The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 1032: It was the Crown Princess who ordered it

 Chapter 1032 was ordered by the Crown Princess

Concubine Pan De was almost crying now, so she opened her mouth and said, "Who in this palace doesn't know that the crown prince has always been at odds with the third prince's concubine? First it was my niece, and now it is my niece. Yes, Pan'er is pampered by the family. It's a bit arrogant, but there's no reason for the Crown Princess to kill her so hard!"

Han Jingchen and others were confused when they heard this. Although they believed Fan Qingyao, Pan Defei's words left them unable to refute.

 Let alone the crown princess, even they looked down upon the third prince's concubine.

Concubine Zhang Shu stood up at this time, looked at Concubine Pan De and said, "If a person looks down on Concubine Pan De's niece, it may be that person's problem, but if all the sisters-in-law have a bad relationship with Concubine Pan De's niece, Concubine Pan De will still have to Looking for problems with my niece.”

Concubine Pan Defi glared at Concubine Zhang Shu, "Concubine Zhang Shu is saying these things now, but is it obvious that she is laughing at me?"

Concubine Zhang Shu ignored Concubine Pan De and just said to the Queen, "The Crown Princess is smart and tolerant of all rivers. Even if there is any disagreement with the third prince, she will tolerate it. How could she do it in broad daylight?" Such a stupid thing?"

Concubine Pan De was almost angry to death, "Everyone is going to die, how can this be a stupid thing!"

Concubine Zhang Shu said calmly, "The Crown Princess is the only official wife of our Xiliang Crown Prince. Not to mention she has passed the marriage in the future, even if she has not married now, she is still more than a head taller than the third prince's concubine. The third prince's concubine is a little louder, but That’s all, who would ruin their bright future for someone like that?”

 Who is that kind of person?

 He is naturally a villain who is stupid and unaware of himself, and has no threatening power.

Pan De Fei had a lump in her throat and almost spit out a mouthful of blood on the spot.

Empress Zhen Xi lowered her eyes and glanced at Concubine Pan De, "When doing things, you must pay attention to regulations, and when you speak, you must pay attention to evidence. Concubine Pan De, you are also an old man in the palace. You are talking so much nonsense, are you not afraid of losing face in front of younger people?"

Concubine Yu said, "I don't believe it myself, but everything is said by the palace maid herself. I will ask someone to bring the palace maid here."

At the same time as he finished speaking, he saw Yunyue and several palace attendants pressing the palace maid up.

As soon as Yunyue entered the door, she hurried towards Fan Qingyao and said with a helpless and worried look, "Although I don't know what is going on between the Crown Princess and the third prince's concubine, the Crown Princess cannot be so confused no matter what. What should I do now?"

"Before the matter was found out, Princess Yunyue concluded that I was the one who did it. Did Princess Yunyue know something in advance?" Fan Qingyao looked at Yunyue coldly, really too lazy to make excuses with her.

Yunyue kicked the steel plate with her kick, and she could only walk aside in displeasure. She wanted to see how long Fan Qingyao could continue to be arrogant.

At this time, the palace maid had been **** by Wu Hua Da, and was pushed to the ground by the palace servants. Before anyone else could ask, she took the initiative to look at Fan Qingyao and said, "This servant is working for the Crown Princess sincerely. Princess But you must not leave your servant alone!”

Empress Zhen Xi took over the words, looked at the palace servants and said, "The palace servants in the Crown Princess's courtyard are all sent by me. I will know if you are a person in the Crown Princess's courtyard after checking. ”

The maid quickly looked at the Queen and said, "This slave is not serving the Crown Princess, but has been serving Concubine Yu in the palace. The slave sprained her foot when she went out a few days ago, and happened to meet the Crown Princess to rescue her. I have always been grateful, but I didn’t expect that the Crown Princess suddenly sent someone to ask my servant to help me with something last night.”

Concubine Yu asked, "What's going on?" "The Crown Princess's people found the slave and said that they heard that the emperor asked Concubine Yu to help with the banquet, so they wanted to ask the slave to help assassinate the third prince's concubine..."

As soon as she mentioned the third prince's concubine, Concubine Yu's pupils trembled violently. She looked at the palace maid who didn't come back to her senses for a long time. After a while, she gritted her teeth and said, "Keep talking!"

"This slave is afraid, but, the Crown Princess said that as long as the matter is completed, she will definitely bring this slave back to the main city with her..." The palace maid lowered her head and said, as if she was really being taken care of. It seemed like he did it under duress.

Concubine Pan De angrily slapped the palace maid on the face, "How brave you are! Aren't you afraid that things will fall apart and the Crown Princess won't be able to protect you?"

The palace maid lay on the ground and said weakly, "The Crown Princess told the slaves not to panic. She said that this matter is considered to be handled by the Queen. As long as something happens to the third prince and Concubine Yu, Concubine Yu will naturally not be able to escape." If there is a relationship, even the queen will not leave the servant alone. "

 What a big **** basin!

The princes and concubines naturally did not believe that the queen would do such a thing, but now that the palace maid was the best witness, how could they be allowed to speak out in defense?

Hearing this, the other concubines were also stunned and speechless.

Concubine Yu turned to look at the Empress, and said with surprise and disbelief, "I naturally believe in the Empress, but now that this matter has happened, it is not up to me to have the final say. According to my concubine, I , it’s better to have this person under strict guard until the emperor personally interrogates him.”

This is to bring the matter to the attention of the Emperor.

Once Concubine Yu really suppresses the person, it is extremely likely that the palace lady will be silenced. By then, she will die without any evidence. By then, neither the Queen nor Fan Qingyao will be able to remove this **** basin.

With things developing like this, Empress Zhen Xi had already started to think about it. She looked at Concubine Yu's eloquent expression coldly, and felt a twinge in her heart.


I don’t know how many times Concubine Yu used this method to confuse right and wrong in front of the Emperor, and finally caused her to drift away from the Emperor. Now she actually wants to relive the past?

Fan Qingyao looked at the empress's slightly trembling arms under her sleeves and knew that the empress was losing her cool. Everyone has a hidden scar, and when the scar is torn open, no one can avoid being impulsive.

 I am afraid that Concubine Yu wants to make the Queen lose her cool.

Of course Fan Qingyao couldn't watch the Queen fall into the trap, so he looked at the palace maid and asked, "Since you said I asked you to assassinate her, then tell me how I arranged for you to assassinate the third prince's concubine?"

The palace maid looked at Fan Qingyao and said, "The Crown Princess asked the servant to prepare a cup of tea in advance and wait in the courtyard. Seeing the Crown Princess coming, she deliberately broke the tea cup. If the Crown Princess didn't stop her, let the servant find an opportunity." assassinate."

Fan Qingyao felt that there was something wrong with the scene in the yard just now. He didn't expect that it was for this moment. It had to be said that it was really a carefully planned plan.

  "What else can the Crown Princess have to say when she has gained both the stolen goods and the spoils?" Pan De Fei glared at Fan Qingyao, wishing she could rush over and slap Fan Qingyao in the same slap to relieve her hatred.

 (End of this chapter)

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