Chapter 355: Give me a good beating!

Heshuo County Prince listened carefully to Fan Qingyao's words, and the anger in his chest began to grow again.

If Xiao Qingyao hadn't reminded him, he wouldn't have noticed it.

 “Don’t worry, I know what to do.”

Fan Qingyao nodded, thinking that there was still a lot of things going on in the palace, so he didn't want to stay any longer.

 Under the personal **** of Prince Heshuo, Fan Qingyao went out directly from the back door and got into the carriage.

As the carriage slowly drove away from the Heshuo County Prince's Mansion, Fan Qingyao did not breathe a sigh of relief.

In this matter, Concubine Yu really wanted to use her adoptive mother to provoke a discord between her adoptive father and Baili Fengming.

Fan Qingyao, who has been a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law for a lifetime, knows Concubine Yu too well.

 Ruthless and ruthless, unscrupulous.

With the method of pleasing the imperial concubine, since it caused such a big commotion, it was definitely not just for this reason.

Fan Qingyao looked at the palace standing in the distance through the car window and narrowed his eyes slightly.

I'm afraid that at this time, Concubine Yu has already seen the 'rich gift' she prepared.

Fan Qingyao was right, there was indeed no rest in the palace.

Concubine Yu, who was standing in Fengyi Palace at the moment, looked at the so-called generous gift in shock, but she couldn't recover for a long time.

Grandma Ying who lifted the bed curtain was also startled, her face turned pale.

But I saw the person lying on the bed, his face was like gold paper, his energy was unstable, his eyes were tightly closed, and his brows were furrowed.

 Looking like this, he was indeed frightened and unconscious.

 Yes, but this face...

How come this face belonging to Fan Qingyao appears here!

Concubine Yu frowned and glared questioningly at Aunt Ying who was not far away. Didn't she say that Fan Qingyao had left the palace?

Grandma Ying also looked like she had seen a ghost, and she didn’t know how to answer or explain at all!

Concubine Yu was speechless, but Empress Zhenxi already had something to say.

"What does Concubine Yu want to do? Do you really think that because you are so favored, you can do whatever you want? If Concubine Yu can't give me an explanation for what happened today, I will ask the emperor to make the decision. Fengyi Palace is not a place for Concubine Yu to run wild as she pleases!"

 Such a fierce Queen Zhen Xi frightened Aunt Ying.

“The Queen, please calm down. It’s all my fault. It’s the old slave who wrongly blamed Princess Qingping. Please don’t blame my wife. I’m willing to bear all the punishment!”

 Grandma Ying knelt on the ground and kowtowed her head.

 She still has a way to survive if she can keep her master, otherwise she is just afraid...

Queen Zhen Xi seemed to be angry and laughed, "I have long heard that Grandma Ying is loyal to the Lord. When I saw her today, I was really moved. In this case, I will punish you with fifteen with the cane. Lily, take me with you." Let Aunt Ying go and receive the punishment!"

Is a penalty of fifteen with a stick considered a mercy?

If you don’t show mercy, why don’t you beat the person to death?

Concubine Yu couldn't help but want to step forward to argue, but Aunt Ying hugged her leg.

Mother, I really can’t do anything else at this time!

Concubine Yu tensed her body, the anger in her heart burning down to her hair.

Empress Zhen Xi said without changing her expression, "Concubine Yu is unwilling to train such a lawless slave, so I will pretend to be a bad guy and help Concubine Yu train her. Lily, drag him outside the door and beat him in Fengyi Palace!"

Over the years, she has endured every step of the way for the sake of her son, and Concubine Yu has become more and more unscrupulous in climbing on top of her head.

Now that Feng Ming is fully capable of taking charge of her own business, why should she look at anyone else's face?

The palace attendants in Fengyi Palace pushed Grandma Ying down on the bench and picked up the board without saying a word.


The dull sound of the board made all the official ladies in the side hall look around in alarm.

 It was a small thing for Grandma Ying to be beaten, but it was a big thing for Concubine Yu to lose her face. Who among the people inside and outside the palace doesn’t know that Aunt Ying is a popular person in front of Concubine Yu, and now she is being beaten up in public in Fengyi Palace, even if Concubine Yu’s clothes are stripped off, what’s the difference?

The official ladies standing at the window were all frightened when they saw it, and they didn't dare to express their anger.

Concubine Yu took a strong breath, her eyes turning black.

Today she is completely embarrassed. I am afraid that within a few moments, the news that she was crushed by the queen will spread.

Concubine Yu, who has always been arrogant and arrogant, could not bear the thought of the dictation of those people inside and outside the palace!

 But even if you can’t bear it, you have to bear it.

Since Queen Zhen Xi has achieved this step, she has no intention of leaving any room.

 The best thing to do is to bring this matter to the emperor. No matter how partial the emperor is, he will not favor a slave.

Concubine Yu looked at the queen's unmoving appearance, and her eyes became darker.

 A palace servant carefully supported Concubine Yu and said something in a lower voice.

Concubine Yu, who was almost mad to death, was stunned.

The palace man stopped talking and only supported Concubine Yu carefully.

Concubine Yu's ears were still echoing with the words of the palace people around her, and gradually, her breathing became calmer.

“Go and call the third prince over, and tell him that I am waiting for him at Longyan Hall.”

 The palace servant nodded and helped Concubine Yu turn around.

Lily looked at Concubine Yu who left in embarrassment, and frowned uneasily, "Concubine Yu is not someone who gives up easily."

Empress Zhen Xi calmly warned, "You stay here and watch them torture you. You can't miss more than half of the fifteen big boards."

Lily lowered her eyes tacitly, and then ordered the maids beside her, "It's cold outside, and it's not suitable for the Queen's body to be blown by too much cold wind. Please help the Queen to rest inside."

Empress Zhen Xi entered the door with the help of a palace maid, but sent the two palace ladies out when no one was around. When the footsteps completely disappeared in the dormitory, she quickly walked back to the inner hall.

"Concubine Yu left, but she didn't look like she was complaining. Could it be that she saw something wrong with Ni Duan?" Queen Zhen Xi looked at Fan Qingyao on the bed and frowned.

It was Fan Qingyao who closed his eyes and slowly opened them.

It's just that at this moment, the eyes that should have been indifferent and distant are filled with an unfamiliar depth and tranquility.

"Even if Concubine Yu guesses the truth, she can't ask her father to go to the East Palace. Once her idea is wrong, she will definitely make a fool of herself in front of her father. Now is the critical time for the prince of the right age to marry, Concubine Yu She doesn’t dare to displease her father, so she can’t afford to gamble.”

Fan Qingyao’s face showed Baili Fengming’s calm expression.

 Empress Zhen Xi did not feel it was inappropriate, because she knew from the beginning that the person lying here was just her son who had been disguised.

I just didn’t expect that Xiao Qingyao’s disguise was so good. The moment Grandma Ying lifted the bed curtain, she thought it was Xiao Qingyao who was lying here.

 “Since it’s not a complaint…”

Queen Zhen Xi seemed to have thought of something, "Could it be..."

Baili Fengming's dark eyes darkened again.

Father is the emperor of Xiliang, and any violation in the palace will be investigated and dealt with strictly.

 What’s more, today I fell into the water…

 In the yard, suddenly another strange smell came in.

Baili Fengming quickly lowered his hand that was supporting the bed curtain.

As the bed curtains fell to the ground, a large group of guards walked in from the door.

 (End of this chapter)

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