Chapter 342 Why bother with the dead?

Fan Qingyao turned around quickly, and a carriage just happened to speed away from behind her.

It was too dark and the carriage was driving so fast that it was impossible to catch the sign hanging on the carriage.

It wasn't until the carriage completely disappeared at the end of the street that Fan Qingyao suddenly realized that the fists under her sleeves had long been clenched.

That sight is so familiar.

The owner of that sight once humiliated her and tortured her in every possible way when she was living an ignoble existence in the palace.

The owner of that sight once cruelly tore open her healed wounds again and again, watching her flesh fester.

The owner of that gaze once smiled arrogantly and cruelly when she fell into a pool of blood.

A surge of hatred mixed with indescribable excitement filled Fan Qingyao's body.

Fan Xuening, we finally meet again.

very nice.

 Because I can finally tell you with my own words how impatient I am to make you pay with your blood.

Fan Xuening was sitting in the carriage, her heart beating hard in the darkness.

She didn't expect that the carriage would just pass by the door of Hua's house, and she didn't expect that she would actually see Fan Qingyao.

Originally, she just wanted to take a peek at Fan Qingyao now.

  Can result…

 She actually collapsed under Fan Qingyao's gaze.

Fan Xuening didn't want to admit that she was outshined by Fan Qingyao, but her hands were still trembling crazily!

"What's wrong with you?" Baili Rongze, who was standing opposite, noticed Fan Xuening's abnormality and thoughtfully held the trembling plain hands.

 The more darkness they were in, the more considerate and considerate Baili Rongze was towards Fan Xuening.

In fact, Baili Rongze himself never noticed it, because only at this time, Fan Xuening was the most like Fan Qingyao.

Fan Xuening came back to her senses in the warmth of her palm, smiled softly and lay in Baili Rongze's arms, "I seemed to have seen my sister just now."

Baili Rongze froze.

Although he soon recovered as before, he still could not escape Fan Xuening's eyes.

Fan Xuening pretended to be confused and asked, "What's going on, Your Highness?"

 Baili Rongze frowned in disgust, "The thought of being forced to marry that **** Fan Qingyao makes me sick to death."

 Is this really the case?

Fan Xuening was very suspicious, but finally she closed her mouth in silence.

In the dream, Baili Rongze was devoted to her, and it was impossible to change now.

Of course, Fan Xuening doesn't care either.

Concubine Yu pretended to want to marry Fan Qingyao, but in reality she knew exactly what Concubine Yu was thinking.

To put it bluntly, Fan Qingyao will be a dead person soon, so why should she be jealous of a dead person.

Thinking like this, Fan Xuening firmly hugged Baili Rongze's neck.

 Baili Rongze's heart is still beating wildly even now, especially when he thinks of Fan Qingyao's care for Baili Fengming in the camp, he feels itching with hatred.

But it doesn’t matter, Fan Qingyao will be him soon.

 When that **** becomes his, he will definitely have to work hard with it.

As Baili Rongze returned to his mansion, more than a thousand elite soldiers also returned to the military camp.

 Compared to the crown prince, the return of the third prince did not cause too much of a stir in the main city. This time the prince met a gangster on the road, and the day lily was completely cold when the third prince went with reinforcements.

So today's people are very glad that His Royal Highness the Prince survived the disaster, but they cannot forgive the third prince's belated arrival.

Surprisingly, the third prince kept a much lower profile and showed no sign of resignation or anger in the face of the people's secret complaints. He only entered the palace once to pay respects to the emperor and stayed in the mansion all day.

Soon, the anger of the people in the main city dissipated a little.

Such tranquility actually extinguished a lot of resentment in the city.

 In a blink of an eye, the day to enter the palace has arrived.

Early in the morning, Aunt Xu and Aunt He took a few girls to get ready.

When Fan Qingyao got up, a group of people gathered around her, washing and changing clothes, putting on makeup and hair...

 Everything is going on in an orderly manner.

Since Fan Qingyao is still in his filial piety period, both his clothing and makeup are extremely light.

 But even after everything was ready, everyone in the room was still surprised.

Because he had to enter the palace, he couldn't eat anything in the morning, otherwise it would not look good if he stretched out his clothes. Fan Qingyao went down to greet his grandmother with the help of two nuns, and then sat down early. carriage.

 Fan Qingyao is no stranger to the imperial palace.

 But whether it was in the previous life or now, this is the first time she has entered the palace alone.

Mother Xu was extremely worried, but no matter how worried she was, the carriage stopped at the palace gate half an hour later.

At this time, there were many carriages parked in the open space in front of the palace gate. The official ladies who came to attend the banquet were all dressed up and walked towards the palace gate in twos and threes.

Fan Qingyao said goodbye to Nanny Xu and followed everyone into the palace gate alone.

There were originally many official ladies who came to the palace for the banquet this time, and the palace was already very familiar to Fan Qingyao, so he arrived at the palace where the banquet was held without much trouble.

This palace is quite unique and elegant, with rugged rockeries nearby and a beautifully crafted artificial lake in the distance.

 At this time, there were many people standing or sitting in the palace.

 Han Jingchen, who had been urged to come here by her mother early in the morning, was bored and panicking, when she saw Fan Qingyao.

"If I had known you were coming, I should have gone with you first." Han Jingchen walked over affectionately and took Fan Qingyao's arm.

Fan Qingyao thought about the Xiao family's affairs and said sincerely, "Thank you for what happened last time."

She is not familiar with the Han family. If Han Jingchen hadn't maintained her relationship, how could the Han family come to support her.

Han Jingchen said, "Are you okay? You are my friend. I can't let you suffer. Fortunately, Mrs. Xiao ran fast, otherwise I would have scolded you personally to vent my anger."

Fan Qingyao smiled and said, "If you agree to the Xiao family's marriage, maybe you don't need to come to the palace."

Han Jingchen said nonchalantly, "It doesn't matter, I won't suffer any loss no matter who I marry."

This is true.

  I remember that in my last life, this young lady from the Han family married the current sixth prince.

Although the Sixth Prince was a little transparent compared to the other princes, he was gentle and obedient. After hearing that Han Jingchen was being married off, he had been holding her in his hands.

The two people were talking when they saw many official ladies coming in.

Just when he saw Fan Qingyao, it was obvious that he showed a trace of disdain and even sarcastic disgust.

Such obvious disdain, even Han Jingchen could feel it, "There is murderous intent."

Fan Qingyao frowned slightly and was suspicious when he saw a familiar figure swaggering into the palace.

 In an instant, Fan Qingyao understood where the so-called murderous aura came from.

 (End of this chapter)

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