Chapter 179 Where does the face come from?

On the twenty-seventh day of the twelfth lunar month, the army heading to Huaishang set out in the main city.

The notice announcing the Hua family's men's participation in the war was also posted on the imperial list, and the people in the main city were agitated for a while.

As long as the Huajia men are around, it is easy to defeat Xianbei.

 The mansion in the western suburbs was also filled with joy.

Hua Yuelian burst into tears immediately after hearing the news.

As long as her brothers win, they will be able to come back, and she can finally give them an explanation.

 The second daughter-in-law, Chunyue, and the fourth daughter-in-law, Yafu, began to discuss how to prepare delicious treats for the guests when they came back.

 Xiaoyan and Muyan also talked and laughed, looking forward to the news of victory coming soon.

The third daughter-in-law, Peihan, was sitting among the daughters-in-law, but her heart was filled with indescribable bitterness.

If Xiao Qingyao hadn't told the truth, I'm afraid she would have been addicted to the illusion of joy and couldn't extricate herself.

The third daughter-in-law Peihan turned her eyes towards Fan Qingyao, who was sitting beside him and smiling with everyone, and felt terrible pain in his heart.

Knowing the truth but not being able to tell it truthfully, how painful it must be for Xiao Qingyao!

"Why didn't you see Tianyu?" Hua Yuelian glanced around the room before looking at her third daughter-in-law, Peihan.

The third daughter-in-law, Peihan, forced a smile and said, "There are some trivial things at my parents' house. I just asked Tianyu to go back and take a look. I guess I will stay there for a few days."

Hearing this, Hua Yuelian clenched the hand of the third daughter-in-law Peihan, "This is just right. When Tianyu comes back, my brother will probably come back, and I'm afraid that girl will be very happy if she finds out."

The third daughter-in-law, Peihan, forced a smile and said, "That's natural."

“I really hope to be reunited soon, so that the Hua family will be back to the past.” Hua Yuelian squeezed the hand of her third daughter-in-law Peihan for a while, and more tears gathered in her eyes.

Back then, she left the Hua family arbitrarily, and when she didn't want to come back, she had to accompany the Hua family to suffer this disaster.

 No one knows that she now has the urge to regret that time.

 The more she regretted, the more she wanted everyone to be reunited.

 When Nanny Xu entered the door, there was a hint of worry in her expression.

It’s just that there was a lot of commotion at the door of the house, and she couldn’t allow her to think too much. She could only say truthfully, “The eldest aunt has come back with the eldest lady, and now they are both kneeling at the door of the house.”

 In an instant, the main hall, which was still filled with laughter and laughter, became a little colder without warning.

No one in the house really had a good impression of the eldest daughter-in-law Ling Wei and Xin Ying.

Especially when I think about the fact that the men of the Hua family have just been sent out of the city, the eldest daughter-in-law Ling Wei is thinking of divorce, and the third daughter-in-law Peihan, who has a bad temper, can even vomit in disgust.

 But amidst the silence of the crowd, Hua Yuelian stood up first.

"I'll go out and have a look." As far as she is concerned, her eldest daughter-in-law Ling Wei is still her former sister-in-law, and she cannot ignore her even for the sake of her eldest brother.

Seeing Hua Yuelian leave the room, everyone's eyes fell on Fan Qingyao.

Fan Qingyao lowered his eyes slightly and said, "Excuse me, my aunts, please go out and have a look. No matter what the people outside say, I have invited these aunts to stabilize my mother first, and other matters will be done later." It’s not too late to discuss it later.”

 The daughters-in-law of the Hua family immediately understood what Xiao Qingyao meant. The eldest daughter-in-law Ling Wei was probably here with Xinying in mind.

“Don’t worry, Xiao Qingyao, we know how to do it.” The daughters-in-law nodded defensively, got up and walked out.

 Mother Xu stood aside and said worriedly, "Aren't you going to go out and have a look, little lady?"

Fan Qingyao shook his head.

Now everyone in the main city knows that she is the head of the Hua family, so no matter what ideas the eldest daughter-in-law Ling Wei and Xinying want to make, as long as she is not present, no one will dare to be their boss.

The entrance to the mansion in the western suburbs was already surrounded by people watching the excitement on three levels outside and on three levels.

As soon as Hua Yuelian went out, she heard the loud banging sound of her eldest daughter-in-law Ling Wei, who was holding Xinying's hand and kowtowing. As soon as she saw Hua Yuelian, the eldest daughter-in-law Ling Wei burst into tears first and shouted heartbreakingly, "Yue Lian, I know everything is my fault. I shouldn't have listened to my parents. I haven’t shown up since I went back, but I also have my own difficulties. Since ancient times, my parents’ orders cannot be fulfilled, and I, I can’t do anything about it…”

Seeing Hua Yuelian standing on the steps of the western suburbs mansion, the eldest daughter-in-law Ling Wei and Xinying knelt all the way up the steps, hugging Hua Yuelian's legs and crying hard.

"Yue Lian, I know that you blame your sister-in-law and even hate her. My sister-in-law knows that what happened in the past was her fault. She should not have used the money in the house to help her parents' family. But you also know that my father is not your biological child. If I don't take it, How will my mother live with her money back?"

Hua Yuelian looked down at her eldest daughter-in-law Ling Wei and sighed helplessly, "What happened in the past is in the past, so why bother?"

Hearing this, the eldest daughter-in-law Ling Wei pushed Xinying in front of Hua Yuelian.

Hua Yuelian's heart ached when she saw Xinying's wrinkled clothes and dusty face.

She suddenly thought of the sadness she felt when Yue Yaer followed her and left the Fan Mansion to seek life outside.

 Xinying is probably not much bigger than Crescent Moon.

The eldest daughter-in-law, Ling Wei, caught the pain in Hua Yuelian's eyes and cried out, "Now my parents have left the main city. Xinying and I sneaked back overnight. Yue Lian, you see that I used to For the sake of giving birth to a child for your brother, you just want me to come back, right? Even if you don't pity me, you pity Xinying, but Xinying is your eldest brother's biological daughter, she is innocent!"

The people around looked at this scene, and the sarcasm and curses they once had on their eldest daughter-in-law, Ling Wei, stopped.

Thinking about it carefully, the eldest daughter-in-law of the Hua family is also a hard-working person. Her father even died on the battlefield trying to block General Hua's arrow.

How is there ever a time when people don’t make mistakes?

Besides, the child is still young, and no one can just watch the child suffer.

When the daughters-in-law of the Hua family walked to the door, they saw Hua Yuelian bending down to help the eldest daughter-in-law Ling Wei up, and also pulling Xinying beside her.

"Sister-in-law, please don't say those things that are foreign to you. We are a family after all. I'm afraid my eldest brother will be happy if you come back. I even heard Yue Ya'er say that Feng Ning will be back soon, so your family will be reunited. , our Hua family will be happy." From the bottom of her heart, Hua Yuelian naturally hopes to reunite her family.

I still remember when I was little, my eldest brother loved her the most and would let her do anything.

How could she have the heart to shut out her eldest brother's wife and daughter now?

 The other daughters-in-law were very worried when they heard this.

Yue Lian has only been back with Xiao Qingyao for a long time, but they have lived with their eldest daughter-in-law Ling Wei for more than ten years.

Even more so because she is the eldest daughter-in-law, she wants to trample them into the dust!

Now the eldest daughter-in-law Ling Wei, let alone crying, would not be able to forgive her hatred even if she died in front of them.

Where does he have the nerve to say such hypocritical words now!

How could the eldest daughter-in-law Ling Wei, who was standing at the door of the Huajia Mansion, not feel the resistance of the sisters-in-law at the door?

 But even resisting is useless. In the past, they did not have any say in this family, and now it is not their turn to make the decision.

Thinking of this, the eldest daughter-in-law Ling Wei dragged Xinying and cried pitifully, "I knew you could forgive me, Yue Lian. Don't worry, I will advance and retreat together with the Hua family in the future. I will not Contact my parents again.”

Such words moved the faces of the people watching the excitement at the entrance of Huajia.

The eldest daughter-in-law of the Hua family has even abandoned her natal family. It would be too much for the Hua family to stop her.

 The second gate of the mansion.

The second daughter-in-law, Chunyue, is already frightened when she thinks that her sister-in-law is coming back again, "What should I do?"

The third daughter-in-law Peihan warned, "I'm going to find Xiao Qingyao. You two, be careful and don't let them in."

After saying that, he turned around and walked back with his skirt in hand.

 In the main hall, Fan Qingyao played with the tea cup in his hand while listening to the description of his third daughter-in-law Peihan.

After a long while, she gave the order, "Ning Han, ask Butler Cheng to withdraw a hundred taels of silver and deliver it to my eldest aunt in person."

The third daughter-in-law Peihan was stunned and said, "Xiao Qingyao, all the money in our house is earned carefully."

How could you just take advantage of that ruthless mother and daughter!

Fan Qingyao just smiled and said, "Don't worry, third aunt, the money has been given, but it will definitely not be taken advantage of."

 (End of this chapter)

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