Chapter 158 Don’t retreat, don’t retreat

Emperor Yongchang stood up from his chair immediately, and even his expression changed.

 The people around were also in a mess and ran towards Concubine Yu.

 Baili Fengming tensed his face, suddenly jumped up on his tiptoes, and flew straight towards Concubine Yu.

At the critical moment, he grabbed Concubine Yu's sleeve and forced Concubine Yu to stop.

Concubine Yu glared at Baili Fengming with hatred.

If the emperor cannot be truly afraid of pain this time, this matter will never be settled today.

Concubine Yu looked at the wall in front of her, her eyebrows turned and she almost fainted.

Mother Ying was so frightened that she rushed over, "Madam, Madam, what's wrong with you?"

Baili Rongze, who was lying on the ground just now and pretending to be dead, also rushed over and hugged his mother-in-law, "Mother-in-law, please open your eyes and look at me. It's all my fault, is it?" My dear, I must not let anything happen to you, otherwise I’m afraid I won’t be able to survive..."

Baili Rongze spoke hoarsely, and even his eyes were red.

How could Emperor Yongchang not feel distressed when he looked at his beloved concubine who was in a coma and his heartbroken son?

He turned around and looked at Baili Fengming, "Prince, please personally **** Concubine Yu back to the palace as quickly as possible."

Baili Fengming's expression was calm, "I obey my orders."

When he turned around, he looked at Fan Qingyao. Although it was just a glance, the worry he was rubbing could be seen again and again.

Concubine Yu can make a boat out of an axe, and she must be ready to kill the fish and break the net.

 Winning or losing is a matter of life and death.


 You must survive.

Concubine Yu, who was pretending to be unconscious, realized that she was being picked up by her son. She breathed a sigh of relief but was filled with pride at the same time.

 The emperor still cares about her after all.

 In this case, Fan Qingyao, how should you escape?

Fan Qingyao felt a sudden pain in his heart when he looked at Baili Fengming's back leading the people away.

As a dignified prince and future heir apparent, in the eyes of the emperor, he is not as important as a noble concubine...

Now she finally understood why Baili Fengming hated him.

 I am afraid that even the current Queen Zhenxi does not have such an honor.

Thinking about the rewards and titles given by Emperor Yongchang to Queen Zhenxi after her death in the previous life.

 It’s just that a generous burial is a lie, but self-comfort is the truth.

Emperor Yongchang's eyes fell heavily on Fan Qingyao, and the anger in his eyes was self-evident, "First you got entangled with the prince, and then you wanted to force the imperial concubine to death. Fan Qingyao, you are so brave!"

Fan Qingyao's heart was beating hard and sweat was forming on his palms.

Even though she hated the man in dragon robe in front of her, he was the emperor after all.

Facing such anger, she said she was not afraid, which was a lie.

 But despite this, she still said calmly, "I dare not."

 Now that she has reached this point, there is no room for her to give up.

Even if there is a guillotine in front of her, she will still take this step forward.

Emperor Yongchang had a dark face and stared straight at Fan Qingyao.

He heard that Fan Qingyao came to this Huguo Temple to escape from the world, but even Qiu Shou kept rushing back regardless of his horse.

This kind of honor is not available to today's courtiers.

It is true that the third prince's incident was unexpected, but why is Fan Qingyao standing here so stubborn...

 Do you really think he can’t see it?

“The third prince was seriously injured, and the Hua family is to blame for their inability to discipline their subordinates. I did not ask for a life from the Hua family, which was the greatest mercy. Fan Qingyao, you are a smart boy, so don’t push yourself too far.”

 This is very clear. The reason why he left the lives of everyone in the Hua family was for the military salary that Fan Qingyao continued to pay every year.

 While he can keep the lives of the Hua family, he can also take them away at will.

"The emperor's kindness can be seen in the sun and the moon, and the heaven and the earth can prove it. However, without the support of the male members, the Hua family has long been defeated. The minister is just a little girl waiting to be married. Even if she has great abilities, she is still in ruins. It is impossible to twist the scattered flowers into a rope."

She didn’t need to say anything about what the Hua family’s shops looked like now, as the people in front of them must also know it.

Now that he has made enough threats, she might as well break the pot and break it.

Emperor Yongchang must have heard what the Hua family's shops are like now, otherwise he wouldn't be standing here.

 “What do you want?”

"If I want the Hua family to get back on track, I need someone who can cooperate with me inside and outside. At least when I am in charge of the Hua family, I don't have to worry about the person running away from the Hua family betraying the Hua family or embezzling money. The Hua family needs a backbone to support the facade. Only in this way can the Hua family return to normal. No one will dare to blatantly bully my Hua family and steal money that should be used as military pay."

 Emperor Yongchang’s chest was rising and falling.

How could he not know that the person who could be trusted by the Hua family and be the backbone of the Hua family must be a man from the Hua family.

"Fan Qingyao, you are so presumptuous! Is this your plan? Just based on what you just said, it would be a shame for the Hua family to die!"

Fan Qingyao naturally knows that there is a fine line between life and death.

She dared to do it, and she never thought about being afraid.

  They have already died once, haven’t they?

“I know that I am guilty of betraying Long En and deserve to die. If death is the only way to appease the emperor’s anger, I am willing to die to apologize!”

Emperor Yongchang's ups and downs became even more fierce, "Fan Qingyao, do you really think I don't dare?"

Heshuo County Prince was shocked.

He didn’t expect that his goddaughter, who looked weak and weak, was actually such a strong-willed person.

Fan Qingyao knelt on the ground with a firm gaze, "If it can calm the emperor's anger, I will be willing to do so."

 She must be extremely vigilant when dealing with the moody and sensitive person in front of her.

These words seemed to be motivated by emotion, but in fact she was gambling.

It’s good to have tax revenue for the treasury every year, but the military pay she raised last time was twice the annual tax revenue!

  Everyone is greedy, and the emperor will be even greedier.

 So she took the gamble.

Emperor Yongchang looked at Fan Qingyao with dark eyes.

The one million military pay last time really boosted the general's morale and made the national treasury rich.

 But even without Fan Qingyao, Xiliang can still station troops and fight.

"Fan Qingyao, Xiliang is not indispensable to you! I will give you one more chance. Now go down the mountain and go back to Hua's house. I can pretend that nothing has happened!"

Fan Qingyao knelt down steadily on the ground, stubbornly refusing to give in, "My daughter speaks from the bottom of my heart, and I hope the emperor will give you a clear lesson."

 She has been dormant for so long just for this moment, how can she turn back!

 Either she escapes safely and wins.

Either Long Yan is so angry that she deserves death.

 “Okay! Very good! In this case, I have fulfilled your wish!”

 No one has dared to disobey him like this!

 The Hua family is not good enough, let alone a little Hua family daughter.

Emperor Yongchang sneered, his eyes full of sternness, "Come here, force Fan Qingyao into the firewood shed of Huguo Temple. Without my permission, anyone who dares to visit privately will be killed without mercy!"

 (End of this chapter)

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