Chapter 243 The fox’s tail cannot be hidden

 Several factions are faintly divided in the back garden.

Although everyone wanted to resolve the awkward atmosphere with Fan Qingyao, they didn't really want to get too close.

Everyone stood in the pavilion chatting for a while, and then gathered together again in twos and threes.

On the contrary, Princess Yun'an has been sitting next to Fan Qingyao and has no intention of getting up and leaving.

Fan Qingyao was not a talkative person to begin with, Princess Yun'an just talked about all kinds of things with Tianyu. One moment, she was talking about the popular makeup for women in the main city, and the next moment, she was talking about whose young lady was going on a blind date. Whose young master's words were completely devoid of any specificity.

After talking about it, Tianyu's earrings were finally mentioned again, "The earrings of County Master Rongan are unique and tight. I don't know where they were made. I will have a pair made for me tomorrow, but it's just that Lord Rongan, don’t mind if I wear the same one as you, I say that because I really like it.”

Tianyu touched his ears unnaturally and said with a smile, "You can hit him if you like. I don't mind that much."

Princess Yun'an smiled and hugged Tianyu's arm, "Those who say that girls from your Hua family have bad personalities are really blind. I think both Princess Rongan and Princess Qingping are the same." It’s easy to get along with.”

Tianyu smiled happily and took Princess Yun'an to talk about other things.

Others watching this scene did not expect that King Rui had looked down on the Hua family for so many years, but in the end, Princess Yun'an became so close to the Hua family's little daughters.

Not long after, Zhou Ningshe slowly stood up and led the ladies in the back garden towards the banquet hall.

Princess Yun'an realized that she had forgotten her handkerchief in the pavilion when she was halfway there. She hurriedly went back to get it by herself.

Tianyu walked up to his third sister and said in a low voice, "Third sister, there is something wrong with Princess Yun'an."

Fan Qingyao looked at Tianyu silently without making a sound.

Tianyu paused and then said, "Although I am not biased against the title of King Rui's daughter, there were rumors throughout the main city that King Rui's death was related to our Hua family. I heard that King Rui loved this girl very much during his lifetime. As a princess, I don’t think this princess really doesn’t mind at all, and besides…”

Tianyu touched his earrings and said, "My father bought these earrings from a fleeing merchant when he was away at war. They are completely made of polished jade. Even an inexperienced person like me knows they are worthless. I just wanted to leave it in my mind, but Princess Yun'an praised her so much that I felt like digging my toes into the ground."

Tianyu has really matured and become more stable.

Huaishang’s line is correct this time. Only by experiencing the storm can one become more thoughtful and smooth.

Fan Qingyao held Tianyu's hand and whispered, "Princess Yun'an is indeed suspicious, but since she hasn't shown her tail yet, you shouldn't alert the snake."

After speaking for a while, Fan Qingyao inadvertently put a small porcelain bottle into Tianyu's palm, and exerted force with his five fingers, forcing Tianyu to put it away carefully.

 “Everything depends on the situation.”

Tianyu just felt that Princess Yun'an's starting point was wrong. He never expected that the third sister would be so cautious.

Seeing that the third sister's dark eyes were not joking, Tianyu quickly hid the small porcelain bottle in his sleeve.

 The banquet hall has already been decorated.

To avoid suspicion, the male and female guests sat on two sides, separated by a screen with hundreds of birds facing the phoenix.

It’s just that although the screen does not seem to be completely opaque, it is also extremely hazy. The two guests sitting on the left and right sides can only vaguely see the moving figures of people, but the rest of their bodies cannot be seen at all.

Everyone present today knew clearly that the so-called banquet was just to find a new marriage partner for the third prince of Xianbei.

 But now not only are the male and female guests separated, but a screen is used as a shield at the only banquet where they meet? So and so...

If the third prince of Xianbei can still see who is who, then Fan Qingyao would really admire him.

I'm afraid that the marriage partner has been secretly finalized.

 And now everything…

It's just a cover.

Fan Qingyao's eyes were extremely serious, and his heart was cold.

It would be fine if everything today had nothing to do with the Hua family. If it was as she guessed, then everyone involved would not be able to escape unscathed.

Anyone who steps on her bottom line will never stop fighting!

Princess Yun'an ran back in a hurry and sat down next to Tianyu as expected.

 After burning the incense, the female guests had already sat down, and footsteps were heard from the other side of the screen.

The person who spoke that day was Zhou Chun, the Minister of Rites, saying, "His Royal Highness the Prince's humble abode has really brought glory to the Zhou Mansion."

 Baili Fengming smiled calmly and said, "The Minister of Rites' words are serious."

Third Prince Baili Rongze pointed to the seat in the middle and said, "Prince, please take a seat."

 Baili Fengming nodded slightly and sat on the main seat first, followed by others.

 The ladies present did not expect that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and the Third Prince were both here.

Everyone who was originally in low spirits immediately cheered up with their heads held high. Soon, it will be the day when the emperor chooses the brides for the princes of the right age. How can the ladies present not be eager to try?

As long as you leave a good impression on His Highness the Crown Prince or the Third Prince today, your chances of winning will be greater when the list is submitted to the palace.

Fan Qingyao was not surprised by Baili Fengming's arrival.

Xianbei and Xiliang are getting married, and the two countries are tentatively on good terms. The prince of Xiliang will attend the marriage banquet of the three princes of Xianbei. People will feel that the royal family of Xiliang treats others with courtesy, and Xianbei will also appreciate Xiliang's good attitude and put it on his face. Regarding Jin's affairs, the man in the palace has always been very positive.

 Just the reason for Baili Rongze's arrival is very interesting to study.

A prince of neither high nor low can come to the marriage banquet of the third prince of Xianbei. Who would believe it if there is no profit?

There was another sound from the other side of the screen, which seemed to be the arrival of the third prince of Xianbei and the vassal king.

Fan Qingyao followed the sound and looked up at the screen, but he bumped into Baili Fengming.

Even through the screen, you can still clearly see the straight robe on Baili Fengming's body, which is as white as snow and spotless as always.

In the blur, Fan Qingyao noticed Baili Fengming gently nodding.

 Obviously, he was looking at her too!

Such a calm look was the same as that day in the mourning hall...

Remembering the absurdity of the mourning hall, Fan Qingyao instantly withdrew his eyes and then looked away calmly.

Little did he know that the base of her ears had already turned red.

 Baili Fengming looked at the movements of the figure behind the screen, smiled and then looked away.

He came here today not just for the love of his children.

 The banquet begins, with singing and dancing.

The Zhou family really spent a lot of money this time, and even invited the most famous dancer in the main city.

On the left side of the screen, the men were chatting and being polite, while on the right side of the screen, the daughter’s family was laughing and chatting, a rare joy.

 “Ah!” A scream suddenly sounded.

Everyone followed the sound and saw a maid pouring watermelon juice to relieve the heat on Tianyu's body.

Tianyu was fine, but Princess Yun'an, who was sitting next to Tianyu, screamed in shock.

Fan Qingyao lowered his head to check the heavenly decree, "But where are the injuries?"

 Tianyu shook his head, "It's okay, but I'm afraid I can't wear these clothes anymore."

The maid quickly knelt on the ground and begged for mercy, "It's all my fault. Please forgive me, Princess Rongan!"

Zhou Ningshe stood up and walked over, "The courtyard where I live is not far from here. Princess Rongan, please come with me to change clothes."

Tianyu looked at Fan Qingyao subconsciously.

Fan Qingyao has already stood up, "I will go with you."

When the other ladies saw this, they also said, "In that case, let's go with you."

There is a male guest next door. Who doesn’t want to take this opportunity to highlight himself as a kind person?

Zhou Ningshe was in a dilemma.

This is not a big deal, but if so many people are following her, doesn’t it mean that she doesn’t treat guests well?

Princess Yun'an suddenly said, "As soon as Princess Qingping left, everyone present was panicked. Why don't I accompany Princess Rong'an to change clothes."

Fan Qingyao wanted to continue speaking, but Princess Yun'an was the first to kick the maid who was kneeling on the ground. "You don't have eyes, get out of here. You are just waiting here to make people look bad." Beat him to death with a stick?"

The maid stood up in panic and ran out in a hurry.

"Since Princess Yun'an is kind, I'll trouble Princess Yun'an." Tianyu looked at his third sister with a smile and said, "Third sister, don't worry, I can do it myself."

Fan Qingyao took a deep look at Tianyu before sitting back on his seat.

Following Tianyu, Princess Yun'an and Zhou Ningshe left the banquet hall.

Fan Qingyao’s hands under his sleeves were clenched as Tianyu left.

 The heavenly decree should have been understood.

 That’s why I want to take the risk!

 (End of this chapter)

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