Chapter 155 Where did Fan Qingyao die?

Concubine Yu’s face turned black with anger.

Emperor Yongchang's complexion was not much better, and there was a hint of lividness in the darkness.

 His face has never been so dark in his life!

Concubine Yu turned her head to look at Emperor Yongchang and cried, "Your Majesty, this Hua family is really evil. They actually tried to seduce the third prince. Their intentions are really evil!"

Emperor Yongchang had a dark face and ordered directly, "Come here! Bring out everyone inside!"

He knew the Hua family's innocence well about what happened last time.

 But he is the emperor, and he owns the world of Xiliang. If he wants to doubt anyone, he will die!

If the Hua family is really so thoughtful this time, not to mention the men who are betrothed, even Hua Yaoting will not be able to escape death!

Heshuo County Prince glanced at Baili Fengming beside him.

He knew in his heart that the Queen valued Fan Qingyao. If the person inside was really Fan Qingyao...

Baili Fengming just said softly, "Prince Heshuo, please don't delay your father's order."

Seeing this, Prince Heshuo gritted his teeth and rushed in with his men.

 Baili Fengming seemed to have a calm face, but in fact he gritted his teeth and his dark eyes could not admit anything except the tightly closed wooden door not far away.

 He certainly knows Ayao, and he also knows Ayao’s abilities.

But people make mistakes and horses make mistakes. If the third prince really did something to Ayao...

Baili Fengming's eyes instantly showed a strong murderous intent.

If this is true, then Baili Rongze will not be able to continue living.

Concubine Yu was still making a fuss in front of Emperor Yongchang.

  He insisted that Fan Qingyao had evil intentions and seduced the third prince.

 Baili Fengming suppressed the murderous intention to tear Baili Rongze into pieces, and the fists in his sleeves clenched loudly.

If something really happened to Ayao, then he had to think of a way to get him out in advance.

 As for the future…

 He doesn't care about the so-called innocence at all, he only wants Ayao.

 No matter what she looks like.

The intrusion of Prince Heshuo instantly silenced the blushing voices in the room.

Baili Rongze, who was still naked, was stunned when he saw the face of Prince Heshuo.

  Until he heard Prince Heshuo say, "Your Highness, please put on your clothes. The Emperor is outside."

  Baili Rongze, “…”

 It’s no exaggeration to say it was a bolt from the blue!

 Baili Rongze's whole body trembled violently, thinking why his father came?

But he was not allowed to think too much. Prince Heshuo just threw the clothes over, and then asked his subordinates to lift out the woman who had been pressed underneath.

 When he saw the woman's face, Prince Heshuo was really relieved.

The subordinate asked, "Prince, can you let her get dressed?"

Prince Heshuo waved his hand directly, "What should I wear? Can't we let the emperor wait?"

  She is not his goddaughter anyway, so whether she is embarrassed or not has nothing to do with him.

Besides, if something like this happened now, this woman might not even be able to save her life, so why would she wear clothes?

Soon, Prince Heshuo came out with his people.

Baili Rongze, who was already fully dressed, followed at the back.

Baili Fengming just glanced at the woman and then retracted his gaze neatly.

 And his tightly clenched hands were finally loosened.

The moment Concubine Yu saw her son, she suppressed her anger and kept signaling with her eyes.

 It wasn't until Baili Rongze nodded calmly that he breathed a sigh of relief.

This matter is not trivial, but fortunately the person in question is Fan Qingyao. These days, the emperor has not completely let down his guard against the Hua family. As long as it is confirmed that Fan Qingyao took the initiative to seduce this matter, then her son will definitely be able to escape safely, plus Aunt Ying...

Concubine Yu thought so and looked at the woman with hatred in her eyes.

 The result is this.

Concubine Yu’s mind went blank in an instant.

 What, how could it be her?

Baili Rongze was only thinking about how to escape and didn't even look at the woman who was thrown to the ground by the soldiers.

He walked directly in front of Emperor Yongchang and hugged the thigh in front of him. "Father, please calm down. All the mistakes you made are all your fault. It was because your son was obsessed with you for a moment. Today, the young lady outside the Hua family said that she is not healthy." Feeling unwell, I just wanted to help him go back to rest, and the result was..."

 Baili Rongze had a look of confusion and regret on his face. He seemed to be taking the responsibility on himself, but in fact, he was blatantly shirking all responsibilities.

 After all, everyone in the main city knew very well that Fan Qingyao was the heir to the Tao family's medical daughter.

As long as she is willing, she can easily seduce the prince with drugs.

 Emperor Yongchang, “…”

 The old face is already dark and unparalleled.

 Baili Fengming said quietly, "How come the Third Emperor Brother insists that he is the young lady outside the Hua family?"

Baili Rongze vowed, "I personally helped Miss Huajiawai go back, and she personally seduced me. How can this be false? If I hadn't lost my mind later, I definitely wouldn't have done such a thing. "

Concubine Yu almost fainted after hearing these words, and tried her best to hint at Baili Rongze.

Baili Rongze, who just wanted to shirk responsibility, had no time to worry about him. He looked at Emperor Yongchang in front of him and said, "Father, you must believe me. I am really unjust in this matter." ah…"

 Baili Rongze now has no time to think about why his father appeared.

Although he felt sorry for Fan Qingyao, who had finally obtained it, the matter was so important that he couldn't care so much.

If only Fan Qingyao's death can calm her father's anger, then she should die.

  After all, she is just a daughter. Even if she is gone, he can still find someone else to take advantage of her.

 Baili Rongze thought to himself, and even thought about how his father would blame Fan Qingyao.

Just when he was still thinking about whether he should pretend to plead for Fan Qingyao later, suddenly his eyes went dark.

Emperor Yongchang kicked Baili Rongze in front of him.

 This kick hit the chest directly, using all the strength.

Concubine Yu felt heartbroken, but she did not dare to make a sound.

Having served the Emperor for so many years, she naturally knows the Emperor’s temperament.

At this time, the emperor was very angry. She was wrong no matter how she said she was afraid. It would be better to let the emperor vent his anger. Afterwards, she would use her son's injury to make the emperor soften his heart.

 Baili Rongze's eyes turned black after being kicked, he covered his chest and looked at Emperor Yongchang in embarrassment.

 “Father, you, you…”

Emperor Yongchang really didn't want to hear any more nonsense from him, so he rolled over again.

This time, Baili Rongze was kicked directly in the face and fell sideways.

 At the same time, he finally saw the woman who had been lying next to him.

Where is Fan Qingyao with that disheveled man with disheveled hair?

 It was Qizhi who had been serving him all the time!

Almost instantly, Baili Rongze was struck by thunder, and he seemed to be unable to breathe.

 How could this be?

 Where is Fan Qingyao?

 Where is Fan Qingyao?

 (End of this chapter)

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