Chapter 318 Mother’s Ten Miles of Red Makeup

 There was already a sea of ​​people outside the door of the mansion in the western suburbs.

It’s just that most of the people standing here at this moment came to see the joke.

Yesterday, the two elders of the Sun family left the main city. What is a marriage without elders? The first time the young lady from the Hua family got married, it became a joke. Now she gets married again. It is still a joke. It is really a pity for the Hua family. Such a general had such an unlucky daughter.

The drunken people among the crowd were laughing from ear to ear when they heard the whispers of the people around them.

The governor's wife is just a joke.

Even if that little **** Fan Qingyao fought for a royal title with his life, after all, Hua Yuelian is a born **** and deserves to be unable to hold his head up for the rest of his life.

Sun Che was riding on horseback, listening to the people's sarcastic comments, feeling very uncomfortable.

But now if he went to discuss it in person, he would only get darker and darker.

Seeing Hua Yuelian, who was dressed in a wedding dress, walking out with the support of Xi Po, Sun Che's eyes were filled with guilt. He immediately got off his horse and strode up the steps. Before Xi Po could hand over the red silk in her hand, he went ahead. He reached out and took it.

 Xi Po was stunned.

Even the husband of a poor family has a very high status, so there is no reason to take the initiative to welcome the bride.

Sun Che, however, didn't care at all and said softly to Hua Yue Lian under the red hijab, "Yue Lian, I have wronged you today, and I will definitely treat you well in the future."

Huayue Lian's eyes were red and she nodded gently.

When everyone in the Hua family saw this, they all smiled with joy.

The one with the same red eyes is the drunken drunk with jealousy.

Although she is the young mistress of the Fan family now, how can she look like a young mistress in her daily life? On the contrary, Huayue Lian's life is getting better and better. She is just a concubine. Why!

"I'm afraid that the Hua family doesn't know how to threaten Governor Sun, but it actually makes him lose his manliness. If the young lady from the Hua family is just a concubine, why did she marry Governor Sun? It's a pity for Governor Sun. Such a good man."

The words that Zui Ling seemed to be muttering to himself soon spread among the people.

Although the people admire the Hua family, it is true if you think about it carefully. A normal abandoned woman either goes to a temple to be a aunt or lives alone at home. How come the young lady of the Hua family is so lucky? ?

Humbling words are spread to ten people and spread to hundreds of people.

Soon, the whispers in the crowd became even more unpleasant.

Some people even said that the reason why Sun Che bowed to Hua Yuelian was because of the coercion of the Hua family.

Sun Che's fingers holding the red silk gradually turned white, but before he could open his mouth to explain, he suddenly heard another burst of exclamations from the people.

 “Then, what is that?”

 “Okay, it seems to be carried this way.”

“Is there anyone else who can’t get married today?”

Amidst the astonishment of the people, only a few servants were seen carrying big red boxes, and they were placed at the entrance of the western suburbs mansion amidst everyone's astonishment.

The big lacquered red boxes, one after another, stretch from the end of the alley to the entrance of the western suburbs mansion. It looks winding and spectacular from a distance.

 Most of the people present were married, so they naturally knew what these meant.


 This is a dowry as long as a street!

 Such a spectacular scene shocked the two elders of the Hua family.

The street suddenly became quiet, even the sound of music was gone.

Accompanied by Ninghan, Fan Qingyao calmly walked across the threshold of the western suburbs mansion, looked at the servants and said, "Follow the sedan chair carefully, don't lose it."

“Don’t worry, miss, there are ninety-nine units in total, and there will be no shortage of one!”

Tao Yuxian pulled Fan Qingyao to his side, "Xiao Qingyao, this is..."

Fan Qingyao put his hand on his grandmother's arm, "I know that my grandfather and grandmother were too busy to prepare the dowry for my mother, so I prepared some on my own initiative. I hope my grandfather and grandmother won't blame me for not preparing it." It’s not appropriate enough.”

Hua Yaoting, "..." Is this the treasury stolen?

Tao Yuxian was stunned and felt extremely warm in his heart.

Of course she understands that Xiao Qingyao's move is not only to give face to the two elders, but also to support her own daughter.

 She is really happy that her granddaughter can make money and knows how to spend it appropriately.

Zui Ling looked at the big red box, feeling sour in his heart, "Isn't it all empty?"

Hearing this, the people around him inevitably looked at the boxes eagerly.

Fan Qingyao glanced at Zui Ling without changing his expression, and ordered Ning Han beside him, "Go and have people open all the boxes."

Ninghan nodded and hurriedly called Fan Zhao and others over.

“Bang bang bang… bang bang bang…”

One after another, large boxes were opened one after another, and they contained everything from fabrics to jewelry to ornamental screens. Although the common people could not see the value of those things, they looked at the things that were stuffed with them and were about to pop out with every mouthful. The big boxes that arrived were all swallowing and spitting involuntarily.

How much money does this cost?

The drunkard in the crowd was desperately trying to think of a reason to continue to ridicule the Hua family, but her eyes were glued to the boxes unrighteously, and her entire face was distorted by twisted jealousy. When I think of my current days in the Fan family, I can't stop crying.

Huayue Lian, who was under the red hijab, didn't know what was going on and was so anxious that she wanted to lift the hijab.

Sun Che quickly comforted him softly, "It's not that something happened, but the Shili Hongzhuang that Qingyao gave you was really shocking."

Other than shock, Sun Che didn’t know how else to describe it.

 Let me ask you, even if the royal family marries a princess, I'm afraid it will be nothing more than this.

Hua Yuelian's surprised eyes widened under her hijab, and before she knew it, two lines of clear tears streaked across her face.

How could her crescent moon be so heart-warming!

 The common people who originally wanted to watch the excitement could not think of anything else.

The young lady from the Hua family was divorced, but now she is marrying Governor Sun in an upright and dignified way. Look at the things that the Hua family brought in the dowry. She couldn't let go of them. If she really wanted to coerce and lure Governor Sun, then she would If Governor Sun marries Miss Huajia, why does Huajia need to distribute such a mountain of dowry?

 The rumors that lasted for a day and a night were finally disproven.

Fan Qingyao coquettishly leaned on her grandmother's shoulder and said, "Grandma, when can we start the banquet? I'm hungry."

Tao Yuxian smiled fondly, then raised his hand and shouted, "Lock the box! Lift up the sedan! Release the whip!"

 Firecrackers were lit and the sound of blowing music started.

 Under the gaze of everyone, Hua Yuelian was helped onto the sedan chair.

As Sun Che got on his horse, the team welcoming the bride slowly moved towards the governor's mansion.

Hua Yaoting looked at the team that had not finished walking for a long time, and said distressedly, "Xiao Qingyao, tell me the truth, how much money did you spend on these..."

Fan Qingyao thought carefully, "There are always a few million taels."

 Hua Yaoting, “…”

 My head hurts a little. Why are my eyes getting a little dark?

"If all this money is spent on the army, I can re-create a useful weapon for all the soldiers. I think..."

"What are you thinking about? Don't even think about it. The shops that are rented out now are all from my dowry back then. Everything is distributed according to Xiao Qingyao's wishes. If you dare to make a mistake, I will fight you to the death."

Before Hua Yaoting could finish speaking, Tao Yuxian was interrupted.

Her daughter was only married once. Xiao Qingyao felt sorry for her mother, why did she spend more money? You now say that the generals and officers of the Zhenguo State have been reinstated, but who do the soldiers of the imperial court listen to and do things for? Don't you have a clear idea in your mind?

"Xiao Qingyao, let's go have a wedding banquet with grandma." Tao Yuxian pulled Fan Qingyao down the steps.

 Hua Yaoting, “…”

 I'm really just thinking about it.

 (End of this chapter)

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