Chapter 103 The backbone of the family

 Baili Rongze, who was still recovering from his illness on the bed, was in a good mood.

As long as the Hua family is still there, Fan Qingyao will still be there.

 When he thought of that wonderful man, he didn't even feel the pain in his chest.

Looking at the gloomy mother-in-law, Baili Rongze persuaded softly, "Even if the Hua family is still alive, what kind of trouble will it cause? If the mother-in-law is really worried, it is better to take this opportunity to show some respect to the Hua family. Well, let the Hua family be grateful to the mother-in-law, so that even if the Hua family can really turn around, they may become my staff. "

Concubine Yu frowned, looked at her son and said sternly, "Since you bumped into that sword, it is impossible for the Hua family and you to do anything. Moreover, the Hua family is now a guilty minister, and I will never do it." I am willing to bow my head and show my kindness!”

This time King Rui followed her order and went to the Hua family, but the Hua family drove King Rui crazy. Whose face is this slapping?

She wanted to tear off a piece of flesh from such a bold Hua family to satisfy her hatred!

Baili Rongze was silent for a moment, and then asked tentatively, "What if, when I reach the right age, my son marries a girl from the Hua family as his concubine?"

After hearing this, Concubine Yu stood up from her chair and angrily said, "I have made up my mind about choosing a concubine. Don't even think about the girls from the Hua family! Especially that Fan Qingyao!"

It is true that Fan Qingyao is capable, but it is precisely because of this that she cannot agree.

Her daughter-in-law must listen to her so that she can continue to plan for her son's future.

 Baili Rongze didn't expect his mother-in-law to refuse so cleanly and decisively. He felt depressed and uncomfortable in his heart, so he simply turned his head and closed his eyes.

Concubine Yu has a terrible headache now and has no time to pay attention to her son's temper.

Although she didn’t know exactly who attacked King Rui, she was certain that this person must be from the Hua family.

The fatal thing is that she secretly asked King Rui to go to Hua's house. If this matter breaks out, it will be impossible to explain why King Rui appears in Hua's house in the first place.

The more Concubine Yu thought about it, the more headache she got, and her eyes gradually became more sinister.

The matter of King Rui must not be let go. If she swallows this mute, wouldn't it mean that the Hua family is allowed to run wild?

After thinking about it, Concubine Yu looked at Aunt Ying next to her and said, "Go to Prince Rui's Mansion and tell me that I am worried about Prince Rui's health and ask Prince Xiao to come and sit with you."

 The night is getting darker.

 The lights in the main courtyard of the Hua Family have been extinguished.

The lanterns in Mingyueyuan were also extinguished, but the candles in the room were always lit.

Mother Xu quietly opened the curtain and walked in, "Little miss, the old lady and the master have already rested."

Fan Qingyao was busy preparing the medicinal materials in his hands, "Did Grandma notice something?"

"The master was a little suspicious when he came back, but the old lady dismissed him with a few words."

Fan Qingyao nodded, then took all the medicinal materials and went to the west wing.

 The room was filled with medicinal gas, and Ningtian and Langya were lying on the bed and soft couch respectively.

  Although both people had bandaged their wounds, there was still blood slowly seeping out.

Ning Han was running back and forth to take care of the two of them, while Hua Yuelian, who was not sleepy, was cooking medicine on the side.

Hua Yuelian and Fan Qingyao have lived outside for so many years, and they don’t have such a rigid view of master and servant.

 Besides, the people in Mingyue Courtyard have always had a good relationship with her, and today they almost died tragically on the spot to protect her and her mother. She didn't treat them as outsiders, so now she has to do her part.

Fan Qingyao knew what his mother was thinking and didn't ask too much. He walked to Ningtian's bed and sat down. After putting down the bed curtain, he unbuttoned her clothes.

The soft cloth that had just been bandaged had already been soaked with blood. Fan Qingyao slowly took off the white cloth and saw the criss-crossing wounds on Ningtian's back again.

Fan Qingyao had already seen Ningtian's wounds, but even though he was prepared, his heart still didn't hurt.

 The same is true, and she will regret it.

 I regret that I should have slashed King Rui a few more times. Taking out the silver needle and catgut, Fan Qingyao collected his thoughts and said softly, "It won't work without sewing, so bear with it."

Ningtian nodded silently.

Fan Qingyao sprinkled the prepared anesthetic on the hideous wound, and then quickly pinched the wound behind Ningtian, quickly pierced it with a silver needle, and then passed the catgut through it and tightened it.

There were too many wounds on Ningtian’s back. No matter how fast she moved, it still took half an hour.

After finishing everything, Fan Qingyao looked at Ningtian and realized that the girl was crying so hard that she was biting her pillow and would rather die than make a sound.

 In my memory, when Ningtian was learning martial arts from his family, he never shed a single tear even if he fell or bumped.

Fan Qingyao stood up and squatted in front of Ningtian, his voice was very soft, "Are you afraid?"

Ningtian bit her pillow and shook her head. After a long while, she said, "Miss, am I useless?"

 It turns out that she blamed herself.

Fan Qingyao's heart ached again, densely.

He slowly raised his hand and touched Ningtian's tear-stained cheek, but he smiled, "You are very powerful, as powerful as Langya. If it weren't for you today, the Hua family would really be gone. Ningtian, There is no need to blame yourself, and don’t be afraid of not being strong enough. We will become stronger together. This road is full of bumps and thorns, but we have promised to advance and retreat together, and share weal and woe, right?”

Ningtian cried again, crying heartbreakingly but not forgetting to nod crazily.

Even Ning Han who was standing aside started crying.

 They must become stronger, otherwise they will all be sorry for such a good young lady.

Fan Qingyao touched Ningtian's head again, and then said to Ninghan, "Wipe your tears quickly. I'm afraid mother's medicine is better. Send it to Aunt He quietly. Don't disturb grandma and grandmother." Grandfather.”

Ninghan hurriedly wiped her tears, choked and went to deliver the medicine.

The Hua family was in such a commotion today that it was not until the end that everyone saw Grandma He in the kitchen at the back.

 It turned out that Grandma He, who was suffering, heard the noise in the yard and wanted to get up in a hurry, but immediately passed out.

Fan Qingyao stood up again and walked to Langya's soft couch and squatted down.

 Compared to Ningtian, his injuries were more serious, even the right leg bone was exposed.

Langya didn't cry while the lady was treating his wounds. He just remained silent for a long time before stubbornly speaking, "I will become stronger, even stronger!"

Fan Qingyao smiled and nodded, "Of course, you are all my favorites, so naturally you are the best."

 The originally dull atmosphere in the room suddenly became alive, as if everyone had grown up from sadness.

  Although they were still crying, their eyes were filled with tenacious and determined light.

Hua Yuelian was really surprised as she sat in it and felt this change.

 No wonder my mother has always believed in Yue Yaer so firmly, and even my father left the Hua family to Yue Yaer.

It turned out that they had long seen the spirit of a master in Yue Yaershang.

so now…

Fan Qingyao is the backbone of the entire Hua family!

 (End of this chapter)

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