The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 232: His Highness the Crown Prince's methods are remarkable

Chapter 232 His Highness the Crown Prince’s methods are extraordinary

It was Bai Tu who was standing at the door humbly obeying the emperor's instructions when he suddenly heard the sound of footsteps.

He turned around secretly to take a look, and said in a panic, "Your Majesty, Your Highness the Crown Prince wants to see you."

Emperor Yongchang frowned and showed displeasure.

Baili Rongze rolled his eyes and pretended to be surprised, "Now there are rumors in the imperial city that Fan Qingyao is going to marry Xianbei. His Highness the Crown Prince is busy coming to see his father at this time. Is it for this reason?"

Emperor Yongchang’s brows furrowed even more.

 A few days ago, the prince went to Hua's house to pay a funeral. He originally thought that the prince did this to please him.

 Could it be that…

What about Fan Qingyao and the prince?

 “Let him come in.” Emperor Yongchang ordered in a deep voice.

Bai Tu nodded and quickly turned around the body blocking the door.

Baili Fengming stepped in and knelt down respectfully beside Baili Rongze, "My son, I would like to express my regards to my father."

Baili Rongze glanced at Baili Fengming beside him, but he was making quick calculations in his heart.

What he said just now was just to arouse his father's suspicion. He never thought that his father would be frightened now and would be angry at anything related to the Hua family, especially Fan Qingyao.

In this way, Baili Rongze secretly made up his mind. No matter what the prince said later, he would try his best to blame Fan Qingyao. As long as his father really suspected that there was something between the prince and Fan Qingyao, then...

In this battle, he killed two birds with one stone, winning both sides!

Emperor Yongchang looked at Baili Fengming with an unkind expression, "What are you doing here?"

 Baili Fengming calmly raised his head and replied quietly, "I would like to report to my father, but I have something to report."

Emperor Yongchang clasped his hands and said, "Let's talk and listen."

Baili Rongze listened with rapt attention, trying to find every opportunity to make a difference.

"The war in Huaishang has subsided, but the people are still unable to calm down. I have asked about it in the past few days. Although the government in Huaishang has opened its official warehouses to release grain, it is only a handful for the hundreds of thousands of refugees in Huaishang. I think the court can By reducing taxes and reducing taxes, the people of Huaishang will not only be able to survive the difficulties, but also understand the care and kindness shown by the emperor. "

  Baili Rongze, “…”

 Have you been waiting for this for a long time?

Emperor Yongchang raised his eyebrows, his gloomy eyes full of inquiry, "Is this what you came here to tell me?"

Baili Fengming nodded humbly, "That day, I heard Manager Bai say that my father was worried about the people in Huaishang and had trouble sleeping and eating. As the crown prince of Xiliang, I must do my best. Since I am The son of his father must also share his worries."

Bai Tu, who was standing at the door, quickly knelt on the ground and kowtowed in fear, "Your Majesty, forgive me. That day, His Highness the Crown Prince came to visit the Emperor. I was thinking that the Emperor had been sleeping and sleeping for Huaishang for several days, so I told you the truth. I learned the truth about His Highness the Crown Prince..."

Emperor Yongchang did have trouble sleeping and eating for a while, but it was because he wanted to avenge Xiao Qi.

 As for Huaishang…

Now that he heard Bai Tu mention it, he remembered it only in hindsight.

The anger on Emperor Yongchang's head was as if someone had poured cold water on him. It was difficult to ignite, especially when he looked at the prince again, there was a rare warmth in his eyes.

 It's just because of Bai Tu's words that I have been thinking about for so many days...

Emperor Yongchang raised his hand to give a virtual support, "The disaster in Huaishang is to be relieved, but the national treasury is lacking due to successive wars. It will not be possible to completely pacify the refugees in Huaishang. It is difficult for you to have such thoughts, and you are becoming more and more like a prince. ”

 Baili Fengming lowered his eyes and stood up. Not only was there no joy on his handsome face, but it was filled with self-blame and sorrow.

 Being so neither arrogant nor impetuous made Emperor Yongchang even more happy.

Baili Rongze, who was still kneeling on the ground, felt his knees hurt, and he was gnashing his teeth in hatred.

How could the prince's few words change his father's mind from the marriage to the disaster in Huaishang?

“Father…” “Dong-dong-dong! Dong-dong-dong!”

A burst of drumming interrupted Baili Rongze's words.

Emperor Yongchang looked out the window, which was the direction where the Dengwen drum was hanging.

  Nearly a hundred years after the Dengwen drum was hung, this is the first time it has been beaten.

Seeing that the emperor's face turned gloomy again, Bai Tu quickly ran out to inquire about the situation.

Not long after, Bai Tu returned in a hurry, accompanied by a plainly dressed woman.

Emperor Yongchang glanced at the woman with a gloomy look, "You were the one who beat the Dengwen drum just now?"

The woman knelt down on the ground, her whole body trembling with panic, but she still raised her pale face, "Everyone in the main city knows that they go to the gate to listen to drums, and people complain about injustices. Women of the people have grievances, and women of the people have to defend themselves." My young lady is crying out for injustice!”

Emperor Yongchang frowned impatiently, "Who is your young lady?"

The woman's voice was clear and clear, "The peasant girl Yueluo, her master is the young lady from the Hua family, Fan Qingyao!"

 In an instant, not only Emperor Yongchang was stunned, but also Baili Rongze was stunned.

Emperor Yongchang narrowed his eyes and looked at the woman, "Your young lady has just been conferred the title of princess, how can she be unjust?"

"Although my lady is in the main city, she is concerned about the disaster in Huaishang. This time, my lady sold all the goods in Qingnangzhai at low prices in order to do her best for Huaishang. I don't want people in the capital to spread rumors about my family. The young lady is seeking a dowry for herself, how unjust and innocent my young lady is!" Yue Luo spoke in a clear voice, crying, and by the time she finished speaking, her face was already filled with tears.

Emperor Yongchang, who had already made up his mind to marry Fan Qingyao to Xianbei, never thought there would be such a reversal. For a while, the truth and the lies were so entangled in his heart that it was difficult to decide.

"It's full of lies! It's simply ridiculous! If Fan Qingyao hadn't really meant it, how could the people in the capital have lied about it?" Baili Rongze, who also didn't expect it to turn out like this, stood up and angrily shouted.

 No matter what the reason was, he would never let his father be swayed.

Yueluo's whole body trembled as she was angrily scolded by Baili Rongze, and she quickly took out a stack of silver notes from her arms, "This is all the silver from Qingnangzhai today. Originally, the young lady planned to hand it over to the emperor in person after she came back. I don’t want rumors to spread in the main city, so the women of the country have no choice but to play the drum boldly.”

 Baili Fengming suddenly said curiously, "If Princess Qingping is really looking for a dowry for herself, she would have to be cautious and sneaky. How can she be so bold and let it go?"

 Baili Rongze gritted his teeth and said, "What if Fan Qingyao knew that something was not going well and deliberately hid from the main city?"

 “Check it for me!”

 Emperor Yongchang was determined to find out this matter.

Bai Tu quickly ordered his guards to come out of the palace to investigate carefully.

 Baili Fengming took the stack of banknotes raised in Yueluo's hand and asked casually, "Are these the profits of Qingnangzhai in the past few days?"

Yue Luo nodded matter-of-factly, "Arranged from top to bottom, there are the most today, a total of three million taels. I don't know which lady is so rich that she wants to buy all the goods in Qingnangzhai."

Emperor Yongchang frowned when he heard this.

 There are only a few rich and noble families in the main city, and as far as he knows, they are all sons.

 Could it be that the courtiers below him have dirty hands and feet?

 “Bring it over and show it to me.”

When Baili Rongze heard this, his heart almost jumped out of his throat.

 In the main city, official silver and civilian silver are clearly divided.

 The silver notes in the hands of the concubine were all given by the major courtiers in previous drafts. If the father saw that Ni Duan checked them one by one...

That’s okay!

 (End of this chapter)

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