The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 132: The Hua family is going to eat people!

Chapter 132 The Hua family wants to eat people!

 In the main hall of the mansion in the western suburbs, Mrs. Li was sitting proudly in a dark color.

She was holding a tea cup in her hand, and her eyes were looking around at everything around her.

She is a well-known private matchmaker in the main city, and the people who can get her to marry her are all well-known and wealthy families.

 Otherwise, how could the current Hua family hire her?

I just didn’t expect such a big thing to happen to the Hua family. The newly moved mansion is quite nice. Look at the plants and trees in the yard and the bricks and tiles in this house. They are all elegant and elegant.

The Queen is really kind-hearted, and she actually rewarded such a good mansion to a family of guilty officials.

Mother Li was thinking sourly when she heard footsteps outside.

She looked up and saw Nanny Xu entering the door with two maids, and there was no one else behind her.

When Mrs. Li saw this, she immediately snorted coldly, "This young lady from the Hua family is really quite proud. I'm the one who said the ugly things in front of you. If someone comes to tell me that I'm interested in you, the Hua family is giving you the Hua family's face." , you Hua family, don’t be too pushy.”

Aunt Xu followed the old lady. She had never seen such a person before. Her face turned cold after hearing these words. "Who from a wealthy family doesn't follow the rules? She didn't even say hello and just found someone to gossip about." The mother-in-law came to the door and asked me to see that the house is not much better. "

Their flower family is not as good as before, but it is not the turn of a private matchmaker to step on it.


Mrs. Li was not happy when she heard this, "I have been a matchmaker for so many years, and I have seen many young ladies from all major mansions, but I have never seen a young lady from the Hua family who can hold a sedan chair like this. Oh, by the way, listen. She is still a foreign lady, and she doesn’t even have the last name Hua.”

Mr. Li couldn't sit still after hearing these words, and she stood up immediately.

Why does this **** grandma speak so unpleasantly?

But thinking about the matchmaking money provided by the Zhao family, Mrs. Li spoke again, "It is your Hua family's blessing that the Zhao family can like the daughter-in-law of your Hua family. It’s best to harvest, otherwise your current Hua family would have the courage to compete with the Zhao family.”

Mother Xu was stunned this time, "Zhao family?"

Mrs. Li raised her head proudly, "Yes, it's the Zhao family in the north of the city. Mrs. Zhao personally came to me to discuss this matchmaker. If it weren't for Mrs. Zhao's face, even your Hua family would be worthy of inviting me. ?”

This time, Nanny Xu finally knew which Zhao family it was.

Who else could it be?

 It’s the Zhao family whose marriage to the eldest young master fell through!

When she thought of the abominable and hypocritical faces of the Zhao family and her daughter last time, Nanny Xu couldn't control her temper.

The young lady in their family needs to be good-looking and capable. Who do the Zhao family think they want to eat swan meat?


"Since the Zhao family has such high standards, we in the Hua family don't dare to reach that high. I would like you to go back and talk to Mrs. Zhao of the Zhao family. Their family not only has an outstanding young master but also an amazing daughter, especially Mrs. Zhao. It’s hard to find her even with a lantern. Our young lady is a commoner, but she doesn’t dare to enter the Zhao family’s house. We’d better ask the Zhao family to find a family with smoke rising from their ancestral graves.”

 Mother Xu was so angry that her eyes stood up.

They took advantage of the decline of the Hua family to take advantage of the young lady. The Zhao family simply went too far!

Mr. Li was a little confused after being scolded by Aunt Xu.

She originally thought that the Hua family would be so grateful when they heard about this marriage.

 The result was unexpected…

 “You Hua family, don’t be ignorant!”

"Why don't our Hua family bother you? Come and see the guests off!" Nanny Xu was too lazy to say any more nonsense and just gave the order to call people.

If you dare to behave in front of her, you have to see if you have the ability.

Ning Han couldn't stand listening long ago and was the first to rush in, pushing Mrs. Li out with several maids.

Mrs. Li was held down by several hands, and her nostrils were stuffed with fingers.

In anger, Mrs. Li shouted at the top of her lungs, "You Hua family are so brave!"

Ning Han laughed angrily, "No matter how bold our Hua family is, we would never shamelessly ask a mother-in-law to come to propose marriage. If it weren't for your age, do you think you can still go out standing upright? "

The maids following Ninghan were also very angry.

“In the main city, at the feet of the emperor, if the Zhao family really wants to buy or sell by force, don’t blame us for reporting it to the official!”

“If the Zhao family likes our young lady, it depends on whether our young lady agrees with it. If you dare to come to our Hua family to cause trouble again, don’t blame our Hua family for using family methods!”

Mr. Li was pushed all the way, and her clothes were all messed up.

She has been a matchmaker for so many years, but she has never seen someone so arrogant. She was about to continue to curse when she suddenly saw a tall, round man walking sideways.

Fan Zhao was afraid of the Dou family's revenge in the past few days, so he personally led people to keep vigil. Unexpectedly, when he woke up today, he heard that someone wanted to buy or sell his young lady by force.

Looking at Mrs. Li, Fan Zhao's eyes widened and he warned with a fierce look on his face, "If you dare to come to my Hua's house to cause trouble again, be careful because I will ask you to come in vertically and leave horizontally!"

 Mother-in-law Li, “…”

 In an instant, I didn’t dare to say anything.

 Mr. Li was almost thrown out of the Hua family like garbage.

Seeing the door of the house in front of her slam shut, Mrs. Li almost collapsed to the ground in fear.

After sitting slumped at the door of Hua's house for a long time, Mrs. Li stood up with strong support on the wall, ignoring her still weak legs, and hurriedly walked in the direction of Zhao's house.

The Zhao family wants to say that the marriage is true.

 But, this Hua family wants to eat people!

Mrs. Zhao, who was still waiting for the good news at home, never expected that after waiting so long, Mrs. Li was so distracted that she told herself that she didn’t want to keep this matchmaker?

Seeing Mrs. Li return all the deposit, Mrs. Zhao almost fainted from anger on the spot.

Needless to say, Zhao Tang yelled loudly when he learned that he had been rejected, "What a shame for that little bitch. She is lucky to marry me, but she still has the nerve to reject me?"

Zhao Jianjia smiled calmly, "Why are you angry? Even a **** likes to play hard to get."

Zhao Tang was so angry that he broke the tea cup in his hand, "That **** Fan Qingyao, whoever is under me, I will make sure she knows what it means to live but not to die!"

Zhao Jianjia snorted disdainfully, "Since this is what our Zhao family wants, she just can't run away."

"you mean…"

"If there might have been a Hua family to protect her in the past, but now that the Hua family is gone, what capital does she have to be arrogant? If she doesn't drink the toast but has to drink a fine wine, then don't blame me."

Zhao Jianjia smiled coldly, with deep hatred flowing in his eyes.

 (End of this chapter)

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