The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 153: How can you catch tiger cubs if you don’t enter the tiger’s den?

Chapter 153 If you don’t enter the tiger’s den, how can you catch the tiger’s cubs?


 A constant muffled sound came from Qizhi's mouth.

Fan Qingyao continued to work on Qizhi’s face with his hands expressionlessly.

Qizhi, who had no idea what Fan Qingyao was doing at the moment, was really scared.

 She wanted to struggle, but found that she was still unable to move.

She wanted to call for help, but even though she opened her mouth as wide as possible, she couldn't make a single sound.

Just when the fear in Qizhi's heart was rising to the limit, she saw Fan Qingyao reaching out to her clothes again.

  瀻之, “…”

She was even more sad than death, and she started to feel suffocated.

Qizhi, who was speechless, could only look towards the door eagerly, looking forward to the appearance of the third prince.

At this time, Baili Rongze, who was standing in the yard, was full of anxiety.

From time to time, he looked up at the room where Fan Qingyao was, cursing Qizhi in his heart for being so stupid, but it was just such a delay in doing such a small thing.

Just when Baili Rongze couldn't help but want to step forward to check, he saw that the door that had been closed was opened.

Qizhi hurriedly walked over with her head lowered, and pointed at the room behind her.

Baili Rongze felt happy, but he couldn't help but blame him, "Trash, stand here and keep a good watch."

Qi Zhi nodded as if afraid.

 Baili Rongze then strode towards the room not far away.

 But at this moment, he was so anxious to get his wish that he didn't even notice that Qizhi behind him was looking at him with a sneer on his face.


The door that had been opened not long ago was locked tightly after Baili Rongze walked in.

Ninghan entered the courtyard at this time.

Looking at Qizhi standing alone in the yard, and then at the locked door, Ninghan was stunned, and then rushed towards the house like crazy.

What do these **** want to do to her young lady?

Qi Zhi reached out and grabbed Ning Han, "Why are you running so fast?"

  Ninghan, “…”

 I was shocked again.

She looked at the people around her in disbelief. It was obviously Qi Zhi, but why was this voice...

 “You, who are you?”

 “Have you done what you were asked to do?”

At this moment, Ninghan finally believed that the person in front of her was her young lady.


 “Miss, what’s wrong with your face...”

Qizhi or Fan Qingyao heard some kind of movement in the house and quietly pulled Ninghan out of the yard. They walked to a remote woodshed and then opened the door and walked in.

As soon as he entered the door, Fan Qingyao took the clothes from Ninghan's hand.

 After changing it, she took out a small porcelain bottle from her arms, poured some on her face and rubbed it gently for a while...

The familiar eyebrows and eyes gradually appeared.

Ninghan was stunned. It took a long time before she breathed a sigh of relief. "Miss, you're going to scare me to death. I, I thought, thought..."

She didn’t dare to think that if the person in the room just now was really a young lady...

Then she doesn’t have to continue living.

Fan Qingyao patted Ninghan's hand comfortingly.

  How can you catch tiger cubs if you don't enter the tiger's den?

 Baili Rongze did not have Baili Fengming's meticulousness and calculation, but he grew up in intrigues and intrigues.

If she doesn't do her best this time, how can she get him to take the bait?

Fan Qingyao paused and then said, "Now go back to the mansion in the western suburbs and ask Fan Zhao to take a few brothers to squat outside the city gate. If you see anyone wearing official uniforms, stop them directly. If they are disobedient, Just beat until you obey.”

The incident happened suddenly, and she could only arrange it one by one.

But fortunately, everything is still possible.

Ninghan nodded, but she didn't expect to see a young man when she opened the door.

Ninghan's nerves were tense now. When he saw Shaoxuan, he grabbed the ax in the woodshed and chopped it down without even thinking. Shaoxuan also didn’t expect that everyone would hit him with a blow, but he would hit him with an ax...

 Fortunately, he was quick to dodge in time, and he was able to save his head.

Ninghan saw that the strike was empty, so she raised her hand to strike again.

Shaoxuan quickly said, "Why don't you let me go with Miss Qingyao's people to arrest people?"

He heard it clearly just outside the door. Since he is a person in the palace, he is familiar with it better than anyone else.

As soon as Ninghan heard this, she glared at Shaoxuan reproachfully.

Had she not told her earlier, her arms would have been sore.

 Shaoxuan, “…”

Then I need you to give me a chance to speak!

“This will trouble you, Young Master, but there is no need for Young Master to show up for this matter. It only takes two hours to throw the person into Huguo Temple.” Fan Qingyao looked at Shaoxuan and warned.

Fan Zhao's skills are good, but he still can't compare with the dignified young master of the East Palace.

Since she did what she did this time, she had to make sure it was foolproof.

Shaoxuan said with some worry, "His Highness is already on his way back. Miss Qingyao might as well wait for His Highness..."

Fan Qingyao shook his head, "It will be too late when he comes back."

 She had been preparing for so long just to sing a big show in front of that person.

Besides, since that person can sit on that chair, she is not a kind person, so she must not be seen as having any bad intentions, let alone Baili Fengming.

Shaoxuan frowned, "Miss Qingyao, is this really okay?"

Fan Qingyao nodded.

Not only can he do it, but he can also bite off a piece of meat from that person, even Concubine Yu and even Baili Rongze!

Seeing this, Shaoxuan stopped talking nonsense. He stretched out his hand and pinched Ninghan under his arm, and disappeared on the spot with his toes.

 In such an urgent situation, it is faster to use Qinggong.

  Ninghan, “…”

 Miss, help me, I'm afraid of heights...

Fan Qingyao deliberately lit a fire in the stove of the woodshed, threw Qizhi's clothes in and burned them clean.

 After a while, she walked out of the woodshed again and walked towards the Buddhist hall.

According to the news sent by Shaoxuan, I am afraid that Qiu Xie's team will enter the city in another hour and a half.

Everything is ready now, all that is left is the east wind.

Fan Qingyao was kneeling in front of the Buddha, with his hands clasped together and his black eyes tightly closed.

 She does not pray to the Buddha for protection, but only prays that all storms will come as soon as possible.

Master Xingyun didn't know when he stood outside the door, looking at the thin man kneeling in the Buddhist hall, closing his eyes and sighing.

 Suffering is not suffering, happiness is not happiness, it is just a temporary obsession.

 If you stick to one thought, you will be trapped in one thought.

 Once you let go of a thought, you will feel at ease in your heart.

 With eyes blinded by hatred, only when they are calm can they recognize the people around them.

At this time, in the room where Fan Qingyao lived, the sound that made people blush and their heartbeats had already overflowed through the doors and windows.

Qizhi, who was pressed hard by Baili Rongze, endured waves of suffocation.

 She was really scared at this moment.

 Because she had never seen His Highness show such a ferocious expression.

Qizhi kept showing painful expressions, trying to arouse Baili Rongze's idea.

 It’s just a pity…

Baili Rongze, who was full of desire for revenge, only thought about crazy possession and venting, and he didn't care about her feelings.

Baili Rongze finally got his wish. At this moment, his mind is full of the gold and silver he will have in the future.

 He had no idea that he had already fallen into the trap woven by Fan Qingyao himself.

 The so-called retribution is approaching him step by step.

 (End of this chapter)

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