The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 334: A famous post unexpectedly appeared in the palace

Chapter 334 A famous post unexpectedly appeared in the palace

It was Baili Fengming who was standing by the window and staring at Fan Qingyao's arrival. He turned around slightly and swayed the tips of his dark hair. Even the simplest movement could taste something different in him. Somewhat elegant and noble.

With their eyes facing each other, Baili Fengming smiled slightly.

The eyes that were always bottomless seemed to be filled with starlight at this moment, sparkling and bright.

Fan Qingyao looked at that familiar face and suddenly had an illusion. She seemed to have encountered such a scene before. The young man turned his head and stared at him, but at that time she didn't know whether he was Laughing.

She just remembered that the mask on his face was so cold and without warmth.

It was rare for Baili Fengming to see her in a daze. He shook his head gently, with a helpless smile on his lips. He walked towards her and said first, "It's just that I don't see her. I just become So strange?"

Fan Qingyao came back to his senses and looked at the faint dark green under his eyes, "You came back overnight?"

 Baili Fengming hummed, "I just entered the city an hour ago."

 Having just entered the city an hour ago, he secretly came to the Heshuo County Prince's Mansion.

Even if this thought is not explained, it is enough.

Fan Qingyao helplessly rummaged through his sleeves, found a small porcelain bottle, opened it, and stuffed a bitter pill inside into his mouth, "Fatigue causes internal injuries, the five internal organs are weak, and long-term fatigue and weakness will inevitably lead to panic and shortness of breath. , this medicine can temporarily relieve fatigue, but it only treats the symptoms, not the root cause. You must have a good rest after you return..."

Fan Qingyao's words continued, and suddenly his arms tightened.

The warm chest rushed to my face, followed by the steady, powerful and reassuring sound of my heartbeat in my ears.

Baili Fengming leaned forward slightly, his fair face pressed against the crook of her neck, and whispered softly, "I miss you."

The extremely low voice is full of doting tenderness, and with the blessing of his unique accent, it is like a nectar hidden underground for hundreds of years. It is elegant and delicate, and you will be intoxicated as soon as you smell it.

Fan Qingyao's hand holding the porcelain bottle trembled slightly like her heart.

 Sighed helplessly, this man always had various ways to make her fall.

 Baili Fengming smiled lowly, and her hot breath blew into her ears, "Why are you so old-fashioned?"

Fan Qingyao told the truth, "If you look like this to those official ladies with illusions, I don't know how many hearts will be broken."

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, no one would have thought that the dignified prince could become so unruly that he was as bad as a rogue in the market.

 Baili Fengming agreed, "It's just an injury."

Fan Qingyao could feel the tiredness on his body, but she didn't distract him by talking anymore.

 Gradually, the only sound left in the room was the sound of each other's breathing.

 Clearly feeling the warmth seeping from her body into his own, Baili Fengming had never been so greedy for time to pass slower and slower.

It’s just that he knows better in his heart that no matter how reluctant he is to let go, time will still slip by quietly.

After sighing inaudibly, Baili Fengming's voice sounded in Fan Qingyao's ears again, "Have you heard about the wedding of the prince of the right age?"

Fan Qingyao hummed.

That's why she wouldn't be surprised by Fan Xuening's return.

In her last life, Fan Xuening had always been obsessed with Baili Rongze. She was too stupid to see through the jealousy hidden in Fan Xuening's eyes every time he brought her together with Baili Rongze. Although too many things have changed in this life, she believes that Fan Xuening, who has already joined Concubine Yu's camp early, will still fall into the palm of Baili Rongze.

“I heard from the secret message sent by my mother that my father has prepared a banquet and invited every woman in the palace who submitted a letter to the palace.”

Fan Qingyao understood what Baili Fengming meant.

Although it seems that the princes’ weddings are all announced by the official residence and then selected by the ladies in the harem, in fact the person who decides who the princes will eventually marry is still the emperor.

This is reasonable.

 After the princes get married, the battle for imperial power will become even more intense.

Although the emperor was unwilling to admit it, he had to admit it after coming from that time.

Therefore, the emperor will carefully look at the official residences that are suitable to become his in-laws, especially those with military power. The emperor will have to carefully weigh them before selecting the prince to marry him.

Generally speaking, those who sit on the throne, for the sake of the throne under them, most of them will make up for each other's weaknesses through finger-marriage. This can not only make up for the gap between each prince, but also delay those who are already in power. of officials.

Baili Fengming lowered his eyes slightly and saw that the eyelashes of the person on his chest were trembling slightly. Although she did not speak, he knew that she must have understood what he meant, "I heard that the queen mother said in the letter that the Hua family did not I sent your name post to the palace, but your post still appeared in the harem.”

Fan Qingyao's heart skipped a beat, and after a while he smiled coldly, "But in the hands of Concubine Yu?"

 Baili Fengming knew that she must be able to think of it, "That's right."

Fan Qingyao felt his lips and teeth feel cold.

 She believed that the Hua family would never go behind her back and pass her post into the palace.

 Especially when it was handed into the hands of Concubine Yu.

 So the only one who can do such dirty and disgusting things is the Fan family.

Looking at the entire Fan family, Fan Zixiu is the only one who can talk to Concubine Yu.

"Ayao, do you know why Concubine Yu means holding your post?"

Fan Qingyao nodded.

she knows.

How could she not know!

"Each generation of the Tao family's medical women is the Tao family's secret book, which records the medicine that can make people live forever. However, this matter has always been a secret that the Tao family cannot talk about, so even the successive emperors don't know about it, let alone Some people also say that the daughter of the Tao family who holds the medical code is the destined phoenix girl, and she can rule the world by joining hands with her."

 This is also the reason why Baili Rongze killed all the Hua family but kept her alive.

In her last life, she was stupid. When her grandmother informed her of this matter before she died, she proudly told Baili Rongze about it in exchange for Baili Rongze. Cherishing her more, but in the end, she became a fool who was even more exploited by others.

 So in this life, she has been forcing herself to forget the so-called Tianding Fengnu and the Tao family's medical code.

  It’s just that she didn’t mention it, and my grandmother didn’t mention it. Instead, it was mentioned by the Fan family.

 Where did you learn about Ke Fan’s self-study?

Fan Qingyao was only thinking about what was in her heart. When she suddenly looked up, she realized that Baili Fengming was looking at her quietly.

Those dark eyes were filled with untouchable pain and heartache. The eyes that were clearly within reach seemed to be looking at another person through her.

 (End of this chapter)

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