Chapter 122 Robbery of people’s horses

The advancing horses were forced to stop, and Fan Qingyao subconsciously turned his head.

There was a white horse parked next to him. The man on the horse had a handsome face and a familiarity that Fan Qingyao could not resist.

Especially those dark eyes, which seem to be able to tolerate everything, but also seem to be resisting everything.

The moment Fan Qingyao saw Baili Fengming, a flash of surprise flashed across his eyes, and then he understood.

She got off her horse, bowed politely and thanked her, "I'd like to thank Your Highness for today's affairs."

Whether it was the soldiers at the city gate who opened the way or the official who just let her go on his own initiative, it showed that someone had taken care of everything secretly for her.

Originally, she thought of him, but when she actually saw him, the debt only increased.

 Since you have decided to draw a clear line, why continue to be entangled?

 She really didn't want to owe him anything.

 Afraid of not being able to pay it back.

Fan Qingyao finished speaking for a while, but did not wait for any response.

 In the silence, the white hand stretched out in front of her eyes again.

Fan Qingyao looked up blankly and saw him frowning and saying, "Get on your horse, I'll take you back."

Fan Qingyao didn't even think about it and subconsciously refused, "There is no need to bother Your Highness, a daughter of the people..."

Baili Fengming's eyes dimmed, and his voice lost its warmth as before, "Is this how you plan to go back?"

Fan Qingyao followed his gaze and looked down, only to find that there were traces of blood seeping into his pants, which had already reached his ankles.

 The insides of both legs were burning with pain. It seemed that the old wounds from the horse riding trip to Youzhou had reopened.

Fan Qingyao didn't care about the pain. Compared with what he had endured before, this injury was too insignificant.

 But it’s true that she doesn’t want her family to worry, especially her mother.

But despite this, when she looked at the handsome young man on the horse again, she still refused, "Thank you, Your Highness, for reminding me, the daughter of the people has her own way..."

 She kept saying "people's daughter" one after another, obviously resisting her identity as the county head.

Baili Fengming seemed to have expected that she would refuse. He didn't even wait for her to finish her words before he put his hand to his lips.

 “㘗—!” A sweet and clear whistle suddenly sounded.

Immediately afterwards, there was a rapid sound of horse hooves from a distance.

Shaoxuan rode up on horseback. When he looked at Fan Qingyao, his face was full of guilt. He just wanted to write two big words "Sorry" on his forehead.

 And how guilty he looked on his face, how panicked he felt in his heart.

 Don’t be surprised if Miss Qingyao is safe. This matter today was ordered by His Highness the Crown Prince. This subordinate is just following orders until he dies. I hope Miss Qingyao will be merciful...

After a long period of thoughts in his heart, Shaoxuan grabbed the reins of Fan Qingyao's horse and ran towards the city gate first. Not only did he take Fan Qingyao's horse with him, Kidnapped.

Lin Yi, who was waiting near the city gate, saw Shaoxuan's expression on the verge of crying with fright, and couldn't help but sneer, "Prince and young master, let's take a look at your potential."

Shaoxuan fired back, "You are also a father who has not become an emperor. What are you talking about?"

The prince dared to blatantly do so because he had a father who was an emperor, and Miss Qingyao would always be wary of it no matter what.

 But look at them again...

 Is it hairy?

 Not a single one!

Lin Yi didn’t understand, “What does robbing a horse have to do with asking the emperor to be his father?”

Shaoxuan looked like a fool, "You will know when the grass on your grave grows three meters high next year."


With Miss Qingyao’s ability, I’m afraid the grass on his grave will be at least six meters high next year.

Fan Qingyao didn't expect that his horse would be robbed as soon as he said it was going to be robbed, and he was a little stunned for a moment.

 In broad daylight, people’s horses were robbed…

Is this definitely something the prince can do?

Baili Fengming, on the other hand, drove his horse forward, leaned over slightly and stretched out his arms to wrap around her waist.

 The waist tightened and the body flew into the air.

By the time Fan Qingyao reacted again, everyone was already sitting sideways in front of Baili Fengming.

Fan Qingyao was really annoyed, "Why does His Highness the Crown Prince need to buy and sell with such force?"

Baili Fengming didn't seem to notice her anger, lowered his eyes slightly, looked at her with burning eyes and said, "Ayao, I followed you and rejected me, but I never remembered that I promised you to keep you away from me, maybe You don’t know me, I’m not that easy to talk to.”

Fan Qingyao frowned, "After all, it's a different path. Why is it necessary for Your Highness to do this?"

Baili Fengming said, "Even if we take different paths, we all have the same destination."

Fan Qingyao said, “If we want to achieve the same goal, we can only cooperate.”

 This time the Hua family was defeated, and the man on the dragon throne was the first to blame.

  She was filled with hatred, wishing that that person would not end well.

 And he is not only that person's son, but also the prince of the East Palace.

As long as she could help him sit in that chair, everything she wanted would be available to her.

The Hua family rises, my grandfather becomes famous, and the grievances of my uncles and elder brothers are washed away...

Baili Fengming stared into her eyes and nodded without hesitation, "Okay."

Fan Qingyao was stunned. He answered so readily?

 “Do you know what it means to work with me?”

With his intelligence, how could he not detect her intentions.

Eager for quick success and instant gain will only lead to enemies with brothers, or even with the person sitting on the chair.

Baili Fengming smiled.

 He, the prince, is just a compensation.

 Originally, he should have had a younger brother or younger sister. It was Concubine Yu who framed her mother for premature birth.

Concubine Yu just cried, and her father gave up on the matter.

 The mother lost her child and was never able to have another child.

He will always remember how painful and heartbreaking it was when the queen mother, who was covered in blood, took her father's hand.

He could not forget his father's evasive words that deliberately favored Concubine Yu. He was so cruel and ruthless.

 That night, my father even went to see Concubine Yu.

Just because someone from Yueyu Palace came to spread the news, it was said that Concubine Yu had trouble sleeping and eating due to self-blame.

 The Queen Mother looked at her father's back resolutely. Something collapsed, and something also lost its warmth.

He just remembered that the Queen Mother held his hand and said word by word, "The Queen Mother will definitely protect you!"

That look in his eyes was firm and decisive that he had never seen before.

So for many years to come, he cooperated with his mother so that his father would always remember his mother’s lost child.

 What’s funny is that in the end, my father didn’t feel guilty, but was afraid.

 He was afraid that the child would seek his life, and he was even more afraid that the child's death would shorten his life.

 So before he was even a hairpin, his father made him the crown prince in order to make up for the partial seal.

The so-called Prince of the East Palace sounds nice, but in fact he is just a puppet controlled by his father.

 There are no brothers under the imperial power, how can there be a father and son above the imperial power?

He wanted to just go with the flow in this boring fight, but her appearance made him understand that only by sitting on that chair could he get what he wanted and what she wanted.

“It’s always better to fight and fight than to live in silence.”

 Fan Qingyao, “…”

This confidence is truly natural.

 Who wants to get that chair and doesn’t spend half his life?

  Going forward is a mountain of knives, and going backward is a sea of ​​fire. As long as you aim at that chair, no matter how you go, you will have a narrow escape.

 Looking at the young man next to her, he could speak so calmly.

“Your Highness, are you not afraid that I will take advantage of you?”

"Being used by others is also a value. Besides, you and I have the same goal now."

Baili Fengming knew her too well.

 So he knew very well that cooperation was the only chance he had to get close to her now.

"The person on the Dragon Throne will die, and Concubine Yu will not die well. Except for the third prince, who will live a life worse than death, everyone who stands in front of me will probably die badly. In this case, His Highness the Crown Prince is still willing to cooperate with me?"

 If the emperor is an accomplice in the Hua family incident, then Concubine Yu is the culprit.

 The death of King Rui is just a warning to Concubine Yu and even the Fan family.

 She will pay back the hatred in her previous life and the hatred in this life with even greater intensity.

"Your Highness the Crown Prince should understand that I have never been a soft-hearted person."

Fan Qingyao is really not shameless enough to use other people's emotions to achieve her own goals, so she is now putting everything she wants on the table.

Others would not even dare to think about such a rebellious thing, but she dared to say it so directly.

 In her last life, she supported an emperor to ascend the throne.

In this life, she can do it as long as she wants.

Baili Fengming curled her lips silently, "As long as it's what you want."

Fan Qingyao didn’t expect that he would agree so happily.

 He didn't even ask why she was so hostile to the third prince.

This man…

If this is a kind of pampering, then she has to admit that she is really moved by it.

As he was about to reach the city gate, Fan Qingyao retracted himself into Baili Fengming's cloak.

“Taxue has almost recovered. If anything happens in the future, you can ask Chiwu to come directly to Taxue.”

This time she did not call His Royal Highness the Crown Prince again. It was obviously a collaboration.

Baili Fengming smiled softly and gently rested his chin on her head.

 He could let her do whatever she wanted, but he would never allow her to leave his side again.

 Just like it used to be...

 She completely left him and became a stranger to him.

Even though he tried his best to come, he was still a step too late...

No one dared to stop the prince's horse. The soldiers guarding the city knelt on the ground in advance, not even daring to raise their heads.

 In half an hour, Baili Fengming sent the person to the back door of the western suburbs.

 Watching her turn over and dismount, he spoke again, "Today at noon, General Dou's family and Li Xin were sent to the government office."

Fan Qingyao smiled after hearing this, "They really dare to think about it."

She had known for a long time that the Dou family would not give up and the eldest daughter-in-law Ling Wei would not really remain a widow for her uncle.

I just don’t want the Dou family to be so impatient. My uncles are being exiled, and Lishu is ready for the latter.

 In this case, she no longer needs to show mercy.

 (End of this chapter)

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