The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 1022: You have to say thank you when you are punished

Chapter 1022: You have to say thank you when you are punished

Fan Zixiu and Fan Xuening turned around at the same time and saw a group of people walking out of the Queen's palace.

 Take a closer look again!

 Isn’t it the Queen who is walking in the front?

At this time, both Fan Zixiu and Fan Xuening could no longer stand, and they both bent down and knelt on the ground.

 "I am a humble minister and a concubine. I have seen the queen. The queen is a thousand years old."

Fan Qingyao also knelt on the ground, "My daughter-in-law bows to her mother."

Before her knees could bend completely, Queen Zhen Xi grabbed her and said with a smile, "I have said that there is no need for these complicated etiquettes on weekdays, so get up."

Fan Qingyao nodded slightly and stood beside the Queen. Then he looked at Fan Zixiu and Fan Xuening, still kneeling on the ground.

Although it was still warm in the autumn, the ground was obviously cool. The two of them knelt on the ground for only a moment, and their knees were numb from the cold.

Queen Zhen Xi had no intention of paying attention to these two people. She just looked at Fan Qingyao and said, "The Sixth Prince and his wife just left, and the two of them made a lot of noise. I am used to being clean, so I am still a little uncomfortable with it. I thought that after the couple left, they would finally be a little quieter, but I didn’t expect you to come.”

Fan Qingyao couldn't hear the implication of these words, and quickly lowered his head and said, "It's my daughter-in-law who deserves to die. She never relieves her mother's worries on weekdays, and yet she yells in front of her mother's palace without knowing the right amount. My daughter-in-law wants to I will be sentenced to fifteen years of imprisonment. I just hope that my mother can feel at ease."

 Lily, “…”

 She risked her life when she first came up, and the Crown Princess was too cruel!

The Empress pointed out Sang and scolded Huai, and she obviously meant to favor the Crown Princess. Unexpectedly, the Crown Princess actually followed Shang Gang online...

Lily knows that the Crown Princess has always been smart, but now she seems a little too smart?

Hearing this, Fan Zixiu and Fan Xuening felt their hearts tremble, especially Fan Zixiu, who was unable to kneel any longer and was about to fall headfirst to the ground.

Judging from the Queen's actions, anyone who is not blind can see how much the Queen loves Fan Qingyao, otherwise the three of them would not be standing here. Only Fan Qingyao got up, and they were still kneeling on the ground. Still sitting.

If even Fan Qingyao, who was favored by the Empress, took the initiative to ask for help, what would they do?

 Thirty boards?

 Or forty?

 The more Fan Zixiu and Fan Xuening thought about it, the more unsure they became, and their bodies began to tremble.

Queen Zhen Xi sneered, "Speaking of which, Lord Fan is also someone who has stood in the court for a long time. Why is it so difficult to kneel for a moment now? And Aunt Fan in the third prince's house is already married. The Third Prince has been around for a long time, how come he is still so lax in his rules?"

Lily immediately took over the words, "I just heard that Aunt Fan volunteered to kneel in front of the Crown Princess's door. She has a good intention, but her physical strength is not satisfactory."

Empress Zhen Xi paused and said, "How long have you been kneeling now? She looks like she is dying. If she knelt down outside the door of the Crown Princess and passed out, people who don't know would think that the Crown Princess was being harsh." Where is my aunt?"

Facing the Empress, Fan Xuening thought of the scene when she was still Yunying, and was ridiculed by the Empress in the cold palace. Now that the past collided with reality, cold sweat broke out on Fan Xuening's forehead, "Queen, please calm down, concubine." I just hope that my sister can resolve the gap between her and my grandfather.”

 At this point, are you still showing off your prowess?

Empress Zhen Xi didn't even raise her eyes and said expressionlessly, "I think Aunt Fan also heard what the Crown Princess said just now. Since the Crown Princess took the initiative to ask for fifteen punishments, you and Lord Fan will naturally be punished together. If you follow Aunt Fan's words, will you also accept Master Fan's punishment?"

 Fan Xuening, “…”

"Queen, forgive me, forgive me..." Fan Xuening suddenly kowtowed to the ground, not mentioning anything about helping Fan Zixiu to be tortured.

Empress Zhen Xi smiled coldly, then looked at Fan Zixiu and said, "In this case, Master Fan may have to bear the consequences of this." The layer of hypocrisy on Fan Xuening's face was torn off and thrown to the ground, and also thrown in front of Fan Zixiu.

Such an obvious move, Fan Zixiu could see it even if he was blind.

Fan Xuening knew that if she wanted to continue to be more filial than Fan Qingyao in front of her grandfather, she should step forward at this time.

But it’s hard to guess what the Queen is thinking. Who knows whether the Queen wants to scare her or really wants to make a move?

If the Queen is really punished, how will she bear it?

  Even if each person had fifteen boards, she would still have thirty points.

  Thirty big boards…

 She was afraid that her entire lower back would be a **** mess!

Fan Zixiu glanced at Fan Xuening beside him. The temperature in his eyes cooled down a bit. He lowered his head and said, "I accidentally disturbed the Queen. I am willing to accept it no matter how the Queen punishes me. I only hope that the Queen can calm down." ”

These words seem to be asking for forgiveness, but in fact they imply that the Queen has a bad temper. If the Queen is really punished, I am afraid that soon there will be rumors in the palace that the Queen cannot tolerate the ministers of the court.

Queen Zhen Xi naturally would not fall for this trick. She looked at Fan Qingyao beside her and asked, "What do you think, the Crown Princess?"

Fan Qingyao couldn't see Fan Zixiu's intention, so he thought for a moment and said, "My daughter-in-law thinks that since Master Fan already knows his fault, it's better to give him a lighter punishment. How can my daughter-in-law bear to be punished really severely when she knows that her mother is considerate?"

With these words, the queen was cleared up in an instant.

Queen Zhen Xi nodded and said, "Since the Crown Princess intercedes for you two, I will not really beat you to pieces in the palace. However, serious crimes can be exempted, but misdemeanors will still be punished. …”

As Queen Zhen Xi spoke, she frowned and looked embarrassed.

Fan Qingyao caught the words and said, "From my daughter-in-law's point of view, why not punish Master Fan and Aunt Fan to kneel here for an hour. This will also serve as a warning to others not to make loud noises in front of the Queen's house in the future."

Empress Zhen Xi seemed to agree with this proposal. She looked at the two people kneeling on the ground and said, "The Crown Princess is interceding for you, so let's do this."

Lily said quickly, "Master Fan, Aunt Fan, why don't you thank the Crown Princess quickly?"

 Fan Zixiu, “…”

 Fan Xuening, “…”

What's this?

  It is heartbreaking to kill people!

The whole thing seemed to be caused by Fan Qingyao begging for mercy, but just now it was Fan Qingyao who said he was the one holding the board, now he made them kneel here for an hour, which broke their legs, and then gave them What's the difference between asking them to be grateful if they have a crutch?

Fan Xuening's face turned pale, but she could only say, "I thank the Crown Princess."

Even though Fan Zixiu was so angry that he wanted to pass out several times, he still gritted his teeth and said, "Wei Chen... thank the Crown Princess."

Empress Zhen Xi smiled and nodded. Instead of ordering the palace people to stay here, she led everyone back to the palace, holding Fan Qingyao's hand.

 (End of this chapter)

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