said lightly: "Eunuch Qin, do you know what it means to choose the best tree to live in? I have to leave a way out for myself in everything. Once Luo Fei becomes rich, Eunuch Qin will be Luo Fei's savior. Luo Fei will definitely repay this kindness. "

"Then I shall wait for the day when concubine becomes rich." Eunuch Qin smiled like an old fox.

The harem was not easy to mix with. Above it was the Empress Dowager, the empress dowager, and below them was the empress and imperial concubine.

Qin Luofei continued to be locked up in the Internal Torture Division.

Qin Luofei had not suffered much under the care of the Eunuch Qin.

"Miss, this place smells so bad!"

"Isn't it just the smell of death? "Of course it smells bad."

"Could it be that the Fourth Miss is already dead?"

Qin Luofei had already eaten the porridge and steamed buns in the prison. Just as she was bored, she heard the voices of two people coming from the entrance, followed by the voice of the Eunuch Qin.

"Concubine Qin, be careful of the stairs, this old servant will support you."

Qin Luofei slowly stood up and saw a bright and beautiful woman, supported by the maid and her husband, gracefully walk in front of her.

"Little sister, how can you be so thin?" When Qin Luoyu saw Qin Luofei standing in front of him in perfect condition, a trace of resentment flashed across his eyes. However, the words that came out of his mouth were actually extremely intimate, and he even used a kernels to wipe the corners of his eyes.

"Elder sister, you've troubled yourself to come to this kind of place to look for me." Qin Luofei displayed her dress train, not caring in the slightest about her elder sister's performance in front of her.

Qin Luoyu's eyes turned towards the Eunuch Qin as he said in a stern voice, "Eunuch Qin, this is how you treat Concubine Qin. I believe that Qin Wenju will not kill people. You have to investigate carefully, don't wrongly accuse a good person, and don't miss out on a bad person.

When she said bad people, a pair of charming eyes fell on Qin Luofei.

"Big sister, don't worry. I believe that with the Eunuch Qin's abilities, I will definitely be able to get out safely."

Qin Luoyu's slender fingers gently caressed the iron bar separating them, making his smile especially brilliant. "What little sister said is right, little sister can be rest assured, big sister will definitely ask Imperial Consort Leng to let little sister go."

Who didn't know that because of the previous time, Imperial Consort Leng and Empress were currently hating Qin Luofei in their hearts? It was one thing if he didn't ask for it, but if he did, he might even lose his life.

An old man like the Eunuch Qin had long looked after such a conflict. Those words about sisters all meant that he wanted his little sister's life.

However, who could compare to the generous person inside? Even if she didn't pay for it, he still had to protect her. Someone had already said, "If she wants to lose a hair, he shouldn't even think about living."

Who would have thought that there would be someone protecting this small concubine who had just entered the palace.

"Thank you elder sister."

Qin Luoyu's eyes did not move, and he laughed: "Today, the Emperor has flipped through my name plate, I will not chat with my sister anymore. My sister will only stay inside and enjoy her time, my sister will go back to dress up first."

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