Chapter 165: Fighting the Evil Servant with Wisdom

 The planning of shops in the main city of Xiliang is extremely strict.

Each street is only for one type of shop, so now Fan Qingyao brought Tianyu to West Street.

From the middle of West Street to the end of the street, there are hundreds of pharmacies and medical clinics, twenty of which were my grandmother’s dowry shops.

 It is now all the valuable belongings of the Hua family.

 It was just after Chen hour, and all the medical clinics and drug stores had opened their shutters and were ready for business.

As for the Hua family's shops, it was not until noon that the shopkeepers opened the doors.

  It’s just that they didn’t just keep quiet and sell the medicinal materials in the shop. Instead, they gathered in groups and even chatted about home-cooked things while cracking melon seeds.

They originally wanted to pack up and run away, but the Hua family’s medicine shop was full of medicinal materials, which were not worth a few dollars at all.

 So these shopkeepers unite to delay.

As long as they stay one more day, the Hua family will pay them one more day's wages.

But judging from the current indifference of the Hua family to the shop, they must have no money to pay them.

At that time, they can take the opportunity to let the Hua family use their shop as wages.

The shopkeepers were chatting happily when they saw an old woman walking into one of the pharmacies with her hunched body.

The shopkeeper of the medicine shop cursed secretly, followed him through the door and said cursingly, "The medicinal materials in our shop are very expensive. If you don't have money, get out!"

The old lady dug all over her body before taking out a few coins, "Just follow this recipe."

The old woman comes to the flower shop to get a prescription every year, so she knows that a few copper coins are enough.

But now, the shopkeeper didn't even look at Fang Zi, and just swept the copper plate in front of him on the ground.

"I've told you that the medicinal materials in our shop are very expensive. I saw your prescription, and it costs at least dozens of taels of silver."

 “How, how could it be? I do it every year...”

“Get out of here, get out of here, our store has no time to deal with beggars like you.”

Before the old woman could finish her words, the shopkeeper pushed and herded the old woman out of the shop.

Now all their shopkeepers have joined hands to report to the Hua family. The shop is in a downturn and no one is patronizing it. It is impossible to take the initiative to sell medicinal materials at this time.

Only by creating the illusion of being unable to make ends meet, the Hua family was finally willing to give the shop to them.

The shopkeeper stretched out and was about to go out and continue chatting with other shopkeepers when he saw the old woman coming back.

 The only difference was that there was a young girl supporting the old woman.

This girl was dressed plainly and elegantly, and she didn't have any gestures on her body. She didn't look like a young lady from a wealthy family.

The shopkeeper breathed a sigh of relief but said impatiently, "Didn't I just say that the medicinal materials in our shop are very expensive? If you can't afford them, don't waste my time here. Get out!"

 The old woman was scolded.

The girl was extremely calm. She first helped the old woman on the stool, then turned and walked to the counter.

“I heard you said that the medicinal materials bought by grandma are worth dozens of taels of silver?”

The shopkeeper relied on his own decision and nodded confidently, "That's right!"

The girl did not argue. She opened the prescription in her hand with her white fingers and then said, "Poria is three qian, fangfeng is 2 liang, ephedra is one and a half qian, licorice, kudzu, and cinnamon are three qian each. These medicinal materials can be found in the main city drug store. It’s not expensive, even if it’s weighed by the kilogram, it’s only a few ounces of silver. Why don’t the shopkeeper tell me carefully, which medicinal material is worth the dozens of taels of silver?” The shopkeeper didn’t expect to meet an expert, but he also Undaunted, he paused and then said, "Our medicinal materials are all over a hundred years old, so they are naturally worth the price."

The young girl just smiled and said, "Herbal medicines that are over a hundred years old are rare. If the shopkeeper really has them, I am willing to take them all away."

What the shopkeeper just said was just a random test, but he didn't expect that he really deceived people.

I'm afraid that the girl in front of him is just a dabbler, so he can just sell all the medicinal materials accumulated in the warehouse and make some money for himself.

 “This is what you said, just wait!”

 The shopkeeper was afraid that someone would run away, so he even called the shopkeepers around him.

One of the shopkeepers looked familiar to the girl, but he couldn't remember where he had seen her before.

 Not long after, large bags of medicinal materials were all carried out.

The shopkeeper was even more confident, "These are the treasures of our shop. If you want me to give them to you cheaper."

The young girl squatted on the ground with her skirt gathered up, carefully opened each bag, and took out some of the medicinal materials inside one by one, and smelled them between her noses.

 Suddenly, a glint of coldness flashed in the girl's dark eyes.

People in the world only think that medicinal materials are naturally better as they age, but they don’t know that their preservation requires double the care.

 At present, these medicinal materials are old, but it is precisely because of careless storage that all the medicinal materials are moldy and spoiled.

Such medicinal materials are really used as medicine, and instead of being used as an antidote to save lives, they are simply poisonous arsenic!

"The main city of Xiliang has extremely strict supervision over medicinal materials. If any medicinal materials are found to have the slightest flaw, they will be closed down and sentenced, not to mention those with mold now. You are so unkind and unjust to deceive the people. You are not worthy of standing in front of us." In Hua’s pharmacy!”

The young girl suddenly stood up. The anger burning in her heart was as strong as the words she blurted out.

Since the shopkeeper dared to take out the medicinal materials, he was not afraid of causing trouble. Seeing the girl's words, he was not afraid, "If you want to report it to the official, just go ahead, but I want to tell you that the person who asked me to sell it like this is The Hua Family was taught by the Qingping County Master himself, let alone the Hua Family in the past, even the current ones are not something you, a little girl, can offend!"

 He hopes that the Hua family will go to jail for this matter, so that the shop will soon be his.

Seeing this, other flower shopkeepers at the door also said, "Little girl, we advise you to take this old woman who is dying and get away as soon as possible!"

Only one of the shopkeepers, who had been staring at the girl, not only did not speak, but when the other shopkeepers made fun of her, he knelt on the ground with weak legs.

 “Plop!” A sound made the other shopkeepers stunned.

The shopkeeper who was kneeling on the ground looked at the young girl with horror in his eyes. He couldn't even speak clearly, "Hua, Hua, Miss Hua's family..."

As soon as these words were heard, all the laughter inside and outside the shop disappeared instantly.

 All the shopkeepers stared at the girl standing alone in the drug store...

 For a moment, I felt chills in my limbs and down my back!

 Miss Huajiawai…

 The Emperor’s personally appointed Lord of Qingping County…

 Fan Qingyao!

Fan Qingyao did not say anything, but under the gaze of all the shopkeepers as if they had seen a ghost, he first grabbed the medicinal materials for the old woman according to the prescription in his hand, and carefully instructed the old woman how to decoct them and take them.

 After sending the old woman out of the shop smoothly, she looked at the shopkeeper who had just spoken righteously but was now trembling.

“How come I never remember when I taught you to harm people like this?”

 (End of this chapter)

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