Chapter 170: Does Your Highness look like a pill?

Bai Tu hurriedly left the imperial study room.

It was Shaoxuan who was hiding in the dark, afraid of being exposed, so he turned around and left quietly.

Suddenly, he heard Prince Heshuo, who was still standing in the royal study, deliberately raising his voice and saying, "Your Majesty, it is most appropriate to leave this matter to the Seventh Prince."

Shaoxuan secretly wrote down these words and arrived at the East Palace in a short time.

 Baili Lingyu listened to Shaoxuan’s report...

 A question mark in my head.

“Brother, you said that when my father asked Lao Qi to leave the palace, was he openly helping Fan Qingyao but secretly trying to silence him?”

 Otherwise, why would my father send a madman to do this?

 Shaoxuan, “…”

Fifth Prince, your reasoning is really...

 It’s seamless and impeccable.

 Baili Fengming stroked the jade pendant in his hand and was silent for a long time, then got up and walked out.

Ayao was right. His father was more afraid of her accident than anyone else.

Just because once something happens to her, Xianbei's military salary will be wasted.

 But the father ignored the relationship between the seventh emperor brother and the third emperor brother.

Baili Luo Ji was cruel and moody by nature, but unexpectedly he had an unusually close relationship with Baili Rongze.

Once, just because someone bumped into me on the street, that person’s family, including more than a dozen people, was killed that night!

After my father used all means to suppress the matter, he sent Baili Luoji to other cities.

In the following years, even if his father summoned Baili Luo Ji back to the main city, he still ordered him not to leave the palace.

』 With Baili Luo Ji probably having heard about what happened at the Huguo Temple? If his father asked him to leave the palace at this time...

With his ruthlessness to achieve his goals by any means, how could he miss such a good opportunity and let Ayao go!

Father, it is true that he is concerned about military pay.

 But Baili Luoji didn't care about the so-called military salary at all.

I am afraid that Prince Heshuo was also worried about this, and it was only when he noticed Shaoxuan's aura that he deliberately mentioned it.

 Baili Fengming, who has always been sure of victory, has never been so panicked as at this moment.

No matter what, the only way to stop Baili Luo Ji is to stop him!

 Baili Lingyu followed his imperial brother with a puzzled look on his face.

It wasn’t until they left the East Palace that the emperor suddenly stopped and asked, “How does your martial arts compare with Lao Qi?”

 Baili Lingyu thought about it and said, "I haven't really fought it before, but I think it is comparable."

Among the several princes in the palace, apart from the emperor's brother who has been hiding his martial arts, only he and Lao Qi's martial arts can be considered effective.

Baili Fengming naturally knew that if he took action, Baili Luo Ji would have no chance to resist.

 But now he has more important things to do.

"Brother Three Emperors is recuperating in Yueyue Palace. Lao Qi will definitely be with him. Xiao Wu, you must go and lure Lao Qi away now."

 Baili Lingyu was stunned, "He is just a madman, how can I seduce him?"

 Baili Fengming's eyes darkened, "Just give him the right medicine, and he will definitely leave with you."

 Baili Lingyu, “…”

Baili Luoji is a madman.

 Brother Huang asked him to prescribe the right medicine.

Doesn’t he look like a pill...

Seeing Baili Lingyu walking towards Yueyue Palace, Baili Fengming called Lin Yi in front of him.

“Secretly protect the fifth prince. If necessary, take action. Remember to protect the fifth prince first. I will be responsible for everything else.”


 The Yueyue Palace was extremely quiet. Everyone in the palace knew that the third prince was back to recuperate, so everyone was extremely cautious.

Bai Tu, who came to see the seventh prince, kept his pace tight all the way, for fear of disturbing the third prince's cultivation.

As it turned out, he had just entered Yueyue Palace, and before he could speak, he saw the fifth prince blowing through the gate of Yueyue Palace like a gust of wind.

Thinking about all the differences between the seventh prince and the fifth prince...

Bai Tu's old face was instantly covered with a layer of cyan, something was going to happen!

Sure enough, Baili Lingyu's voice resounded, "Qi Madman, I heard that you have returned to the palace, but why haven't you been seen yet? Brother Three Emperors is not suitable to go out while he is recovering from his injuries. Forget it, you are running away again. What kind of turtle **** are you pretending to be here, Brother Sanhuang?"

It was Baili Luoji who was talking to Concubine Yu in the back room. Hearing these insults, he walked out with a serious face.

"Baili Lingyu decides on your choice of words. No matter how you say it, we are brothers." Although Baili Luo Ji didn't step forward again, his hands were already making a "clucking" sound.

Baili Lingyu raised his eyebrows, and Erlang's legs dangled even more wantonly, "Hey, are you pretending to be polite after not coming back for a few years? I would say you are still as crazy and pleasing to the eye as before. After all, A madman should have the consciousness of a madman.”

Concubine Yu heard the commotion and walked out with the help of Grandma Ying. She saw the big thorn sitting on her soft couch, eating the grapes from her fruit plate, and spitting the grape skins all over the floor. , and his face turned black with anger.

“Aren’t the fifth princes afraid of punishment from the emperor for breaking into Yueyue Palace without permission?”

"I'm here to visit Brother Three Emperors. Why do you want Father to punish me?" Baili Lingyu said, spitting another grape skin at Concubine Yu's feet.

 Concubine Yu, “…”

Whose visit is like this!

 Baili Luo Ji gritted his teeth and said, "You really deserve a beating!"

Baili Lingyu smiled disdainfully, "That depends on whether you can beat him or not!"

Almost instantly, two figures flew out of Yueyue Palace like the wind.

Concubine Yu suppressed the anger in her heart and told Aunt Ying beside her, "Send someone to inquire and see if anything else happened in the palace, especially in front of the emperor."

It is true that the fifth prince likes to cause trouble, but he will never be so ignorant of etiquette.

Grandma Ying nodded hurriedly and quickly called a few young eunuchs.

In the courtyard of Yueyu Palace, Bai Tu, who came to look for the seventh prince, saw the seventh prince and the fifth prince flying past his eyes one after the other, and almost fainted.

"Hurry! Stop them quickly! Call the Seventh Prince back!" Bai Tu ordered the casual little **** behind him, and he also picked up his robe and ran away.

It's just that the footwork of the little **** in the palace cannot compare with the two princes who practice martial arts all year round.

Bai Tu and his men chased him for a full quarter of an hour. All the shoes he chased were lost, and he was unable to catch up with him.

Looking at the two princes who disappeared again in the blink of an eye, Bai Tu felt like crying. He could only return to the imperial study in disgrace and truthfully reported the matter to the emperor.

“Your Majesty, the fifth prince and the seventh prince are chasing each other so hard that they can’t keep up..."

Emperor Yongchang was not surprised when he heard this.

 In the past, when the prince in the palace was still young, the fifth and seventh children were not able to deal with each other.

It's just that the situation is urgent now, who else can he find to replace Lao Qi when he leaves the palace?

Just at this time, a young **** walked in with his head lowered and said, "Your Majesty, His Royal Highness is outside asking for an audience. He said that Qiu Shou has not been able to see the Emperor since he returned to the palace. He is very worried about the Emperor's health, so he came here to visit."

Emperor Yongchang suddenly remembered how the prince bravely stood in front of him while hunting.

When he thought of the urgent situation at the Hua family outside the palace, Emperor Yongchang immediately said, "Prince Xuan, come in!"

 A moment later, Baili Fengmingyun walked out of the imperial study room and walked towards the palace gate quietly.

Shaoxuan has prepared the carriage and is waiting respectfully at the palace gate.

When Baili Fengming got on the carriage, the carriage sped towards West Street.

 In the carriage, Baili Fengming frowned and closed his eyes in deep thought.

 After a long while, he closed his eyes and said softly, "Shaoxuan, how are you getting along with the rich kids I asked you to come into contact with?"

Shaoxuan outside the carriage said, "It's almost done."

 Baili Fengming squeezed the jade pendant in his hand tightly and then said, "It's time to try their skills."

would prefer to…

 Everything comes in time.

 (End of this chapter)

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