Chapter 186 One of the best tips, retreat!

Hua Gu, the boss of the Hua family, who was walking at the very back, felt that someone was watching him and subconsciously looked sideways. When he saw the small figure protected in the dark, he was immediately shocked.

That is…

Divine decree!

Tianyu didn’t expect that his uncle would see him, and his eyes turned red and he cried with joy.

 It’s just that there is chaos in the main camp now, and it’s really not a good time to talk.

Although Tianyu didn't know how to fight, she also knew that the urgent horn would not bring any good news. In desperation, she took out the first kit from her arms and handed it to Fan Zhao behind her.

Fan Zhao looked at the soldiers running around, poured the contents into his palm, and shot the bag towards Hua Gu.

Hua Gu took the brocade bag in surprise and quickly opened it in her palm, only to see one word.

 This, this is...

Tianyu finally breathed a sigh of relief the moment his uncle opened the bag of tips.

The third sister said that no matter what happens, as long as you open the bag of tips, you can save the day.

 Although she didn’t know what the third sister would write on it, she believed that the third sister would be able to do what she said.

 The main account is brightly lit.

The men of the Hua family had just stepped in when they heard the urgent pleading of the lieutenants, "The grain and grass being escorted from the main city were all hijacked by Xianbei in one fell swoop, and the five thousand transport troops we escorted the grain and grass were also killed. If you don't stay, please His Majesty the Seventh Prince to arrange your troops quickly, otherwise we will become Xianbei's prey sooner or later!"

 Several men from the Hua family were shocked when they heard this.

No wonder the third prince of Xianbei, Lou Gan, has done nothing but provocation in the past few days. Baili Luo Ji has been boosting the morale of the army by saying that Xianbei does not dare to act rashly, but he does not know that Lou Gan is just a drunkard and does not care about drinking.

If food and grass cannot be supplied, even if Xianbei continues not to send troops to attack, I am afraid that the tens of thousands of soldiers in the main camp will collapse on their own.

 The third prince of Xianbei, Lou Gan…

  It’s really murderous and heartbreaking!

 Baili Luo Ji's face was gloomy and uncertain.

Compared with other princes, he is indeed full of meritorious deeds, but don’t you know that he snatched these merits from the dead soldiers along the way?

Now facing such a cunning and cunning Xianbei, he was furious but helpless.

Of course, Baili Luo Ji would not admit that his skills were inferior to others. A moment after the pleadings of several lieutenants, his peripheral vision glanced at the young men at the entrance of the camp.

“This time my father asked your Hua family to take advantage of the crime and make meritorious service. Could it be that he just wanted you to come here to eat and wait to die! If the food and grass issue cannot be solved again, everyone in the Hua family will be dealt with according to military law!”

Hearing these words, the lieutenants kneeling on the ground were both sad and angry.

 But when they thought of the lieutenant whose head was beheaded, they could only tense up and remain silent.

The Hua family man didn't bother to argue with Baili Luo Ji at this time. The eldest brother was right. Xiao Qingyao was still guarding everyone in the capital waiting for them to return for reunion. They couldn't let down the people in the family, let alone Xiao Qingyao. All the hard work in Qingyao was in vain.

 Several men from the Hua family walked to the long table and all lowered their heads to look at the map on the table.

Long years of leading troops in battles allowed them to quickly analyze the situation and draw up a military formation in their minds. They were almost silent for a moment before hearing their voices ring out steadily.

Hua Yi, the third oldest member of the Hua family, was the first to say, "Xianbei cuts off our food and grass in order to turn us into trapped beasts. In this case, as long as the main city continues to transport food and grass, Xianbei will definitely set up ambushes around it again. Since they want If we are trapped in an urn, we will simply invite you into the urn.”

The second son of the Hua family nodded and said, "In this case, we will divide our troops into five groups. I will personally lead the troops and station them in the place where the food and grass were hijacked. While the Xianbei spies are paying attention to me, the third son will He and Laosi then led the troops to ambush at two points in the northwest. "

The fourth child of the Hua family looked at the other two points on the map and said, "If we follow what the third and second brothers want, we need the eldest brother to bring a team of people to cooperate with us at the southeast point."

Hua Gu, the boss of the Hua family who finally walked into the camp, nodded and carefully analyzed all the distribution. Seeing that there were no other problems, he turned to look at Baili Luo Jida, "Once we remove those who robbed food and grass, The Xianbei disease was suppressed, and Lou Gan definitely wanted to attack the main camp unprepared, because in Lou Gan's opinion, all our main forces were at the front to detain the Xianbei soldiers who were robbing food and grass. By then, His Highness the Seventh Prince would only need to bring people to the main camp in advance. If you prepare an ambush inside, you will surely see Lou Gan leading his troops into a trap!"

 In the main tent, it became unusually quiet at some point.

The lieutenants who were kneeling on the ground felt their scalps go numb after listening to the men from the Hua family arranging their troops.

With such a careful arrangement, no one can find any flaws.

Several lieutenants suppressed the turbulence in their hearts and secretly asserted that they did not expect that the Hua family men would even disdain their fame and honor, and actually gave it to His Highness the Seventh Prince so frankly. As long as this battle starts, the Seventh Prince will definitely become famous!

 The other children of the Hua family looked at their eldest brother in surprise.

Although the elder brother did not make it so obvious, anyone who has ever fought in a war knows that the last link in a chain of links is often the easiest and most effective.

 The eldest brother clearly handed over the final execution of Lou Gan to the Seventh Prince, which was basically giving away the credit.

 In the past, they really didn’t care that much about military merit.

 But things are different now. If you want to return to the main city to be with your family, military merit is the only stepping stone!

Hua Gu, the boss of the Hua family, was actually surprised when he gave up the gong. But just when he was still wondering whether his decision was wrong, he heard Baili Luo Ji's laughter behind him.

“I didn’t expect the Hua family to be quite capable, so His Highness approved your proposal and sent you troops according to your needs.”

 Baili Luo Ji naturally would not let go of the meritorious service he had obtained.


 He was even more enlightened by what the Hua family said, and even thought about how to deal with these Hua family members.

Hua Gu, the boss of the Hua family, saw Baili Luo Ji nodding his head in agreement without hesitation, but secretly tightened the bag of tips in his sleeves.

 Little Qingyao!

He could read the handwriting on the note in the kit at a glance.

 The note is actually just one word, retreat.

Although he didn't know what Xiao Qingyao meant, he had been thinking about the words on the note just now, so when he made the final decision, he let the Hua family retreat naturally and pushed Baili Luoji away. Ascended to a position of merit.

Now hearing Baili Luo Ji's decisive orders of troops and generals, Hua Gu, the boss of the Hua family, felt like his heart was beating like a drum.

Father taught them how to lead soldiers in war and how to be a man who could serve the country. He also told them that they were born as Xiliang people and died as Xiliang ghosts.

 That is to say, in the minds of Huajia men, their belief in imperial power is unwavering.

 So much so that all the handsome men now have never really guessed the seventh prince's thoughts.

But Xiao Qingyao, who was far away in the main city, clearly understood the seventh prince's thoughts, and was able to pinch Baili Luo Ji's weakness with just one word, so that Baili Luo Ji did not hesitate. Agree to send troops.

  Hua Gudu, the boss of the Hua family, didn’t know how he got out of the main tent.

That night, Baili Luo Ji ordered the troops to be sent to each of the Hua family men, one thousand elite soldiers, and promised the Hua family men to wait until the actual war started before sending troops to support.

It was only after the men of the Hua family had led their troops out of the main camp that Hua Gu, the boss of the Hua family, gathered the younger brothers together and informed them about what was written in the note.

 After hearing what the eldest brother said, the other young men were so shocked that they could not speak for a long time.

 Xiao Qingyao…

It turns out that the fact that they were able to successfully lead the troops into battle was all thanks to Xiao Qingyao!

The boys of the Hua family were immediately ashamed and felt guilty. They, the uncles, were really about to become useless, and it was actually left to Xiao Qingyao to protect them.

in this way…

 They must win this battle beautifully!

 Don’t let Xiliang down!

 Don’t bring shame to the family!

 Let’s not let Xiao Qingyao’s hard work go to waste!

Tianyu, who followed Fan Zhao closely behind the Hua family men's team, looked at her father and uncles who were separated to the death. She obviously wanted to meet and reunite with her father, but in the end she still signaled Fan Zhao to follow her uncle. Team.

Her appearance now will only distract her father from the war.

 The third sister asked her to come here to bring everyone back, not to drag them back.

Hua Gu, the boss of the Hua family, did not call out to his fourth brother who had already turned his horse. He glanced at the shadow following the team and couldn't tell whether he was happy or in pain.

 (End of this chapter)

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