The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 181: I have the final say on how to go back

Chapter 181 I have the final say on how to go back

In an inconspicuous corner on the first floor of Hongfu Building.

Fan Zhao's men, who were standing behind Fan Qingyao, were furious as they looked at the mother and daughter upstairs who were eating and drinking without restraint.

 It means that the ten fingers under the sleeves are all squeezing.

Even if they are far away and cannot hear their conversation, judging from their greedy and vain expressions, there is no sense of joy in returning to the Hua family?

The money his master gave him today was all hard-earned money, how could he allow such shameless waste!

Fan Qingyao was sitting on the chair, holding the tea cup in his hand, but he was as calm as ever.

The white-eyed wolf is a white-eyed wolf. Even if its teeth are pulled out, its greedy and despicable nature cannot be erased.

Mossing the tea cup in his hand, Fan Qingyao asked softly, "How did you go about the things I asked you to do?"

Fan Zhao's men quickly lowered their heads, "We are all ready, just waiting for the master's instructions."

Fan Qingyao took out a small paper bag from her sleeve, "Let him hold this and remember to smear it on your palms." After a pause, she handed another paper bag to Fan Zhao. Subordinate, "When you're done, quickly wash your hands with this flush of water."

"Yes." Fan Zhao's men carefully picked up the two paper packages, turned and left.

Fan Qingyao picked up the tea cup in front of him again, put it to his lips and sipped it gently.

Whether it is for the sake of her mother, her uncle, or her brother, she can allow her eldest daughter-in-law, Ling Wei, and her daughter to return home.

 But how to go back is up to her.

There was a sudden commotion at the door of Hongfu Tower, and then a little beggar was seen sneaking in.

At this time, the people eating there were all prominent figures in the capital. They thought they were superior to others and frowned in disgust the moment they saw the little beggar.

Hongfulou's guys were afraid of affecting their business, so they hurriedly chased after him.

 But the little beggar ran very fast, and in a blink of an eye he was on the second floor.

Other diners on the second floor saw this and stood up to avoid it. The eldest daughter-in-law, Ling Wei, raised her head, but before she could understand what had happened, she saw a little beggar running towards him with a sour stench.

A flash of disgust flashed in the eyes of the eldest daughter-in-law Ling Wei, and she quickly wanted to pull Xinying aside.

 Unexpectedly, the little beggar hit Xinying first.

The sour smell hit her face, and her hands, which were so dirty that her skin color could not be seen, clung to Xinying's clothes.

Xinying felt a pain in her chest. When she looked down, she saw two black and oily handprints clearly printed on her clothes.

When the little beggar saw this, he quickly lowered his head and admitted his mistake, "I'm sorry, yes, it's me..."

Before the little beggar could finish speaking, Xinying raised her hand and slapped him.


The little beggar, who was only six years old, was knocked to the ground.

Other diners at Hongfu Tower were also shocked when they saw this.

Even if the little beggar is no more than a young child, whose young lady is so vicious?

Xinying could not stop being angry. Faced with the strange looks from around him, he immediately shouted arrogantly, "He is just a pariah. I am being merciful by not beating him to death. I tell you that I am from the Hua family." My eldest daughter, who dares to bully me?"

When the eldest daughter-in-law Ling Wei heard this, she felt bad and quickly covered Xinying's mouth.

Even if the Hua family men were used to attack the Xianbei Emperor this time, the mother and daughter have not officially returned to the Hua family yet. Such publicity will probably cause criticism.


 Those present did not know the identities of their mother and daughter.

Just when the eldest daughter-in-law Ling Wei was glad that Xinying's words were not so clear just now, she heard an unusually clear voice coming up from downstairs.


The eldest daughter-in-law Ling Wei looked down following the sound. When she saw Fan Qingyao's face, she felt her head buzz. Why is this little **** like Fan Qingyao here?

Of course Fan Qingyao knew that his eldest daughter-in-law Ling Wei didn't want to see her here, but thinking so, she still got up and walked up to the second floor.

She first stretched out her hand to help the little beggar curled up on the ground, and then told Fan Zhao's men behind her, "Send the person out alive, take good care of him, and give him enough money for medical treatment."

 Even if the little beggar had collected her money in advance, there was no need for him to receive Xinying's slap.

She knew that Xinying had a bad temper, but she didn't expect that the absence during this period of time would actually worsen to such an extent.

 She made an omission and should make up for it.

Fan Zhao's men didn't say much and just carried the little beggar out of Hongfu Tower.

Fan Qingyao then straightened up and looked at Xinying's angry face, "Why is eldest sister so angry? Is it because the money I gave you today is not enough to keep eldest sister and eldest sister well fed and drunk?" ?”

It was only then that the diners around them realized that this mother and daughter with extremely bad tempers were actually members of the Hua family.

In the crowd, someone among the crowd started whispering about what they had heard and seen in the western suburbs mansion today.

As the discussion gradually increased, everyone present knew that today it was the mother and daughter who were crying and causing trouble in the Hua family. In the end, it was the Hua family who persuaded the Hua family and gave them a hundred taels of silver notes. The mother and daughter were dismissed for the time being.

As a result, the mother and daughter were still pitiful at the door of Hua's house during the day, and they ate and drank in Hongfu Building at night?

 What did the eldest lady of the Hua family say just now?

 Calling the people in the main city untouchables!

The eldest daughter-in-law, Ling Wei, felt her whole body aching from the eyes around her. She smiled and explained, "It's all a misunderstanding. Xiao Qingyao, you also know that Xinying is growing tall now, and she hasn't eaten for a long time." She has had a full meal, so I thought of taking her to replenish her body. "

As soon as the words "Xiao Qingyao" were heard, everyone in Hongfu Tower was startled.

It turns out that this is Fan Qingyao, the young lady from the Hua family who caused a sensation in the main city!

Early after Fan Qingyao forced the palace, word spread throughout the main city about Fan Qingyao's extraordinary courage and the incident of the Huajia shop. People in the main city even spread the news that this young lady from the Huajia family was a benevolent and righteous person.

Now these dignitaries from Hongfu Tower finally meet each other, they are indeed proud and extraordinary.

Fan Qingyao looked solemn, his quiet eyes were dark, "Among the daughters of the Hua family, the eldest sister is the oldest. When the Hua family was in trouble, it was the second sister who was busy in the house with a smile, and it was the fifth sister who was busy in the house with a smile. Mu Yan maintains the overall management of the shop, and her fourth sister Tian Yu is as strong as a man holding up half of the sky of the mansion..."

 When he talked about the heavenly decree, Fan Qingyao couldn't help but choke.

She took a deep breath and looked at Xinying again, "And where was the eldest sister at that time? Now the eldest sister is busy replenishing her body, but the other daughters of my Hua family are still busy making money for the Hua family. livelihood!"

Xinying's heart ached when Fan Qingyao said it, and the anger in her eyes became even more obvious, "Fan Qingyao, what's the matter with you? I just beat up a pariah, and why are you so fussy with me?"

Fan Qingyao's fingertips were cold and his voice was clear, "All the people in this main city have been protected by the Hua family with their blood and sweat. The eldest sister calls them untouchables but she has never thought about the ancestors of the Hua family!"

The eldest daughter-in-law Ling Wei’s heart was beating fast and her head was swollen three times.

"Xinying, you can't talk nonsense!" She knew that Xinying had a loud temper, but she never expected that she would speak so openly.

But how could the eldest daughter-in-law Ling Wei control Xinying, who was extremely angry at this moment?

She didn't know what was wrong with her, she just felt like there was a fire burning in her chest. She used to dislike Fan Qingyao, but now she wanted to tear Fan Qingyao's mouth to pieces!

Just when Xinying was trembling all over and gritting her teeth.

Fan Qingyao gave another dose of strong medicine, "A daughter like you is not worthy of being a daughter of a flower girl!"

"Fan Qingyao, you bitch! You deserve to die!" Xinying said, and rushed towards Fan Qingyao.

When the eldest daughter-in-law Ling Wei saw this, she was so shocked that she took a few steps back. If she hadn't been holding on to the corner of the table, she would have fallen to her knees with weak legs.

Originally, she planned to show off her power after returning, but now it seems...

 It’s over.

 Everything is finished.

 (End of this chapter)

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