The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 215: Why did so many people come all at once?

Chapter 215 Why did so many people come all at once?

The imperial guards who accompanied him were ordered to arrest people.

The flower families who were still dealing with the funeral were stunned.

 “What do you want to do?”

"Let me go, let me go, I haven't offered incense to my husband yet..."

“Our Hua family man was killed on the battlefield by Xiliang, but what we got in exchange was the imperial guard’s treatment like this, isn’t it?”

The female relatives of the Hua family were shocked and angry. The third daughter-in-law Peihan was cursing like crazy, and the second daughter-in-law Chunyue and the fourth daughter-in-law Yafu were also struggling non-stop.

 But they were weak women after all, so how could they break free from the control of the imperial guards?


  A sharp long knife was forced on the neck of the third daughter-in-law Peihan.

The commander of the Royal Forest Army said with a cold face, "The emperor has a command, and those who disobey will be killed without mercy."

Hua Yuelian tried her best to break away from the imperial guards around her, and ran to the third daughter-in-law Peihan with staggering steps, "Why use swords and guns in front of the heroes of the Hua family? Since it is the emperor's wish, we, the widows of the Hua family, will do as you are told. "

Hua Yuelian said that she knelt down in the yard first.

Although I don’t know the reason, since it is the emperor’s order, there is no room for disobedience.

 When the other daughters-in-law of the Hua family saw this, their eyes were filled with tears and they were unwilling to do so, and they also knelt on the ground.

 Not long after, the youngest daughters of the Hua family, along with all the servants of the Hua family mansion, were all escorted to the front yard.

It was just outside the mansion in the western suburbs that the people who were paying homage to the heroes of the Hua family all opened their eyes wide when they saw this, and they all looked into the gate of the mansion curiously.

Looking at the widow of the Hua family who was suddenly kneeling on the ground, no one knew what happened.

Bai Tu moved a chair out of the house and placed it at the front of the yard.

Emperor Yongchang sat down heavily with murderous eyes in his eyes, and glanced at everyone in the Hua family with his halberd finger angrily, "The Hua family is so brave! How dare you lie about the death of a Hua family man!"

 For a moment, the Hua family was stunned.

Emperor, Your Majesty is here, what are you talking about?

Not all the men in their family died in the Huai River. How could they lie about such a life-threatening matter!

Only the third daughter-in-law Peihan heard this and looked directly at Fan Qingyao who was kneeling not far away.

 Others don't know, but she knows that Fan Qingyao asked Tianyu and Fan Zhao to go to Huaishang.

 Could it be that…

 Is the man from the Hua family really not dead?

Emperor Yongchang had a panoramic view of his third daughter-in-law Peihan, and he was even more furious.

 Sure enough…

 The men of the Hua family are not dead, are they?

Hua Yuelian suppressed the doubts and panic in her heart and kowtowed, "The Hua family doesn't understand what the emperor means, so I beg the emperor to make it clear."

Emperor Yongchang snorted angrily, "How is the man from the Hua family? You shouldn't ask me, but your good daughter Fan Qingyao!"

 Now all the signs from the Hua family indicate that the Hua family man is not dead.

  In other words, it is still alive.

Perhaps no one else in the Hua family knew about such a bold thing, but Fan Qingyao must have been involved!

The superiors dare to drag the coffin into the palace, and the subordinates dare to angrily rebuke important officials in the court.

 What else is there that she doesn’t dare to do?

Hua Yuelian looked at the thin figure kneeling in front of her in confusion, and murmured, "Yueya'er..."

Fan Qingyao knelt down without changing his expression. He didn't respond to his mother's call, and he didn't even show an expression.

When Emperor Yongchang saw this, he gritted his teeth and said, "Fan Qingyao, do you really think that I have no evidence in my hand? If you are willing to admit it, I may give a lighter sentence to the important members of the Hua family because of the great victory in Huaishang. , but if you continue to be so stubborn, everyone in the Hua family will be buried with you!"

Fan Qingyao slowly raised his head without saying a word and looked into the fire-breathing eyes of Emperor Yongchang without fear, "I don't know who wants to frame the Hua family in this way, and even confuse right and wrong in front of the emperor. It’s black and white, but I can’t admit anything that the Hua family has never done.”

This man dared to ask so confidently, just because the people hiding in the alley blocked Tianyu.

 But she believed even more that those around her would not let her down.

 Don’t be suspicious when you employ people, and don’t use people when you are suspicious.

If she doesn’t even have the basic confidence to trust people, then her life will probably be in vain.

Emperor Yongchang was filled with anger when he saw Fan Qingyao who was so ignorant.

 What a person who doesn’t shed tears when he sees the coffin!

"Come here! Bring me the people you caught in the alley!" Bai Tu, who was standing behind Emperor Yongchang, nodded and walked out quickly.

Not long after, several men wearing the same color and style of fancy clothes came silently with Tianyu.

Emperor Yongchang looked at the pale-faced Tianyu, with a smile that was sure to win in his eyes.

 This time, he wanted to see what Fan Qingyao had to say...

Before the thoughts in his mind were settled, the smile in Emperor Yongchang's eyes suddenly froze.

Tian Yu was captured, but behind him were Ning Han, Nanny Xu, Fan Zhao, and the guardian of the Hua family...

 Why are there so many people!

Emperor Yongchang frowned unconsciously.

 As a result, when the first few people knelt down, they saw two more people being carried over?

The front yard, where many people were kneeling, seemed even more crowded.

Emperor Yongchang looked at his confidants in confusion, "What's going on?"

The confidant said truthfully, "I was ordered to lead people to guard the alley, but the result was that I saw the fourth lady of the Hua family coming in a hurry, followed closely by the maid of the Hua family, and then the nurse of the Hua family and the eldest aunt of the Hua family... "

Emperor Yongchang's face turned ugly after hearing this.

 While he was deliberately testing, he only spread the words to the ears of the little girls of the Hua family.

 After all, the younger daughter is mentally retarded and tends to do things rashly without thinking.

But he knew very well that when he deliberately revealed that the Hua family man was in the alley, no one else was present at all, especially the eldest daughter-in-law...

 It seemed like he had just seen such a person now.

Emperor Yongchang immediately understood that something might have changed, so he looked at Fan Qingyao again and said, "The Hua family is going to a funeral today, and the Hua family is quite free."

Fan Qingyao shook his head in confusion, "Your Majesty, I have always been by your side. I have no idea what happened."

Emperor Yongchang looked at Fan Qingyao silently, the gloom in his eyes showing signs of diminishing.

This is true. Fan Qingyao has been imprisoned by him. It is impossible to do anything. After looking at the suspicion in Fan Qingyao's eyes, Emperor Yongchang turned to look at the man who was being held by his henchman. Several people said, "What is going on? Tell the truth. If you lie even half a word, it will be a crime of deceiving the emperor, and the nine tribes should be punished!"

Several people kneeling on the ground shook violently when they heard these words.

Ning Han thought about the explanation written by her young lady in her hand, and then she had the courage to say, "To inform the emperor, I am the maid who follows Miss Qingyao. A few days ago, when I was on duty at night, I accidentally bumped into my aunt at the back door. He secretly colluded with others, so he told the fourth lady because he didn’t want the young lady to be distracted. The fourth lady told the slave not to make any news and wait for the opportunity to catch someone and get the stolen goods. "

Emperor Yongchang turned to look at Tianyu who was kneeling on the ground, "Is this true?"

Even if Tianyu couldn't think about it just now, when things have developed to this point, she will understand it no matter how stupid she is.

 Suppressing the panic in his heart, he nodded quickly and said, "When I get back to the emperor, yes, it's like this..."

Nanny Xu continued, "Fourth Miss secretly ordered Lao Nu and the Hua Family's nursing home a few days ago, asking Lao Nu and others to wait in the dark. Unexpectedly, today they saw her at Xiaoximen. My aunt met a masked man."

Emperor Yongchang thought about everyone's words expressionlessly, and after a long while, he squinted his eyes and looked at Tianyu again, "Since we are arresting people, why don't you go to the alley first if you don't guard the back door like the others? "

 One sentence forced Tianyu to die.

Tianyu trembled and twisted his hands together tightly, and his eyes even avoided the gaze of Emperor Yongchang uneasily.

When she heard that the emperor said that a flower boy might appear in the alley, she ran away without even thinking about it.

 As a result, he was blocked in the alley by a few secret guards.

 Soon after, Ning Han, Nanny Xu and others also followed.

 She doesn’t know the cause and effect at all, how should she answer now?

Emperor Yongchang's eyes, which had just faded away from the gloom, darkened again, "I asked you a question, why didn't you answer?"

"I, I, I..." Tianyu's eyes began to blur, and tears welled up in his eyes due to fear.

 She didn't dare to speak, let alone what to say.

 Because that sentence, "If you deceive the emperor and disregard your superiors, you should punish the nine tribes," I still think about it in my ears.

Suddenly, in her blurred vision, she saw the finger of the third sister kneeling in front of her, lightly drawing strokes on her back.

Tianyu was stunned for a moment.

That, that’s...

 (End of this chapter)

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