Chapter 124 The Dou family comes to make trouble

The last time Mrs. Dou made a big fuss in front of Hua's house, it has long been known to everyone. Fan Qingyao sent people to Dou's house, but the people in the main city didn't know about it.

 The Dou family also felt it was embarrassing, so they covered up the matter.

But what happened today is that everyone in the Hua family is making trouble, and even if the Dou family grows a hundred hands, they won't be able to cover it up.

While the people in the main city were watching the excitement, they also kept talking and asking you, the Dou family, to rush to the Hua family and step on it. Now, okay, the Hua family just ignores you, the Dou family. Okay, this time you Dou family don't have to make a fuss, because no matter how you make trouble with the Hua Family, you will treat it as if the Dou Family no longer exists.

 Look at the Hua family’s attitude towards other in-laws.

 Let’s take a look at what’s happening to your Dou family.

 Tsk tsk tsk…

This gap is really not caused by the energy of a ruler.

 There were rumors flying all over the city, but none of them were helping the Dou family.

Dou Koucheng was sitting in the main hall of his home, his eyes were black with anger, and his chest was pounding.

He specifically inquired about the day when the Hua family men were exiled, and also specifically asked his wife to send He Li Xin to the government office on this day, in order to catch the Hua family off guard, and even more so that the Hua family had to settle the matter with consent and Leave.

Even if the Hua family really refuses to let go, the Dou family can still threaten that the Hua family is clearly trying to drag the Dou family into trouble.

 But he never calculated that the Hua family would be so big.

 It's good now that the other in-laws have received the news from the Hua family, but his Dou family is isolated.

The Hua family was sold to several other in-laws with great dignity, and the people in the main city were not blind. At this time, no matter what they did or said, the Dou family would be labeled as unkind and unjust.

Dou Koucheng’s face turned darker and darker the more he thought about it while sitting on the chair.

How could he have imagined that after just a few days of silence, the Hua family slapped the Dou family in the face again!

The eldest daughter-in-law, Ling Wei, looked at her father who was about to be **** off. She turned around and rushed out, "I told you that little **** Fan Qingyao was full of evil ideas. You still don't believe it? Don’t worry about it, I’ll go find that little **** and explain it to you right now!”

She wasn't afraid of Fan Qingyao at Hua's house, could she still be afraid now?

"Stop! Do you think the Dou family is not embarrassed enough?" Dou Kocheng yelled angrily, and Mrs. Dou who was standing aside was so frightened that she quickly stopped her daughter.

Mrs. Dou was also furious, but she had no choice but to say, "Your father is right. If you go at this time, you won't be able to go back to Hua's house even if you don't want to."

The eldest daughter-in-law, Ling Wei, was so angry that she couldn't let it out, and her mouth was filled with bubbles, "Xinying and I will never go back even if we die!"

 The Hua family has finished playing now. What else can she gain by taking her daughter back but suffering?

Look at the women around her who are getting better and better. How will she see people if she goes back?

Mrs. Dou does not want her daughter to go back and endure hardships. When she thinks of Fan Qingyao's method of finding someone to complain last time, she is itching with hatred.

“Think about it carefully, is it true that everyone in the Hua family is hard to talk to?”

“That’s not the case, that Huayue Lian is a sensible person, and she doesn’t know why she gave birth to that little bitch!”

 It was a complaint from the eldest daughter-in-law Ling Wei that gave Mrs. Dou an idea.

“Hurry up to the mansion in the western suburbs and tell me what happened today at the door. I don’t believe that Huayue Lian can really watch her daughter bullying her sister-in-law like this!”

Although Dou Koucheng felt that this matter was a little underhanded, he couldn't bear to say anything.

That Fan Qingyao is indeed hateful. If he can really make mother and daughter quarrel, his Dou family will be relieved.

The Dou family quickly sent a few women to head towards the mansion in the western suburbs. The fierce and angry looks on their faces attracted the people around them to follow them.

Ninghan, who was guarding the door of the mansion in the western suburbs, looked at the group of people gradually walking this way, turned around and ran in to report the news.

"Miss, you are really clever. The Dou family really sent someone here!"

When Ninghan said this, she had a look of admiration on her face.

As soon as Nanny Xu came back, the young lady asked her to go out and watch. Originally, she was wondering what to look for, but now it seems that the young lady may have known that someone from the Dou family was coming.

Fan Qingyao drank tea with a calm expression.

As for the Dou family's method of picking out weak persimmons, she could figure it out without wasting any time guessing.

Mammy Xu was worried. Although the young lady didn't say anything during this period, she hadn't had a good night's sleep in an unknown amount of time. It was obvious to the naked eye that she was extremely thin.

"Young lady doesn't know about this yet. If the Dou family really comes to make trouble, young lady will probably worry about this matter again."

 The people of the Dou family are making trouble like this, obviously they want to make the Hua family uneasy.

 It’s really hateful!

"If you want to make irresponsible remarks to my mother, it depends on whether I give them the opportunity." Fan Qingyao's eyes gradually turned cold, "Ninghan, go and ask the servant to prepare the carriage."

“Miss, my wife may not be willing to go out.”

“It’s time for my mother to see how our flower shop is doing.”

She knows her mother very well. When the family was divided, her mother respected her and never questioned her. But after all, it was the Hua family's property. Her mother's statement that she wasn't worried was a lie.

 So as long as she said she was going to see a shop, my mother would have to go out even if she didn’t want to move.

Sure enough, Ninghan, who went to invite someone, quickly ran back, her face full of joy, "Miss, Madam agreed."

Mother Xu was really relieved and hurriedly said, "Young lady, just take the young lady out. There are still old slaves guarding the house."

 Fan Qingyao can trust Aunt Xu.

However, she still warned her seriously, "If the Dou family wants to make trouble, we will accompany them. But Nanny Xu remembers not to rush into anything, and it is not impossible to retreat in order to advance. We must ensure the safety of you and the people in the house. The rest I will find someone else to handle it.”

Mama Xu didn’t quite understand what the other person meant, but she still nodded firmly.

 She is in this family, so the young lady can rest assured.

With a stick of incense, several women from the Dou family blocked the entrance to the mansion in the western suburbs.

But how could they, who were all showing their arms and rolling up their sleeves, know that at the same time they arrived at the front door, Fan Qingyao had already taken his mother on the carriage and left through the back door.

 These mothers-in-law are used to being arrogant in the Dou family. They usually bully other servants in the Dou family because they are the people around Mrs. Dou.

It was restless, and now it has been instructed by Mrs. Dou, which can be said to start scolding.

“People from the Hua family, listen up. Our Dou family has a good temper, but we are not going to let you, the Hua family, bully us!”

"Your Hua family is really shameless. Even though they have already fallen, you still want to drag our young lady to suffer with you. You even want to bring our master and his wife to follow your Hua family to embarrass you. No wonder your Hua family has been It’s obvious that even God can’t stand the punishment!”

"Where are the Hua family? Come out quickly and stop pretending to be dead inside. If you dare to let a girl Pianzi go to our Dou family to cause trouble, why are you pretending to be a coward now?"

 (End of this chapter)

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