The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 184: Tolerate what others cannot tolerate, tolerate what others cannot tolerate

Chapter 184: Tolerate what others cannot tolerate, tolerate what others cannot tolerate

Fan Qingyao avoided everyone's gaze and took Texue aside.

I carefully took out the letter from its mouth and looked at it carefully under the weak moonlight. My already tense heart trembled hard.

 The uncles arrived at Huaishang!

 It is joy but also worry,

 Happily, my uncles are finally free.

The worry is that there is only a thin line between life and death.

In the letter, Baili Fengming asked her if she had anything to say to Huaishang.

But she didn’t know that she might not be able to finish what she wanted to say all day and night.

Fan Qingyao suppressed the rolling thoughts in his heart and turned back to the house.

  Opening the cabinet on the bed, he took out an ordinary-looking purse from the bottom. After handing it to Ta Xue, he fed Ta Xue himself and then watched Ta Xue go out.

Soon, Ta Xue, who had eaten and drank enough, appeared in front of Baili Fengming again.

 Baili Fengming took the thick-stitched purse from Ta Xue's mouth and showed a unique and profound smile.

Baili Lingyu came over and took a look curiously, her eyes almost fell out of her head, "Brother Emperor, I'm afraid that **** girl was frightened in front of the separation of life and death. I think you shouldn't waste your efforts sending her a message." , it’s just a waste of time.”

The road from the main city to Huaishang is inherently dangerous, and it is even more difficult to deliver messages back and forth.

Who is not picking out important words to pass on, but that **** girl actually brought a purse...

 Are you asking the Hua family’s men to do needlework in Huaishang?

 Baili Fengming smiled and refused to argue.

 That night, he personally handed the purse to the secret guard who was going to Huaishang to deliver the message.

 Raising his eyes and looking in the direction of the western suburbs mansion, Baili Fengming rubbed the ring on his thumb for a long time, unable to regain his consciousness.

Ayao, you sent the life-saving amulet to Huaishang, but you already anticipated everything that was about to happen?

Fan Qingyao knew that it was already the second day of the Lunar New Year when Baili Fengming gave the purse away.

Looking at Ta Xue acting coquettishly at her feet, she quietly tightened her skirt.

 I'm afraid that Tianyu would have already seen his uncle and the others at this time.

As Fan Qingyao thought, Tianyu indeed saw his father and uncles.

 But at this moment, she was lying with Fan Zhao on the **** ten miles outside Huaishang City, but she hoped that she didn't see anything.

In the cold wind mixed with dust, the man from the Hua family was walking with difficulty towards the city gate of Huaishang.

  Their tattered shoes and socks had long been worn out by the fast walking. They walked barefoot on the sand covered with snow and stones, but no one complained, let alone pain.

Traces of blood, as they moved forward, made red footprints on the snow.

  Obviously they came to fight and defend the country, but from the border to Huaishang, the shackles on their necks and the shackles weighing dozens of kilograms were always hanging on their bodies.

Tianyu's heart was throbbing with heart-breaking pain, tears rushed out, and monstrous anger burned fiercely in his chest.

If Fan Zhao hadn't pinned her to the ground beside her, she would have rushed over at this time.

Her father and uncles are here to serve the country and defend Xiliang, not to be humiliated and dirty!

Fan Zhao also gritted his teeth and said, "Fourth young lady must keep her composure and not let down the master's expectations."

 Tianyu was stunned for a moment, and after a while he forced himself to swallow all the tears back into his stomach.

Uncle Fan was right. She came here with the trust of Third Sister. If her impulsiveness caused trouble, how could she still have the nerve to face Third Sister? She was still in the Hua family looking forward to her father's uncle's return. Everyone?


The overall sound of footsteps is accompanied by the chaotic sound of horse hooves from far to near.

The officer who was watching the men of the Hua family stopped and saw the army coming from the main city galloping towards them.

The first to ride over were the four lieutenants who were accompanying him this time, and they were all General Hua Lao's subordinates.

 When they saw the heavy shackles on the flower boy's body and his bare feet, everyone was stunned.

The leading lieutenant slapped the officers hard, "The Hua family men are going to fight this time for the stability of Xiliang and the safety of the people. How dare you be so negligent!"

The officers were beaten so hard that they fell to the ground and screamed in pain, shouting for mercy.

The other lieutenants had no time to pay attention to the officers. Instead, they got off their horses and drew out the long swords they wore around their waists to cut off all the shackles.

Suddenly, there was another sound of horse hoofbeats.

I saw the Seventh Prince Baili Luo Ji coming on horseback, with a contemptuous smile flashing in his gloomy eyes, "These lieutenants are really bad-tempered. I wonder what these servants who were ordered to do things did wrong, and they are going to be punished by them." Is the lieutenant so embarrassed?"

One of the lieutenants knelt on the ground and said, "To the seventh prince, the Hua family men are going to war under the emperor's order. They are soldiers like us, not slaves or prisoners..."


The deputy general hadn't finished speaking when a cold light suddenly appeared. When everyone came to their senses, they saw that the deputy general's head had rolled to the ground.

 Scarlet blood sprayed all over Baili Luo Ji's body, which also shocked the eyes of everyone present.

Tianyu, who was lying on the hillside in the distance, almost screamed in shock.

The other three lieutenants immediately turned pale and asked, "What do you mean by this, Your Majesty the Seventh Prince? How could he cut off his limbs before attacking Xianbei!"

Baili Luo Ji smiled sinisterly, his eyes reflecting on the headless corpse of the deputy general, "Anyone who disobeys military orders will be nothing more than a freeloader. It is his honor to kill him personally, otherwise he would be treated like this." Man, even if you kill him, it would be too dirty to kill him.”

After hearing this, the three lieutenants tensed up and trembled.

Baili Luo Ji then turned to look at the group of Hua family men, "You are able to come to Xianbei because of your father's kindness, but in the eyes of His Highness, you are still no different from prisoners. From today on You are only allowed to sleep outside the army’s tents and eat the army’s leftovers. Anyone who disobeys will be dealt with according to military law!”

Huajun, the second eldest son of the Hua family, once fought side by side with the deputy general who died tragically when he followed his father in the war. How can he bear to see his father's subordinates die tragically for no reason now?

Hearing the order just delivered by Baili Luo Ji, his eyes were even more dizzy, "It's full of ridiculous words, what kind of military regulations are they?"

 Baili Luo Ji clenched the long knife in his hand and pressed towards Hua Jun, the second eldest son of the Hua family, "Could it be that you want to do the second one?"

Hua Jun, the second eldest son of the Hua family, was not afraid of the long knife that was still stained with blood, and immediately took a step forward.

 Several other men of the Hua family saw this, their eyes were blazing and they wanted to follow.

 “Don’t cause trouble.”

Hua Gu, the boss of the Hua family, stopped his younger brothers, suppressed his debt and anger toward the dead lieutenant, and then said softly, "Think about the family members who are still in the main city, and why we came here."

 One sentence goes straight to the weak point of the handsome boys.

They can't die here before they fight Xianbei.

They came here not only so that they could regain their freedom, but also for the peace of the people in Huaishang.

Their father always taught them that the world is bigger than the common people.

 The Hua family exists to protect the people of Xiliang.

 Baili Luo Ji looked at Hua Gu, the boss of the Hua family, and smiled sarcastically, "I didn't expect that there are cowards in the Hua family, but it's okay, my highness also wants to be dirty with blood again."

Hua Gu, the boss of the Hua family, swallowed a mouthful of blood and moved forward with the army again.

 That night, the army landed and camped five miles outside the gate of Huaishang City.

The weather was cold, and because they were not allowed to enter the camp, several young men had no choice but to huddle together and rely on the fire in front of them that could go out at any time to keep warm.

In the main camp opposite, Baili Luo Ji was toasting and laughing with several of his confidants. Surrounded by them were the Xianbei widows caught along the way.

  Seeing this, the flower boy couldn't help but clenched his cold fists.

 Not to kill prisoners of war, not to molest the enemy's widows, this is the benevolence of all those who march to war.

 But look at what those people are doing now?

Seeing one of the generals oppressing the Xianbei widow next to him, even Hua Gu, the boss of the Hua family, couldn't bear such a despicable scene.

Suddenly, an inconspicuous soldier walked over.

The soldier lowered his head so that his appearance could not be seen clearly. After throwing the things in his hands in front of the flower boy, he hurried away again.

Hua Gu, the boss of the Hua family who was already eager to rush into the camp, lowered his head and looked at the object...

 This, this is!


 This is the purse that the little girls of the Hua family embroidered together at the end of last year.

 Several handsome boys burst into tears instantly.

Hua Gu, the boss of the Hua family, picked up the purse and held it tightly in his hand. Suddenly, he remembered that because the little girls had no patience for sewing purses, their mother said to them...

 In an instant, several men of the Hua family woke up from their anger.

 The current head of the Hua family is Xiao Qingyao...


Xiao Qingyao told them to hold back!

 (End of this chapter)

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