The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 129: Isn’t it enough to just be at odds with each other?

Chapter 129: Isn’t it enough to be at odds with each other?

Dou Kocheng's heart began to twitch as he looked at the people who were looking for their shops.

Mrs. Dou’s mind was also blank.

She just kept asking herself, why did it become like this?

Ling Wei knows how much money she has embezzled over the years.

It’s just that she never thought that Fan Qingyao was so hateful that he would find out all these old accounts.

 In this case, she is no longer on good terms. She will go back to Hua's house now. No one can have a good life in the future!

Ling Wei also got angry and said, "Mom and dad, please go back. If we don't get along, I'll leave now!"

Dou Koucheng and Mrs. Dou looked at each other helplessly, not to mention how they felt.

 With the Hua family’s current situation, they naturally don’t want to have anything to do with the Hua family anymore, but now…

 It is really not possible for the Dou family to reconcile if they want to.

If the trouble continues, not to mention that his daughter will be immersed in a pig cage, even the Dou family may not be able to save it.

 Under the gaze of the onlookers, the two elders of the Dou family felt that they were about to lose their face.

 But what can be done?

  They were the ones who wanted to make peace with each other in the first place, but now they have to swallow the bitter fruit themselves.

Mrs. Dou was about to cry. She refused to talk about the divorce, and even made her daughter guilty of stealing her husband's money.

 It’s really a piece of cake!

"Master Sun, please come back. We will send our daughter and grandson back to Hua's house now. Do you think it's feasible?" Mrs. Dou was no longer arrogant, let alone yelling. It was just a short moment, and she felt like she had aged ten years. , even his voice became hoarse when he spoke.

Of course!

Just when the two elders of the Dou family thought that as long as the Dou family bowed their heads, this matter would be over...

Sun Che stood with his hands behind his back again and gave him a blow to the head, "No!"

 Mrs. Dou, “…”

 Dou Koucheng, “…”

 Isn’t it okay to be at odds with each other?

Sun Che glanced at the Dou family with cold eyes, even his eyebrows were sharp, "Miss Dou has squandered the Hua family's money for many years. The Hua family thinks that it is not easy for her to have children for the Hua family, so she has not cared about it, but she doesn't want to let her go." The back and forth allows those who are dissatisfied to make further progress. This time when the head of the Hua family reported to the official, he made it clear that if the Dou family did not want their daughter to be immersed in the pig cage, this was the only option. "

After he finished speaking, Sun Che took out a letter from his sleeve and threw it in front of the two elders of the Dou family.

 Mrs. Dou was illiterate and just frowned at the letter on the ground.

But Dou Koucheng clearly saw the two large black and white words on the letter.

Divorce letter!

 Dou Koucheng, “…”

 Just passed out.

Sun Che looked at Mrs. Dou again and said, "As long as Mrs. Dou allows her daughter to accept the divorce letter, all the Yinzihua family will clear up their past grievances and no longer pursue any further charges."

 Hugh, divorce letter…

Mrs. Dou now finally knows why her husband fainted.

 Even she wants to faint now!

 He Li failed to get a letter of divorce...

How will her Dou family meet people from now on!

 But if you don’t get this divorce letter...

"Why did the Hua family divorce me? I know that the current head of the Hua family is that little **** Fan Qingyao! What kind of head of the Hua family is she? Have you really forgotten that your surname is Fan? Let me go. I am now Just go back and argue with that little bitch!”

Ling Wei struggled fiercely and twisted her body to get up.

Sun Che ordered again, "If you struggle again, you will be killed on the spot!"

Hearing this, the leader of the yamen tightened his grip on the long sword in his hand again.

Seeing that Ling Wei was still struggling, he immediately dropped the long knife. The cold light flashed by, which was caused by a bit of cold wind.

The sharp blade scraped the back of Ling Wei's head and landed on her neck again, even the bun on the back of her head disappeared.

Being pushed to the ground, Ling Wei, who had been so flamboyant just a moment ago, watched helplessly as her hair was spread all over the floor, her body trembled violently, she either didn't scream or she passed out.

 Something wet flowed out.

The people watching took one look at it and almost burst into laughter on the spot.

I was so scared that I peed!

Mrs. Dou's old face was so ashamed that it started to hurt. She quickly took off her clothes and covered her daughter's body. Seeing the people around her laughing together, she couldn't hold on and picked up the clothes on the ground. Letter of divorce.

 “I, my Dou family has accepted this divorce letter...”

 When Mrs. Dou said this, her eyes didn't know where to look.

If there is a crack in the ground now, she would like to dig into it.

In most of my life, I have never been so embarrassed!

Sun Che glanced at Mrs. Dou's red and purple old face indifferently, then turned to look at the people around him.

"Dou Lingwei of the Dou family did not abide by the three obediences and the four virtues, and arrogantly became the mistress of the Hua family. Now the Hua family has given her a letter of divorce. From then on, Dou Lingwei and her daughter have no relationship with the Hua family. The Hua family and the Dou family have their own affairs. Go all the way, if I find the Dou family coming to make trouble again, I will deal with it severely!"

Sun Che’s voice was high and clear, spreading throughout the streets and alleys.

Almost all the people in the main city knew about it that night.

However, no one in the family said that the Hua family was unkind and unjust. On the contrary, everyone was cheering for the Hua family. Some people even took advantage of the midnight to throw bricks into the Dou family's yard.

 That night, no one in the Dou family had peace.

Ling Wei was so frightened that she kept tossing and turning on the bed talking nonsense.

 Xinying stood aside indifferently, feeling very happy in her heart.

 She will live a normal life in the future, and she will be envied and even admired by others.

 So it doesn’t matter how you leave the Hua family, it’s better than being held back by the Hua family.

 In the middle of the night, Dou Koucheng sat on the bed, looking at his wife who had aged a lot, and couldn't help but sigh one after another.

“That Fan Qingyao, from now on we should stay as far apart as possible.”

Mrs. Dou gritted her teeth and said, "How can we forget today's humiliation?"

Dou Koucheng just felt tired, "So what if we are humiliated? If he has the ability to humiliate us today, he will have the ability to make our lives worse than death in the future. That Fan Qingyao is by no means a person to be looked down upon. Just listen to me." "

“So that’s how we recognize each other?”

"What can I do if I don't admit it? Fan Qingyao clearly controlled everything this time, but from the beginning to the end, he seemed to be watching indifferently. I have never seen such an unfathomable person in all my years in business. "

Fan Qingyao…

 Having such a method at such a young age is really terrifying and makes people feel cold to the core.

This time, Dou Koucheng, who has been shrewd all his life, had to be willing to bow his head.

He thought this was the end, but he didn't expect that there would be a bigger storm waiting for him behind.

 The next day all his shops were smashed to pieces.

What's more, the people in the main city always take a detour whenever they mention the Dou family. Several days have passed, but his shop is still losing money every day. Even in broad daylight, there are no figures. invisible.

Soon, the Dou family closed down three or four shops one after another.

 The news soon spread to the ears of all the wealthy families in the main city, even the Zhao family heard about it.

Mrs. Zhao was still immersed in the joy of the Hua family's downfall. After hearing the news, all the joy disappeared in an instant.

 Is it that **** **** Fan Qingyao again?

 (End of this chapter)

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