The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 346: What on earth is Concubine Yu planning?

Chapter 346 What is Concubine Yu planning?

Queen Zhen Xi naturally saw Fan Qingyao who was pointed at by Concubine Yu. Her pupils inadvertently shrank slightly, and a sharp light flashed in her eyes.

Emperor Yongchang also looked over. Because he was a little far away, he couldn't see the appearance clearly, so he raised his voice and said, "Raise your head and let me have a look."

 Amidst the silence of all the official ladies, Fan Qingyao raised his head following the sound.

With their eyes facing each other, Emperor Yongchang couldn't help but be stunned.

He knew that Fan Qingyao was beautiful from the beginning.

 After all, we have dealt with him so many times.

The reason why Emperor Yongchang was stunned was because of Fan Qingyao's expression at this moment.

In his memory, those eyes were always so dark that even he could not help but shudder after looking at them for a long time.

 But now, it was obviously the same pair of eyes, which brought him a comfort and softness that he had never experienced before.

This kind of look was no stranger to Emperor Yongchang.

 Every spring hunting, when he tramples the prey under his feet, those things will look like this.

  means to bow one's head and fold one's joints, and also to be submissive and submissive.

"We haven't seen you for a long time, Princess Qingping has changed a lot." Emperor Yongchang narrowed his eyes slightly. Although he was pleased with Fan Qingyao's surrender, he also doubted how sincere Fan Qingyao was.

Fan Qingyao lowered his eyes slightly, as if he was a little afraid of Emperor Yongchang's scrutiny.

Although he didn’t say a word, he made a groveling gesture.

The look of satisfaction in Emperor Yongchang's eyes became even stronger.

Concubine Yu made a show of it, as if she really didn't know that the person she was referring to was Fan Qingyao, her red lips parted slightly, "I didn't expect it to be Princess Qingping. I thought I was destined to come to this palace and Princess Qingping." Ah, but speaking of it, the Queen seems to be particularly concerned about Princess Qingping."

After Concubine Yu’s reminder, Emperor Yongchang remembered that the Hua family was still living in the Queen’s dowry.

Empress Zhen Xi smiled slightly and said, "Others say that I am the master of the harem, but they don't know that the fact that the harem is so well-kept is partly due to Sister Yu."

 In one sentence, the concubine named Yu Guifei was announced to seize the throne.

But soon Empress Zhen Xi continued to smile and said, "Fortunately, the emperor does not dislike my careless temperament and keeps me by your side. Since I cannot be the master of the harem, I still have to support the whole family." With the reputation of being the mother of the country, it is my duty to care about the people and love my ministers and their families. Otherwise, I would be betraying the emperor's trust in me. "

Emperor Yongchang felt a little warmer in his heart, and his eyes softened when he looked at the queen.

Concubine Yu was secretly poked by the queen, and the smile on her face froze slightly.

The concubines behind him held their breath and concentrated, not even daring to breathe a little more.

 When gods fight, it’s better for mortals like them to pretend it doesn’t exist.

"I remember that Concubine Pan De's niece is here today. In the past, I always heard Concubine Pan De proudly praising how beautiful and intelligent this niece is. Today I can finally meet her." Queen Zhen Xi inadvertently said, It just takes the topic away.

Concubine Pan De was flattered and took a step forward, pointed to the distance and said, "Thanks to the queen, I am thinking of you, my niece is over there."

Pan Yulu hurriedly took a few steps forward, saluted with all manners and said hello, "I would like to give my regards to the Queen."

Queen Zhen Xi looked at her for a moment and then said, "No wonder your aunt always talks about you. You are indeed a wonderful person."

Pan Yulu could not hide her joy and smiled sweetly, "The Queen is the real beauty worthy of the harem."

These words made the other concubines secretly change their expressions.

Han Jingchen couldn't stand it any longer and whispered, "Did Pan Yulu's head get caught in the door panel?"

Fan Qingyao shook his head silently.

I thought Pan Yulu was such a shrewd person, but it turned out to be nothing more than that.

The most taboo thing in the harem is to downright praise someone who is inferior and praise someone who is superior.

Concubine Pan Defi glanced at Pan Yulu reproachfully, and quickly smiled and said, "I heard that the emperor said that he wanted to go to the lake, so I specially wore a green lotus skirt. I wonder if the emperor is looking at it, is it suitable for the lotus flowers that are blooming all over the lake today?"

"It's hard for Concubine Pan De to be interested." Emperor Yongchang was tired after standing for so long, so he walked towards the lake first.

When other people saw this, they also hurriedly followed.

Pan Yulu realized that she had just made a mistake and wanted to retreat into the crowd in annoyance.

Queen Zhen Xi called her to her side and said, "Just sit with me."

Pan Yulu was stunned in surprise, and hurriedly helped Queen Zhen Xi get on the boat, "Queen, be careful."

 When other official ladies saw this, they all showed expectant and envious expressions. As soon as he entered the palace, he was praised by the queen, which no one could ask for.

 Looking at Fan Qingyao, the focus of this visit to the palace, he looks very dim compared to the current Pan Yulu.

But just when everyone was secretly thinking that Princess Qingping was nothing more than this, they saw Concubine Yu waving to Fan Qingyao, "I have a rare destiny with Princess Qingping. Come and sit with me. "

 Ladies from official families, “…”

So Princess Qingping is already a veritable third prince's concubine, right?

Fan Qingyao walked to Concubine Yu's side calmly, and also helped Concubine Yu get on the boat.

 The palace servants who had been waiting on the shore carefully helped the masters onto the boat.

 Because there were so many people visiting the lake, two boats were specially prepared.

Emperor Yongchang, Empress Zhenxi and the concubines in the harem were on the same boat. Concubine Yu sat in the back with other concubines and other official ladies.

  It seems that there is no distinction between priority and equal distribution.

Yan Hanbai, who was sitting behind the official lady, was always staring at Fan Qingyao, who was sitting next to Concubine Yu. How could such a **** with different appearances be worthy of sitting next to Concubine Yu?

But thinking about what kind of end Fan Qingyao would end up with later, Yan Hanbai finally felt a lot more comfortable.

The late autumn in the main city has already had a strong coolness. Although the lotus flowers in the lake are blooming vigorously, they are already showing signs of failure.

Everyone sat on the boat and roamed on the calm lake with the palace people's oars. They smelled the faint fragrance of lotus in the cool breeze and gradually became intoxicated in it.

From time to time, bursts of laughter could be heard from the boat in front. Looking carefully, Pan Yulu said something, which made Empress Zhen Xi's eyes almost crinkle with laughter.

 It was rare for Emperor Yongchang to see the Queen so interested, and it was rare for him to feel relaxed.

Just looking at Pan Yulu sitting next to Queen Zhenxi, Emperor Yongchang was not very satisfied.

 Obviously, the queen liked this Pan Yulu. After careful calculation, Pan Yulu's family status was reasonable. However, compared with Fan Qingyao, Pan Yulu seemed too weak.

Looking at Concubine Yu again, she seemed to be chatting with Fan Qingyao.

 Emperor Yongchang's eyes became darker.

If Fan Qingyao really becomes the crown prince, Xiliang will have an extra money bag that is sure to make money without losing money.

Xiliang became rich, and the emperor who benefited most was himself.

But if Fan Qingyao is just the princess of an ordinary prince, although she still has to be given military pay, she has no other obligations and will give Xiliang money unconditionally.

 After all, only the Crown Princess is the new queen in the future, and it is natural for her to share the worries of Xiliang.

"I heard that you will have your filial piety period in two years?" Concubine Yu asked casually.

 “To tell you the truth, that’s right.” Fan Qingyao nodded.

Concubine Yu hummed, "I remember that you are going to have your haircut in two years. That's just right. Even if you are married now, the wedding ceremony will be over, and you will be in the period of filial piety."

Fan Qingyao said, "There are so many outstanding official ladies in the main city. Qingping boasts that he is not so lucky."

"That's not possible." Concubine Yu glanced in the direction of the queen with a half-smile, but she saw that Queen Zhenxi was still chatting with Pan Yulu.

Queen Zhen Xi could certainly hear the conversation between Concubine Yu and Fan Qingyao. That was why she felt very uncomfortable.

No matter how stupid Concubine Yu is, she will never reveal her thoughts so clearly in front of the emperor.

 Did she think wrongly? Concubine Yu had no intention of pointing out Xiao Qingyao to the third prince?

Then why does Concubine Yu sing this play?

Fan Qingyao naturally noticed something was wrong.

If Concubine Yu was really interested in wooing her, then she would have sent someone to show her favor when she was in the palace just now, instead of wooing her openly in front of the emperor like this.

 Looking at Concubine Yu's raised red lips again, Fan Qingyao took a steady breath and cheered up.

Today, not only is Concubine Yu weird, but there is also someone who has not shown up until now.

Fan Xuening.

 In the distance, suddenly someone from the palace came in a boat in a hurry.

Soon, the palace man with a bad look jumped onto the ship where Emperor Yongchang was, and even whispered something in Emperor Yongchang's ear.

 Other official ladies did not notice it.

On the contrary, Queen Zhen Xi, who was sitting next to Emperor Yongchang, had already turned pale even though she was trying to maintain her composure.

 (End of this chapter)

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