Chapter 1028 Yuan Yue is injured

Fan Qingyao didn’t react when she first heard the Empress said this, but soon she understood, “What does the Empress mean, Concubine Yu, actually doesn’t want anything bad to happen to the children than we do?”

Queen Zhen Xi nodded and said, "This is natural. Today we are hosting a banquet on Concubine Yu's property. No matter what damage the children have, how can Concubine Yu escape the consequences?"

 Han Jingchen, “…”

 When she said this, she didn’t understand even more.

Fan Qingyao also frowned, obviously confused, "If that's the case, why does the Emperor insist on holding a banquet at Concubine Yu's place? Doesn't the Emperor want to..."

“Your Majesty, you always spend a lot of time thinking about something before doing something. Once you decide on something, you won’t look back easily.”

Empress Zhen Xi’s words were just nice to say, and you can tell if you listen carefully, they are completely implying that the emperor is suspicious, selfish and addicted, and will not hesitate to use all means for his own benefit.

The word beast was scolded directly.

Of course Fan Qingyao also understood the emperor's nature, and it was precisely because of this that he was completely entangled. If the emperor really wanted to prompt Baili Rongze to kidnap the child to make elixirs, no matter where the banquet was held, it should not be held at Concubine Yu. at.

Just now she only thought that Concubine Yu would keep an eye on them, but she forgot that if something happened to the child, Concubine Yu would not be able to escape the blame.

But the emperor hosted a banquet at Concubine Yu’s side.

 What do you want to do?

The emperor has no intention of giving up alchemy, and he has also given up his children to Concubine Yu. What does this mean?

It was about to go to the banquet, but all the ideas were overturned. This feeling was really uncomfortable, and Fan Qingyao's brows did not relax.

"Today's things are indeed strange. Even I haven't figured out the reason yet, so I asked you to cheer up. Today's banquet is a tough battle." Empress Zhen Xi warned.

"My daughter-in-law understands." Fan Qingyao nodded and tried his best to calm down. Since he couldn't think of a clue, he might as well just let it go and take a look.

It is better to have a bright future than to be stuck in the dark.

 At least there is a way to survive.

"Ohh Ohh ohh…"

 Suddenly, there were bursts of crying and howling sounds coming from the other side of the bed.

Queen Zhen Xi quickly stood up and walked over, followed by Fan Qingyao and Han Jingchen. When they reached the bed, they saw that the back of Yuan Yue's hand was red and swollen, and the little person was crying heartbrokenly.

Fan Qingyao quickly picked up Yuanyue and told the palace attendants outside, "Get a basin of cold water. The cooler the better."

"What's going on?" Queen Zhenxi asked looking at Lily and the palace maid kneeling on the ground.

Seeing the Queen's arrival, Lily also knelt on the ground, "It was all due to the slave's negligence that Princess Yuanyue knocked over the tea tray and burned her hand."

The little palace maid who was kneeling on the ground trembled when she heard this and lowered her head.

Han Jingchen looked at the palace maid, a trace of suspicion flashed in her eyes. They were sitting outside and did not hear Lily summoning people to come in and serve tea. It was obviously the palace lady who made her own decision, so why should Lily help her with the matter now?

Queen Zhen Xi's reaction was naturally faster than that of Yan Hanbai. She looked at the little palace maid and said, "You innocently put the tea cup where the little masters can get it. Do you know your guilt?"

The little palace maid trembled, kowtowed quickly and said, "I know your sin."

"Come here, drag this clumsy slave out and torture him in the courtyard!" Queen Zhenxi had a cold face, and her aura alone made people dare not look at her.

Of course Empress Zhenxi knew Lily's intentions. The palace was no better than being in the palace. Most of the palace residents had no masters to control them all year round and were very wild.

 Instead of imposing severe punishments on certain things, it is better to impose small favors. This can be regarded as taking the opportunity to develop new confidants, and it can also show those who have become confidants how kind she is.

 But when it comes to January, Queen Zhenxi must not be careless. If she is not severely punished today, these slaves may do some careless things in the future.

Seeing that the Queen had made a decision, Lily lowered her head and said nothing more. She waited until the little palace maid was dragged into the courtyard and beaten up, then she stood up and silently walked to the Queen's side.

 After all this trouble, it was almost time to go to Concubine Yu's place for a banquet. Fortunately, Yuan Yue's injury was not serious. After Fan Qingyao simply applied ice, the swelling had obviously subsided, but the pain was still there.

"How about your daughter-in-law go back first and get the medicine box?" Fan Qingyao suggested.

"It's better to be late for the banquet today, otherwise Concubine Yu may be trying to catch some excuses." Empress Zhen Xi frowned, and then told Lily, "You stay with Yuan Yue for the time being. After the imperial doctor diagnoses and treats her, everything is fine, and then I will take Yuanyue to the banquet."

Lily nodded and said, "I understand."

Empress Zhen Xi asked the palace staff to send the imperial doctor again. After everything was done, she took Fan Qingyao and Han Jingchen out of the courtyard.

The palace where Concubine Yu lives is much higher than where the Empress lives. Fan Qingyao followed the Empress for about two quarters of an hour before arriving. At this time, the courtyard was already filled with many people, all of whom were the maids who came with the concubines and princes, because Fan Qingyao did not bring anyone close to him this time, and in addition, Lily was beside the empress. They are taking care of Yuanyue again, but now in this scene, they seem to be alone.

 “The slaves come to see the queen, the crown prince, and the sixth prince’s concubine.”

Accompanied by the greetings from the palace people in the courtyard, Fan Qingyao followed the Queen towards the house, but just before entering the door, a crisp banging sound suddenly exploded.

 “There’s a rush…”

It turns out that the little palace maid was nervous or something, and she broke the tea cup in her hand.

 “This slave deserves to die for his crime, his crime deserves to die for ten thousand things…” The little palace maid knelt on the ground and kowtowed repeatedly.

It was naturally impossible for Queen Zhen Xi to deal with people in Concubine Yu's territory. She didn't even bother to pay attention to the maid, and continued walking inside with Fan Qingyao and Han Jingchen.

The little palace maid saw that the Queen had no intention of blaming herself, so she quickly got up and ran away secretly.

Fan Qingyao frowned as he watched this scene.

Whether Concubine Yu deliberately wanted to scare the Queen, or the little palace maid was really unintentional, if she made a mistake, someone would always come forward to reprimand and punish her.

Otherwise, wouldn’t it seem that Concubine Yu doesn’t know how to train her servants?

Unfortunately, no one came forward from the time the teacup was broken to the time when the maid left.

 This is strange.

 “What’s wrong?” Han Jingchen asked softly.

"It's okay." Fan Qingyao shook his head and continued to follow the empress.

 I hope she is overthinking it.

As a few people entered the door, the originally lively atmosphere suddenly fell silent, and everyone stood up to salute and say goodbye.

Empress Zhen Xi waved her hands and said, "The Emperor said that today is a family banquet. All sisters and princesses, please get up. There is no need to be so formal."

Concubine Yu stood up with the support of Grandma Ying. She looked at the Queen and said, "The Queen is really busy. She even came late to the family banquet. But it's not too late to come here. We are here." I just talked about the Queen, and the Queen is here."

Fan Qingyao frowned, Concubine Yu really did not miss any opportunity to find fault. These words were clearly talking about the late arrival of the Queen, which broke the originally harmonious atmosphere in the room.

Such words may seem harmless, but they are extremely offensive.

I remember that in the last life, when Fan Qingyao was the daughter-in-law of Concubine Yu, she was often ridiculed in a roundabout way by Concubine Yu. At that time, Fan Qingyao naively complained to Baili Rongze, but in the end he was scolded by Baili Rongze. Fan.

Later on, Fan Qingyao learned to be patient, and Concubine Yu also became more and more aggressive.

"Princess Yuanyue accidentally burned her hand with the hot tea, so she came a little late. I hope my sister and the princesses don't mind." Empress Zhen Xi said calmly, without any trace of anger on her face.

 Once such words came out, not to mention the concubines present, even the princes and concubines did not dare to say a word.

 Just kidding, who dares to complain in front of the Queen?

 Don’t you want to live anymore?

Empress Zhen Xi paused and said, "This palace is not as good as staying in the imperial palace. Like all of you, I am here temporarily. When I return to the main city, I will definitely send someone to send small gifts to the princes and concubines. It can be regarded as my own. The palace’s thoughts.”

No matter what the Queen has given, it represents the honor bestowed by the Queen, and all the princes and concubines present want it.

 As the saying goes, you have short hands.

Since I have taken the Queen’s things, I naturally don’t dare to complain anymore.

This method is really not enough even if you don’t accept it!

"Princess Yuanyue's injury is not a trivial matter, and it is reasonable for the mother to delay."

"My daughter-in-law has long heard that the Queen Mother takes great care of Princess Yuanyue. Now that Princess Yuanyue is injured, the Queen Mother must be very heartbroken, but she still comes to eat and drink with us. It is our fault."

 “The great love in my mother’s heart is something we can never match.”

Just in an instant, all the winds turned to the Queen's side.

Concubine Yu was really angry when she saw it. She had a cold face, not to mention how ugly it was.

 (End of this chapter)

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