Chapter 336 Mrs. Xiao’s invitation

Xiao Hongfei originally thought that Fan Qingyao would accompany him after he entered the door, but he didn't expect that he had been sitting in the flower hall for half an hour. Fan Qingyao...

It's long overdue.

Facing the bright lights of the flower hall, Fan Qingyao, who came from afar, had skin as white as snow, and his eyes were like a pool of clear water.

When looking at Xiao Hongfei, he has an elegant and noble temperament that makes people attracted by him, and even more so that he doesn't dare to blaspheme.

Xiao Hongfei looked at Fan Qingyao, who was becoming more and more dazzling under the lights, and felt that the anger in his heart had subsided.

His mother often said that a man would never be able to stand alone unless he had a family, but whenever he thought about the ties between his wife and daughter, Xiao Hongfei felt extremely tired, and he still preferred the life of being a fish in water in the officialdom.

But looking at Fan Qingyao now, Xiao Hongfei suddenly began to long for the scene where he would return to the mansion and have such a wife waiting for him...

 “Bang!” A cup of tea was placed heavily on the table, shocking Xiao Hongfei back to his senses.

Ningtian looked at Xiao Hongfei who was beginning to have big dreams of Spring and Autumn, and reminded him coldly, "Young Master Xiao will easily get sick if you wait for the tea to cool down before drinking it."

Of course, Xiao Hongfei would not lose face in front of Fan Qingyao. He quickly looked away and picked up the tea cup. After a long while, he said, "I wonder why Princess Qingping bothered my mother to come here?"

Fan Qingyao smiled faintly, politely and distantly, "Don't worry, it's too late to wait until Mrs. Xiao comes."

Since you have to settle accounts, you always have to gather people together and then do the calculation carefully.

Looking at Xiao Hongfei sitting not far away, Fan Qingyao suddenly felt disappointed.

In the last life, Xiao Hongfei was well-known for being honest and upright in the court, and he was a person who dared to speak out about his ulterior motives and vicious heart. She originally thought that such a person should also be a modest gentleman in private, but it turned out...

 It is true that no one is perfect.

Xiao Hongfei could naturally feel Fan Qingyao's eyes on him. Although he felt that such an action was a bit too shameless, he had to say that he enjoyed this feeling.

Now he just hopes that his mother can come over soon. It would be best if the marriage is decided today.

 Fan Zhao really rushed to the Xiao family at high speed, but was told that the Xiao family's wife had gone to the Han family house as a guest.

Fan Zhao had no choice but to lead his men and gallop towards the Han Mansion again.

At this time, Mrs. Xiao and Mrs. Han were sitting in the Han Mansion, chatting happily.

The Xiao family has such a talent, they have a eloquent mouth, and they always compliment Mrs. Han from ear to ear.

Mrs. Han's family thought that her daughter had no intention of becoming a prince's concubine, so it was just right. If her daughter could get engaged in advance, she would no longer have to worry about the chance of being teased by the royal family.

"In this case, we should find a suitable opportunity for the two juniors to meet each other. It's just that my daughter is spoiled, so don't scare Xiao Shidu when the time comes."

"How could it be possible? Mrs. Han's words are serious. Mrs. Han is gentle and virtuous, and Mr. Han is well-known in the court. Even if you teach your daughter with your eyes closed in such a mansion, it will definitely be good."

Mrs. Xiao finally breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Mrs. Han. She waited for a while before hurriedly getting up and leaving. She wanted to tell her son the good news as soon as possible.

The young lady from the Han family is obviously much taller than the charming girl from the Hua family.

Not long after Mrs. Xiao left, Mr. Han came back. Hearing that his wife talked about this matter, he felt that it was quite okay. Although Xiao Hongfei was only a small cabinet minister now, he would still take part in the imperial examination next year. , the future is also limitless. Seeing that her husband agreed, Mrs. Han smiled as if she had found a treasure, "Master, I don't know. I heard Mrs. Xiao said that Xiao Shidu has been pestered by Princess Qingping. Xiao Shidu He is a conscientious person and dare not resist the status of Princess Qingping, but Mrs. Xiao happens to be attracted to our daughter. You said this matter caused a lot of trouble..."

Her daughter can even compare to the princess's grace, so she naturally wants to show it off.

 “I won’t marry!”

But before Mrs. Han had finished laughing, she saw Han Jingchen walking in the door dusty.

Mrs. Han's wife looked at her angry daughter blankly, "What's going on? I've seen the Xiao family's attendant before. He looks very upright, and Mrs. Xiao's character is also good." You don’t have to choose, if you enter the house in the future, you will be held in the palm of your husband’s hand.”

Han Jingchen has never seen Xiao Hongfei, but after listening to her mother's words outside the door just now, she just thought that such a person was gone.

She knew what kind of character Fan Qingyao was, and she believed it even more.

Han Jingchen saw her father and mother looking confused, so she explained clearly how she and Fan Qingyao met, and their current relationship.

"How could someone like Qing Yao be as unbearable as Mrs. Xiao said?" Han Jingchen became angrier as she spoke. Thanks to Mrs. Xiao's walking speed, otherwise she would have torn apart the Xiao family. Lady's mouth.

How could the person she regarded as a close friend be insulted by that kind of person!

Mrs. Han's wife never expected that things were completely different from what she knew. Although she had never dealt with Princess Qingping, she believed in her daughter more than Mrs. Xiao's.

Mr. Han thought deeply for a moment. Regardless of whether the Xiao family or the Hua family were right or wrong, it would be better for the Han family not to get involved, otherwise it would be bad for their daughter to be separated from them. "Since my daughter doesn't want to, this matter will Forget it.”

Mrs. Han’s wife nodded and hurriedly called someone over, “Go and stop Mrs. Xiao’s family quickly!”

The Han family's boy hurried out the door, but the door was empty, and there was no trace of Mrs. Xiao anywhere.

 At this time, Mrs. Xiao had already been ‘invited’ to the carriage by Fan Zhao himself.

What Mrs. Xiao, who was sitting in the carriage, was worried about was not Fan Qingyao's desire to settle a score. She had been trying to please Mrs. Han all day for her son's marriage, so she didn't know what was going on in the city. Although she had just been struck by Fan Zhao's expression The fierce spirit was very frightened, but when she heard that her son was also in the Hua family, she had a plan in mind.

I'm afraid it's the charming Fan Qingyao who is obsessed with his own son.

 In the past, Mrs. Xiao's wife would not have dared to offend the Hua family, but it is different now. The Han family has already agreed to the marriage, so since Fan Qingyao is shameless today, she has nothing to worry about.

Thinking like this, Mrs. Xiao became more confident.

When she arrived at Hua's house, Mrs. Xiao almost walked into the yard with her head held high.

In the flower hall, Xiao Hongfei, who was silently looking at Fan Qingyao, saw his mother coming and hurriedly stood up to greet her, "It's very cold outside, is mother cold?"

Mrs. Xiao smiled and shook her head, "There are carriages going back and forth. What can I do to keep you from freezing? It's dark outside, but you've already had dinner?"

 Xiao Hongfei did not dare to tell his mother that he was guarding outside Hua's house, so he could only shake his head silently.

Seeing this, Mrs. Xiao couldn't control her anger. She turned towards Fan Qingyao who was sitting aside, her face became even more gloomy, "Isn't it true that Princess Qingping doesn't eat at night?"

 (End of this chapter)

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