The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 332: Relying on one's own efforts to turn the tide

Chapter 332: Turning the tide by oneself

 The main street is the busiest at noon.

 Those who speak sharply, those who drink tea, those who chat...

 They all gathered on the busiest main street in the main city.

A carriage bearing the Huajia brand slowly stopped at the door of Hongfu Building.

When the people chatting and joking on the main street saw this, they all cast curious glances.

As the carriage door opened, Fan Qingyao got down with Ningtian's help.

As soon as the people saw Princess Qingping entering Hongfu Tower, they also gathered towards the door.

The news about Princess Rongan's visit to Hongfu Tower yesterday has already spread throughout the streets. Now seeing Princess Qingping walking in so arrogantly, who doesn't know that she is here to avenge her sister?

Just thinking about yesterday's stolen goods, the people felt that Princess Qingping was really smart and confused for a while, and there was no possibility of clearing up the matter that was certain.

Ningtian felt the thoughtful gazes of the people outside the door and frowned slightly.

Fan Qingyao, however, acted as if he didn't notice anything. He sat in the most eye-catching place in the hall, ordered a pot of tea and drank quietly.

The shopkeeper of Hongfu Tower looked at Princess Qingping who was sitting calmly not far away, and felt that his head was growing three times. He was just a businessman, but he couldn't stand Princess Qingping making trouble.

"I don't know if Princess Qingping is coming to the shop, but this is a small business, so please show me your kindness, Princess Qingping." The shopkeeper walked up to Fan Qingyao, with a look of pleading and prayer on his face, and almost said directly, Princess Qingping, you'd better go, our small temple cannot accommodate a giant Buddha like yours.

Fan Qingyao placed the teacup in his hand on the table without hesitation, and then motioned to Ningtian beside him to take out two ingots of silver, "There is no reason to refuse guests since the door is open. I am here to make an appointment today, and I also I hope the shopkeeper will be accommodating.”

The shopkeeper Duan did not expect that something like this happened yesterday. Not only did Princess Qingping not come to settle accounts with him, but she also put money on the table.

"I wonder which noble family Princess Qingping has made an appointment with? Do you need a small private room?" There is no businessman who can't get along with the money. The shopkeeper picked up the money and asked tentatively. In fact, the main reason was to see what it was. The scapegoat was invited here by Princess Qingping.

As a result, as soon as he finished speaking, before Fan Qingyao could reply, he heard another commotion outside the door.

The shopkeeper looked around and saw Ji Yuze walking gracefully.

The shopkeeper thought that what happened yesterday was caused by the young master of the Ji family, and couldn't help but cast a sympathetic look.

 It turns out that the culprit’s surname is Ji.

Ji Yuze didn't expect Fan Qingyao to be sitting in the hall, but he took it easy since he was here. He suppressed the suspicion in his heart and said, "The common people have met Princess Qingping."

Fan Qingyao smiled and stretched out his hand, "Master Ji, please sit down."

Ji Yuze sat opposite Fan Qingyao with the shopkeeper's heavy expression of mourning.

At the same time, the diners inside the door and the people outside the door listened with their ears pricked up and watched with wide eyes.

Princess Qingping’s reputation is resounding throughout the main city.

Thinking about how she became famous in one battle when she single-handedly forced the emperor to conceive. Now that her sister has been wronged by the young master of the Ji family, will Princess Qingping cut her into pieces with a sword?

The vendors who had received Mrs. Xiao's money yesterday started to spread rumors with a guilty conscience, "The county master has no shame, the princess is actually acting as an accomplice, is there any law left in our main city?"

“It’s such a pity that the young master of the Ji family was first humiliated by the county lord, and now he is put under pressure by the county lord.”

"She is also the princess of our main city after all. What can the young master of the Ji family do even if he is full of grievances?"

These traders cannot help but feel guilty.

The reason why they dared to take Mrs. Xiao's money was because they were sure that once the woman's reputation was ruined, she would hide in the mansion and never dare to go out. Even her family members would have to sneak around to avoid suspicion.

But who would have thought that Princess Qingping would appear so grandly today!

 Where is the shame you promised?

 Where is the promised puppet?

Why can't you see anything on Princess Qingping's face at this moment? The other people around him felt quite uncomfortable when they looked at the traders who spread rumors.

Princess Qingping is devoted to the people. She even personally led the wealthy people in the city to raise donations for the court. Now even if something happens to Princess Rongan, she won't ridicule Princess Qingping like this, right?

Just thinking about Princess Rongan's stolen goods yesterday, the people really couldn't bear to express their grievances for Princess Qingping.

In Hongfu Building, Ji Yuze listened to the discussions of the people outside and felt the wild gazes of the diners around him. He was lying if he said he didn't admire the woman in front of him.

If this matter had happened to other women, I'm afraid they would have been ashamed and ashamed.

However, Princess Qingping was calm and composed throughout the whole process, and her calm and leisurely attitude was not something she could pretend to be able to hold up.

It's not that Fan Qingyao didn't hear the public opinions around him, nor did he feel the eyes of others. It's just that people who have died once have turned away from everything.

Besides, this matter was not her Hua family’s daughter’s fault, so why should it be the Hua family’s daughter’s turn to bow her head in shame.

 It’s really ridiculous.

"I came to see Young Master Ji today because I wanted to explain one thing. When I was chatting with Master that day, I heard Master mention that Young Master Ji was still unmarried. I often heard people in the main city praising Young Master Ji for how outstanding he was, so I I wanted to act as a matchmaker and secretly gave the jade pendant of my third sister to my master, but I didn't expect that there would be such a misunderstanding. If the master of the Ji family had not been interested in this marriage, he would not have committed the crime of returning the jade pendant to my third sister personally. In fact, this matter has nothing to do with her, it’s me..."

Ji Yuze originally thought that Fan Qingyao invited him here today because he wanted to shift all the responsibilities onto him.

 But I never expected that…

 She actually shouldered everything by herself?

With such a desire to turn the tide on his own, even a man may not have the courage!

Fan Qingyao looked at Ji Yuze's shocked eyes and didn't feel anything.

The matter happened to her sister, and she would not blame it on others.

It's just a trivial matter, and she, Fan Qingyao, can still handle it.

But before Fan Qingyao could finish speaking, Ji Yuze stood up first and said, "It's true that I didn't think carefully about this matter. I didn't want to refuse yesterday. It was Princess Rongan who was afraid of ruining our reputation." , then hurriedly took the jade pendant and left. I never thought that such an incident would happen because of me. Once again, Ji apologized to Princess Qingping. "

Ji Yuze said, bending his waist first.

Facing Ji Yuze's shocking words, Fan Qingyao was really surprised.

She just wanted to get rid of the third sister through this incident, but she never expected that Ji Yuze would go so far.

"Young master of the Ji family, do you know that marriage is no trivial matter? Although my Hua family has never thought of asking my third sister to marry into the Gaomen mansion, no matter who insults my third sister, I, Fan Qingyao, will definitely pay back a hundred times. " Fan Qingyao's words were unambiguous, but the warning contained in them was cold and biting.

Even though Ji Yuze clearly didn't have those despicable thoughts, he was still too intimidated to look at her, "As Princess Qingping said, Ji has never treated marriage as a trivial matter."

There are countless people who come to ask for marriage, but he has always been unconcerned in these years. He thought that this would be the case in his life, but he never thought that an unusual figure would jump into his eyes.

Perhaps, this is life.

 At the same time, the entrance to the Hua family's mansion was also crowded with people.

The rows of servants carrying betrothal gifts blocked the entrance of the Hua family's mansion. They were neat and orderly and quite spectacular.

 The female relatives of the Hua family and the two elders of the Hua family heard the news and all came out to check it out.

The result was that Ji Hongliao slowly walked across the threshold of the Hua family from behind the boys. Facing the surprised looks of everyone in the Hua family, he calmly stroked his beard and said, "Although it's a bit abrupt. , but that little brat of mine just fell in love with your little daughter. If you ask me, General Hua, don’t be so nervous. We can just nod our heads and it’s done.”

 Hua Yaoting, “…”

I don’t even know what it is, so how did it happen?

Ji Hongliao, on the other hand, raised his head and raised his chest with arrogance, "It's the marriage between my nephew and your Tianyu..."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned and stunned.

 (End of this chapter)

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