The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 201: In my eyes you are already a dead person

Chapter 201 You are already a dead person in my eyes

Baili Luo Ji looked at Fan Zhao who fell to the ground and changed his panic.

He raised his foot and stepped on the **** hole that was punctured by Fan Zhao, and crushed it hard, "I want to see who you really are. How dare you come and kill me."

As Baili Luo Ji said, he stepped over Fan Zhao and walked towards the door.


 A pair of **** hands suddenly grabbed Baili Luo Ji's ankle!

 Baili Luo Ji looked at Fan Zhao who was still conscious in disbelief, "You really are like a cockroach."

Fan Zhao clenched his teeth, which were leaking blood, and tightened his fingers.

He is the master, and if this matter is really publicized, the whole Hua family will be implicated.

He, Fan Zhao, has been walking around the world for decades. He has never seen any kind of people, and he has never experienced any kind of intrigues. To put it bluntly, he got here by stepping on the corpses of others.

 Bandits like them, no matter what the reason for taking this road, will be shameful and even disgusting.

 But his master was willing to believe in him, to keep him, and even to give him and his brothers a home.

To put it bluntly, for most of his life, his master was the first person to give him warmth.

 So even if he dies now, he will never let his master’s identity be traced!

What Baili Luo Ji hates most is this kind of people who insist on showing loyalty even after death, just like those mad dogs of the Hua family, who are obviously abandoned by their royal family, but still pretend to be noble.

"Since you want to die, I will help you!" Baili Luo Ji said, raising the dagger in his hand again.

 This time, he aimed at the back of Fan Zhao's heart.

How can people who practice martial arts be insensitive to things behind them?

But even though Fan Zhaoming knew that his death was coming, he still refused to let go of his grasping hand.

 Baili Luo Ji's joints clattering with force as he clutched the dagger, his murderous intention evident.

 In vain!

Baili Luo Ji, who was holding the dagger tightly, suddenly stopped moving.

Seeing that the daggers were all touching Fan Zhao's skin, he couldn't fall down no matter what.

It's not that Baili Luoji didn't want to, but that his body somehow...


Baili Luoji didn't have time to think too much. A burning pain enveloped his shoulder.

The pain was so heartbreaking that Baili Luoji fell to the ground in an instant.

Fan Zhao looked at Baili Luo Ji who was about to scream, gritted his teeth and reluctantly reached out to touch Baili Luo Ji's mute blood.

Supporting his body, which was so painful that he couldn't even breathe, Fan Zhao slanted his body and sat on the chair behind him. When he looked at Baili Luo Ji on the ground again, his eyes stagnated.

I saw that the clothes on Baili Luo Ji's right shoulder were already rotten and could not be seen from their original appearance.

The skin under the clothes really seemed to be burned by fire. It became red, swollen and blistered bit by bit at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then the skin withered and rotted until the white bones still connected to the flesh were exposed.

Baili Luoji, who was speechless, rolled on the ground like crazy, as if he wanted to stop the fire that was burning on him but no one could see it.

How can this be?

 There was obviously no trace of fire in the house, so why did he feel burned!

Fan Zhao looked at Baili Luo Ji's extremely painful look, but he knew it in his heart.

 The night he left Hua's house, his master held him back.

At that time, the master quietly stuffed two paper bags into his hand and told him: "Red is poison, green is solution. Kill someone at the first sight of the letter, and you will be saved for hundreds of miles. Once you go, you will never come back." ’

 So when he just stood behind Baili Luo Ji, he sprinkled all the green powder on Baili Luo Ji's shoulders.

As if he had thought of something, Fan Zhao took out the letter from his sleeve and spread it out in front of Baili Luo Ji. "This is the letter my master asked me to bring to His Highness Seventh. I would like His Highness to read it."

 Baili Luo Ji looked at the letter that was right in front of him, and his eyes that were originally wrinkled with pain suddenly widened!

Your Majesty, Seventh Highness, see Xin'an.

Huaishang was captured and Xianbei was massacred, but the Xiliang royal family secretly wanted to destroy all the men in my Hua family. As the royal family of Xiliang, you control the world of Xiliang. When the enemy came to the city, you did not meet the enemy and fight for the country. Instead, you tried to kill the loyal family. This is what you did!

On the other hand, His Majesty the Seventh Prince is plotting every step of the way, putting himself in trouble at every turn, and trying every possible means to put the Hua family man to death.

 The battle on the dangerous Tiger Road left the men of the Hua family in danger.

 Can't stand Xianbei's provocation, even though he was treated as a hostage and surrendered.

With His Majesty’s dignity and privileges, I’m afraid I won’t be able to endure these sufferings.

So His Highness the Seventh Prince will definitely follow the trend and secretly join forces with Xianbei to let Xiliang cede land for tribute, and will even make my uncles pay for your greed for life and fear of death.

And when the seventh prince escapes safely, the first one will kill all the men in my Hua family for the crime of actively seeking peace!

Your Majesty the Seventh Highness is very calculating.

 But His Highness Seventh Prince has forgotten that no matter how good the plan is, the prerequisite is that you are alive.

The century-old Hua family fights for the country, and what they support is not the ridiculous imperial power, but the millions of innocent people in Xiliang!

Therefore, I thank the Royal Flowers of Huai Shang in the front of Huai Shang.

 Fan said goodbye to His Highness Seventh Prince in advance here.

Your Majesty the Seventh Prince…

Good journey.

Baili Luo Ji looked at the words in front of him. His body was clearly burning, but cold sweat ran across his face.

 After arriving in Huaishang, he indeed plotted against the Hua family many times.

Not only because his father ordered him to be eliminated, but also because he knew the loyalty of the Hua family and would never dare to disrespect him.

But now, a mere daughter of the Hua family actually has murderous intentions towards him!

 Baili Luo Ji was not wrong. Fan Qingyao planned this step by step just to kill Baili Luo Ji.

 Only when he dies can the uncles give Xianbei a try.

 Only if he dies, the century-old honor that the Hua family has always supported will not be discredited.

 Only if he dies, she can turn things around.

 Baili Luo Ji only knew that the moment the Hua family man left the border, he was destined to die.

But he never dreamed that from the moment he left the main city, he was already a dead person in Fan Qingyao's eyes.

 Baili Luo Ji didn't want to believe that a little girl could have such courage, but what was before him now didn't allow him to question it at all!

 The pain in my shoulders has spread to my chest, and even breathing is beginning to be difficult.

Baili Luoji has never been as frightened as he is now. He is even so frightened that his teeth are chattering.

Without personal experience, who would have imagined that a little girl could have such cruel thoughts!

 Murdering the current prince is something that many people would not even dare to think about.

But Fan Qingyao did it without even blinking an eye.

What frightened Baili Luo Ji even more to his core was Fan Qingyao’s unfathomable and scheming city!

All the persecution against the Hua family was set up after he arrived in Huaishang, and all these plans were carefully calculated step by step by him, but Fan Qingyao, who was far away in the main city, had already figured it out.


What kind of miraculous calculation is this!

 The bone-eroding fire is still silently devouring Baili Luoji’s skin, blood, and bones...

 Baili Luoji was retching in pain. He opened his mouth to the maximum extent but was obviously out of breath.

 Even so, he still couldn't die.

Now he is just watching his body, melting into blood bit by bit, watching himself being slowly burned until it disappears, and he even loses the strength to struggle.

 Until now, Baili Luo Ji understood one thing.

 Why did the father want to get rid of the Hua family?

But perhaps my father will never know that Fan Qingyao is a far more terrifying existence than the Hua family...

 (End of this chapter)

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