The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 172: Practice benevolence and practice righteousness without giving in to others

Chapter 172: Practice benevolence and practice righteousness without giving in to others

The businessmen standing here today have no regard for propriety, justice and shame for the sake of so-called interests.

How could it be pushed back by a broken plaque now?

At the root of the imperial city and at the feet of the emperor, they didn't believe that there were really any ghosts at work!

 Several merchants looked at each other and nodded tacitly.

They just bowed to the flower shop together to see if the ancestors of the flower shop were really that effective!

Seeing this, Xiao Yan was so frightened that she trembled, "What should I do with Third Sister? It's all my fault, my hands are shaking..."

 The smart and lively smile naturally knows what it means if the other plaques are not broken.

Fan Qingyao tensed her whole body, and her habitual meticulousness and calmness kept her clear-headed at all times.

What Tianyu and Mu Yan did just now have aroused the memory of the Hua family in the hearts of the people.

If all the plaques owned by the Hua family were really divided into two, the public opinion of the people alone would crush these profiteers to death.

 This move is a desperate move, and it is also a step-by-step move.

If one plaque is not broken, all the previous efforts will be in vain.

Thousands of thoughts flashed through Fan Qingyao's dark eyes in an instant.

 Suddenly, there was a biting chill in the eyes that had always been calm.

These shops were part of my grandmother’s dowry, and the money was my brother’s life-saving talisman. No matter what, she would not take advantage of these shameless people.

 Looks like we can only fight with our last breath at the moment...

 “Swish, swish, swish… swish, swish…”

 Something comes in vain through the wind.

The speed is so fast that even a sensitive person like Fan Qingyao can only catch the sound but not the object.

At the same time, the merchants standing in front of the flower shop had already bent down.


 The moment they straightened up at the same time, the familiar ‘click! ’ the sound sounded again.

 Different from just now, the sound this time is crisper and unusually dense.

 “Look, look over here…”

 “Then, it’s the same over there...”

 Amid the exclamations of the people, the plaques on the Huajia shop collapsed one by one into cracks.

Immediately afterwards, they fell to the ground one after another like rain.

“Why are the two plaques here the best!” Someone in the crowd pointed to the plaques of the two shops in front of Huajia.

Sure enough, the two plaques of the flower shop that were photographed earlier are still intact and hanging high on the top of the door.

Under such a comparison, the few merchants who had not believed in evil just now were so shocked that they stepped back one after another, and some of the timid ones already collapsed on the ground.

Tianyu and Muyan remembered what their third sister had said before, and immediately knelt on the ground and cried, "I just said that the ancestors of our Hua family are still here, and they definitely did not allow others to bully our Hua family. Daughter, ancestors, we know that you are aggrieved for us, but the world is evil, and some people are bullying me because I have no male in the Hua family! "

 “It’s true that the ancestors of the Hua family are back!”

“I think about how much the Hua family has contributed to the people of Xiliang, how could such a shameless person be so cruel as to bully the daughters of the Hua family!”

“Ancestors of the Hua family, don’t worry, we the people of Xiliang still remember everything you have done. As long as we are here, no one can defraud the Hua family!”

The people's excited voices were loud, soaring into the sky, deafening. Seeing that the common people were walking towards their direction, the other merchants were even more frightened and pointed straight at Dou Kou City.

"It's him who made the plan this time to come to the Hua Family to take advantage, and he didn't want the Hua Family to enter the Main City Merchant Alliance. It was all his fault. We were just motivated by temporary interests and did the wrong thing. …”

 The merchants were panicked and even more afraid.

 Originally, the relationship between them was linked to interests, but now they are betrayed as soon as they say it.


 There are people who are filled with indignation and anger in the front, and the ancestors of the Hua family are in the dark wind in the back. I wonder who can not panic or be afraid!

Dou Koucheng's face was pale. Seeing the people looking at him angrily, he was flustered and sweating profusely. In desperation, he had to turn around and run away.

How can the people let him go when they have been furious for a long time?

 Horses immediately followed closely.

When the other merchants saw this, they all squeezed out of the crowd with their tails between their legs.

Unaware of this, Mu Yan and Tian Yu hid the smiles in their eyes, only thinking that the smiles meant they had succeeded.

But at this moment, the smile's expression was not much better than that of those merchants, and the words she muttered to Fan Qingyao were all in a vibrato, "Three, third sister, is it really the ancestors of our family?" Appeared?"

If everything in the world could be miraculous, how could there be so many people who died in vain?

Fan Qingyao looked at the broken plaque on the ground again, and his eyes were suddenly attracted by an inconspicuous stone.

When she looked at the other plaques, she could see a stone the size of a fingernail surrounding them.

In an instant, Fan Qingyao raised his head and looked around.

 In the alley across the street, an inconspicuous carriage was parked quietly.

Baili Fengming, who was sitting in the carriage at the moment, reached out and lifted a corner of the carriage curtain.

Fan Qingyao's heart skipped a beat when their eyes met.

 She asked Fan Zhao to send a message to that person, knowing that he would definitely send someone to deal with the matter.

It's just that that person was suspicious by nature, and the one he was most wary of and afraid of was the prince. He was afraid that the prince would take away the chair under him before he died. How could he let the person he was guarding handle such a private matter now? thing?

 I’m just afraid…

 It was Baili Fengming who did something else.

Making a plan under that person's nose is simply pulling out a tooth from a tiger's mouth.

 As for why Baili Fengming was willing to take such risks, she knew it clearly without thinking too much.

Just like this, Fan Qingyao forced himself to look away.

At this time, Dou Kou City and the merchants who had sneaked away were surrounded by the people.

Dou Koucheng, whose pants almost ran away, was extremely embarrassed. He looked at Fan Qingyao but refused to give up, "If I had known that your Huajia shop was haunted, I wouldn't have paid even a penny. You should be lucky. It was us who spent our money to take pictures of your Hua family’s shop that no one dares to ask for!”

Seeing Dou Koucheng's arrogant face, Fan Qingyao's eyebrows jumped sharply, and there was a chill in his eyes, "My ancestors of the Hua family all sacrificed their lives to defend the country and were killed on the battlefield by the people. How can it be done now?" Let you spit out the slander of a ghost!"

"No matter what you say, I have already taken the photo of that shop. If you don't give me the land deed, I will report it to the government now!" Dou Koucheng said, secretly winking at the other merchants.

Just before the other merchants could react, a burst of high-fives was heard from behind the crowd.

“I’ve always heard that Miss Hua’s family is very kind and righteous, but now I see her reputation is truly well-deserved.”

 (End of this chapter)

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