Chapter 1015 Being used but there is no evidence

Concubine Yu looked at the suspicious looking ministers in the hall and was so angry that she wished she could sew King Pinglai's mouth shut with her own hands to relieve her hatred. She looked back at Concubine Liu Ren and sneered, "Concubine Liu Ren really gave birth to a good child." My son, King Ping Lai is getting more and more capable."

Concubine Liu Ren was oppressed by Concubine Yu from the moment she entered the palace.

 It can be said that he was bullied from a young age to an old age.

Furthermore, Concubine Liu Ren never wanted her son to look towards the prince, so now she was naturally very respectful to Concubine Yu, even trying to please her.

Seeing that Concubine Yu was pointing the finger at her, Concubine Liu Ren quickly stood up and saluted, "You are so ignorant, I am here to apologize to Concubine Yu."

Seeing this, Concubine Yu turned her head and smiled at King Pinglai.

Such naked, naked, naked ridicule was like a thorn in King Pinglai's heart, but in the face of his mother's concubine, King Pinglai could not continue to say anything.

Yunyue suddenly stood up and volunteered, "What kind of person this person is, I will know at a glance."

It happened that at this time, Fan Qingyao also stood up and said, "Princess Yunyue has a body of thousands of gold. If I don't know the medical skills, that's it. Since I do, I can't let Princess Yunyue do the work alone."

Since Yunyue took the initiative to leave the battlefield, Fan Qingyao naturally wanted to follow him.

 Because Fan Qingyao knew very well that this matter seemed to be over, but in fact it had just begun.

 The main event is yet to come.

Of course Concubine Yu didn't want Fan Qingyao to get involved, so she said, "It's just a dead man, just let Yunyue see it. All this effort is just for a dead slave, and the Crown Princess is putting the royal family's face on the line." Where?"

Empress Zhen Xi adhered to the principle that she would not speak if Concubine Yu did not speak, and she would speak if Concubine Yu did. She said, "The Crown Princess also thinks about Princess Yunyue. After all, Yunyue is also a princess born and raised by our royal family. How can I have to do such dirty work again.”

“The Queen’s words are wrong. The Crown Princess’s past life experience is indeed hard to tell, but since she has gained the Emperor’s appreciation and entered the royal family, she should always put the honor of the Royal Family at the forefront.”

"If you go by what Concubine Yu said, Yunyue is more valuable than the Crown Princess. Since Yunyue can do it, why can't the Crown Princess do it? The Emperor always said that the world is one family. We can’t favor one over the other, right?”

Concubine Yu said something, and the Empress followed her. No matter how quickly Concubine Yu reacted, she couldn't withstand the continuous bombardment of the Empress.

However, the Queen is still smiling. As a result, Concubine Yu cannot show her anger no matter how angry she is.

Here, the Empress and Concubine Yu were going back and forth, quarreling like crazy. The courtiers and family members over there were stunned and didn't dare to express their anger.

I have long heard that the Queen and Concubine Yu have many disagreements, but I didn’t expect that I would be lucky enough to see it with my own eyes today.

Princess Yunyue is the meat that fell out of Concubine Yu's belly. It is reasonable for Concubine Yu to help support the show, but to put it bluntly, the Crown Princess is just a daughter-in-law who has never married, and the Queen Mother actually stands up for her like this, He even didn't hesitate to have a fight with Concubine Yu...

Just this kind of favor makes people envious and jealous!

"Since you two are up, come and take a look." Emperor Yongchang had a headache from the noise, and looked at Fan Qingyao and Yunyue and said.

 Everyone is dead now anyway. As for how he died, Emperor Yongchang didn't care at all, as long as he didn't continue to bring out the alchemy matter.

"Daughter-in-law, I obey." Fan Qingyao nodded and followed Yunyue up.

Yunyue looked at Fan Qingyao next to her, feeling like she was being plotted but could not find any evidence.     In fact, Yunyue's thinking was not wrong. Fan Qingyao had indeed set her up.

The emperor would definitely be suspicious of this trouble. If she directly asked to inspect the body, it would only make the emperor more suspicious. That's why she specifically told Baili Fengming that she must drag Baili Rong to death. Ze.

According to Yunyue's calculation, he must take the initiative to check, so that Baili Rongze can be cleared of suspicion.

She, on the other hand, could use Yunyue to get close to the body naturally so that the scene could continue.

 The eunuch's body lay motionless on the ground. As time passed, the temperature of the body itself became cooler little by little.

Just looking at the corpse, Yun Yue frowned in disgust. She had never seen a chicken killed since she was a child, but now she had to condescend to inspect the corpse of a slave. Just thinking about it made her furious.

"If Princess Yunyue really feels uncomfortable, it's not impossible for me to take full responsibility for her." Fan Qingyao's voice suddenly sounded beside him.

Yunyue followed the sound and saw Fan Qingyao looking at her with worried eyes.

“No need, since we have already come here, let’s take a look with the Crown Princess.” Yunyue said and squatted down.

Fan Qingyao didn't say anything more and also bent his knees.

 The hall suddenly became quiet.

 Everyone is looking this way, waiting for the final result.

While Yunyue was inspecting the body, she speculated on the purpose of Fan Qingyao's words just now. It was clear that he did not want her to touch the body. In this way, could Fan Qingyao be able to frame the **** as Baili Rongze's murder? , targeting Baili Rongze?

"It seems that the Crown Princess is going to be disappointed." The smile on Yunyue's face was obviously a lot bigger, because she felt that she had guessed Fan Qingyao's thoughts, and judging from the evidence in her possession, the eunuch's There were no fatal marks on his body.

 Obviously, this matter has nothing to do with Baili Rongze.

"How can I be disappointed? I can't understand what Princess Yunyue said." Fan Qingyao wanted to deny it.

 Just a hint of loneliness flashed in his eyes, but it still couldn't escape Yunyue's eyes.

Yunyue saw it and sneered in her heart. Fan Qingyao really wanted to take the opportunity to frame him.

“How are you two doing with your investigation?” Emperor Yongchang asked.

Yunyue stood up and rushed in front of Fan Qingyao and said, "Returning to my father, I have not found any fatal wounds on this slave's body. It seems that this slave himself knew that he would not survive, so he thought about himself. Let’s face it, this person has evil intentions and actually wants to drag the third prince into trouble with his own life.”

Yunyue's words can be said to have blocked all Fan Qingyao's escape routes.

No matter how much frame-up Fan Qingyao wants to frame now, there is no 300 taels of silver here, and it may make the emperor think that Fan Qingyao and the **** are in the same group, and they also want to harm Baili Rongze.

 (End of this chapter)

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