Who is Chapter 357 directed at?

Pan Yu faced the looks of the official ladies and was so frightened that she fell off her chair.

 The heavy sound shocked Pan Defei so much that her heart skipped a beat.

"Your Majesty, Yulu has been a pure-hearted person since she was a child. She is reluctant to trample an ant to death. How could she do such a treasonous thing? Your Majesty must learn from this!" Concubine Pan De knelt on the ground, so anxious that she even fell down. cried.

Pan Yulu was so frightened that she lay on the ground in a panic, unable to even speak.

Emperor Yongchang's face was expressionless, and it was impossible to tell whether he was happy or angry. He looked at Pan Yulu carefully for a long time, and then asked in a deep voice, "Where is Princess Qingping?"

Empress Zhen Xi squeezed her hands tightly under her sleeves, but said with a slight sullen look on her face, "I want to say that Princess Qingping is really useless. I only asked her a few questions, and she fainted. On the ground, he is still unconscious in Fengyi Palace. The man of the Hua family is upright, how can he raise such a useless person. "

Emperor Yongchang looked at Queen Zhenxi beside him, "You said Princess Qingping is unconscious?"

Queen Zhen Xi’s question was not answered, “Just now, Concubine Yu was also in Fengyi Palace.”

Upon hearing this, Emperor Yongchang turned his attention to Concubine Yu again.

Concubine Yu was very angry.

The queen simply made it clear that she was asked to be a witness.

But even though she was so angry that she wanted to bite off a piece of meat from the queen's body, Concubine Yu could only be willing to be the scapegoat. "What the queen said is that I did see the unconscious Princess Qingping, and I didn't," she said. Thinking about it, everyone fell into the water, how could Princess Qingping be so weak?"

 Emperor Yongchang’s eyes darkened.

"Cough cough cough... cough cough cough..." A rapid coughing sound came from the door.

Everyone followed the sound and saw the prince, who had already changed his clothes, walking in with the support of Lian Xi.

Everyone in the palace just fell into the water, and then the prince was carried away by the palace officials. The lady of the official family did not have time to take a closer look. Now she saw the prince in a white robe and a handsome face slowly walking over. The official family who was sitting here There is no young lady whose heart beats like spring.

There are indeed no ugly people in the royal family. Even the princes present are all handsome and handsome.

  But compared with the belated arrival of the current prince, he is still somewhat inferior.

 Baili Fengming entered the main hall against the gaze of everyone, and knelt down in front of Emperor Yongchang a little weakly, "I am late, please forgive me."

The prince's health has not been very good since he was a child. Emperor Yongchang was too lazy to care and waved his hand, "Get up."

Baili Fengming wanted to stand up without hesitation.

Lian Xi, who was beside him, seemed to have thought of something, and pulled His Highness's sleeve, "Your Highness, the Judge of the Imperial Academy..."

 Baili Fengming frowned slightly and reprimanded in a low voice rather impatiently, "There is no room for you to speak here."

Lian Xi felt aggrieved after being scolded, but he did not dare to speak again.

Concubine Yu didn't know what kind of trick the prince was trying to play, but she didn't want to let the prince continue. "Since the emperor said..."

Before she could finish her words, Queen Zhen Xi interrupted her, "Don't be so impudent. How could you whisper so unruly in front of the Emperor? Why don't the Prince apologize to the Emperor as soon as possible!"

Emperor Yongchang didn't have much intention to care about what the prince was whispering to the eunuchs around him, but after hearing what the queen said and knowing the queen's good intentions, he could only patiently focus on the prince again.

Baili Fengming knelt on the ground again in fear, "Father, please calm down. The Judge of the Jiyuan just asked his son to send a message to his mother. He said that Princess Qingping did not understand the nature of water, so there was a lot of water in her chest. Please send her a message." Princess Qingping was asked to lie on her side to prevent the water from choking her heart and lungs. "

Emperor Yongchang frowned slightly.

 He didn't know that Fan Qingyao didn't know the nature of water.

If it is true as Ji Hongliao said, then Fan Qingyao’s suspicion will be...

 The hand pressing on the temple suddenly stopped trembling.

Before Emperor Yongchang could speak, Yunying, who had just been standing behind him, came around to him, kneeling on the ground and apologizing in fear, "It was my servant who was careless. Your Majesty, please calm down..."

Yunying's little face was so pale that her whole body was kneeling on the ground, trembling constantly.

Seeing this, Emperor Yongchang raised his hand in the air and paused, "Yunying, what are you hiding from me?"

Yunying knelt on the ground with her head lowered, biting her lip and not daring to speak.

Emperor Yongchang's eyes darkened, "Yunying, what did you see?"

Yunying seemed to have been spoken to in her heart, and her whole body trembled even more.

The air-conditioning around Emperor Yongchang increased a lot, and even Bai Tu, who was standing aside, was on tenterhooks.

Queen Zhenxi looked at Yunying kneeling on the ground, and then looked calmly at Concubine Yu beside her...

Yunying has already caught the emperor's attention, and there is no need to be a standout at this time.

But now Yunying pretended to be nervous and knelt in front of the emperor, unable to speak.

Did Concubine Yu and Yunying plan to frame the prince from the beginning?

 Empress Zhenxi’s breath also sank.

 Baili Fengming looked at his mother's worried eyes and lowered his eyes slightly to cover the thoughts in his eyes.

Everyone in the palace can prove that he does not understand the nature of water. Even if his father believed Concubine Yu's words, he only doubted him.

 Since it is suspicion, there will be no so-called punishment.

Even if he really falls out of favor for a while, he can only find an opportunity to prove his loyalty to his father afterwards.

As for Concubine Yu, she did not get any benefits.

 How could Concubine Yu not understand such pros and cons?

Emperor Yongchang, who had been looking at Yunying, spoke again, "Yunying, if you want to say anything, feel free to say it. With me protecting you, no one can hurt you at all!"

 Baili Fengming looked at Concubine Yu's quietly raised red lips again, and felt a shiver in her heart.

 Could it be!

At the same time, Yunying, who was kneeling on the ground, said cautiously, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, before I jumped into the lake, I saw a figure unplugging the boat bolt, because it was too far away. I didn’t see her appearance, I just remembered that she was wearing a blue dress..."

 The word "dress" hit Queen Zhen Xi's ears hard.

She squeezed the armrest beside her uneasily, never expecting that these people were coming for Xiao Qingyao!

Baili Fengming still lowered his eyes, with a sharp flash like a knife in his eyes.

 As expected, Concubine Yu had been Ayao’s idea from the beginning. The official ladies in the distance started to make a commotion.

Emperor Yongchang's face had completely darkened. He looked at Bai Tu beside him and said, "Bring all the people wearing blue clothes to me."

Bai Tu nodded and hurriedly walked towards the direction where the official lady was sitting.

Not long after, several official ladies in blue clothes were held down by the guards and knelt down in front of Emperor Yongchang.

However, Emperor Yongchang didn't even look at Concubine Pan Defi. He just reached out and pulled up Yunying in front of him, and asked slowly and softly, "Take a good look and see if there is the one you mentioned among these people." people?"

Yunying turned around obediently and looked at the official ladies kneeling on the ground.

Feeling Yunying's gaze, several official ladies felt that their hearts were about to jump out of their throats.

After a long while, Yunying finally looked away from the few people, turned to Emperor Yongchang and whispered softly, "Your Majesty, when I stood on the shore, I didn't see that person's face carefully, but I could see it. Clearly, that person’s entire dress is blue.”

Emperor Yongchang looked at Bai Tu and said, "Look for it again!"

Bai Tu didn't dare to delay, and walked in the direction of other official ladies.

Even though Queen Zhen Xi was still sitting on the chair too calmly, she was already breaking into a cold sweat.

Before leaving the palace, Xiao Qingyao specially gave her a change of clothes, so how could she forget that the color of the clothes was cyan!

I'm afraid Concubine Yu won't give up until she finds out Xiao Qingyao.

The hands under Baili Fengming's sleeves were clenched into fists.

He had discerned the purpose of Concubine Yu far earlier than Queen Zhen Xi, but at this moment, he was kneeling in front of his father, but he could not say a word for A Yao.

 Otherwise, all his efforts will be in vain.

Baili Fengming is not afraid of losing the opportunity to sit on that chair.

 He was just afraid that he would never be able to hold Ayao's hand again...

Not long after, Bai Tu returned to Emperor Yongchang and said, "To inform the Emperor, the other ladies do not have the characteristics Yunying... said."

Emperor Yongchang knew very well that slaves like Yunying who wanted to be favored were actually the most loyal.

 So Emperor Yongchang believed Yunying's words from the bottom of his heart.

 But today’s official ladies are all sitting here, but they don’t have the characteristics Yunying mentioned.

 Could it be...

Did Yunying see it wrong?

Concubine Yu seemed to look at Emperor Yongchang casually, "It is reasonable to think that something happened suddenly. Not everyone is like Princess Qingping who is calm in times of crisis. Even if she is facing the divorce of her parents, she can still do it." So calm and composed.”

 The intention of these words pointing to Fan Qingyao should not be too obvious.

Empress Zhen Xi looked sulky and said, "So I said that Princess Qingping was just a showman. At the critical moment, she couldn't even bear the slightest storm. I'm afraid she is still unconscious in Fengyi Palace."

Concubine Yu looked at Queen Zhen Xi with a half-smile, "It doesn't matter even if she is unconscious. Anyway, the emperor is looking for blue clothes now, so what does it matter if Princess Qingping is unconscious?"

Empress Zhen Xi frowned slightly, "I just saw Concubine Yu caring so much about Princess Qingping. I thought that Concubine Yu wanted the third prince to marry Princess Qingping and become the third prince's concubine. How come she is just changing her attitude now? Has she changed her face? Or does Concubine Yu have other intentions from the beginning?"

Concubine Yu’s expression changed slightly when Queen Zhen Xi poked at her.

 Looking at Baili Rongze, who was sitting among the princes not far away, his face was indeed very blue.

If the matter had not reached such a stage, he would not have known that his mother-in-law was actually going towards Fan Qingyao.

He has already told his mother-in-law that Fan Qingyao is a destined phoenix, and also explained the Tao family's medical code for immortality. His mother-in-law also agreed to help him marry Fan Qingyao...

 Why did you change your mind?

 Those who plot to harm the emperor must be punished by the nine tribes!

Baili Rongze looked at his mother and concubine in disbelief.

Did the mother-in-law want to kill Fan Qingyao from the very beginning?

Concubine Yu was aware of her son's gaze, but now she didn't care at all.

Empress Zhen Xi looked at Concubine Yu who was steadfast in her vows, and knew that it was irreversible that the emperor sent people to find Xiao Qingyao.

 What she can do now is delay the time.

“Concubine Yu really spoke righteously, as if she had seen something with her own eyes.”

Concubine Yu frowned when she saw the queen's reaction.

Of course she knew that the Queen did not really hate Fan Qingyao, but now she was delaying time so openly...

 A line of sight suddenly looked towards Concubine Yu.

With their eyes facing each other, Concubine Yu clearly saw four words from the man's mouth.

 Replace plums with peaches.

Concubine Yu’s heart skipped a beat.

If Fan Qingyao really leaves the palace privately, and then finds someone to lie in disguise in Fengyi Palace, and that person is someone who can completely keep the matter secret...


"I really didn't see anything, but I seemed to see that the clothes Princess Qingping was wearing were also blue. So when I heard what the maid next to the Queen said just now, I wanted to quickly let Princess Qingping prove her innocence. If this matter has nothing to do with Princess Qingping, I will be happy, but if this matter really has to do with Princess Qingping..."

Concubine Yu seemed to be speaking to the queen, but in fact the person she was looking at was the emperor.

Emperor Yongchang was still concerned about Concubine Yu's attempt to win over Fan Qingyao secretly. Now, listening to Concubine Yu's words, he was a little moved, but more of he was suspicious.

I have to say that Fan Qingyao is indeed the person who has the most motives against him among all the people!

Queen Zhen Xi looked at the emperor's eyes that were gradually sinking, and her hands in her sleeves were clenched until they turned white.

However, no one can stop the emperor's order now, "Come here! Bring Princess Qingping to me, no matter what method you use!"

 (End of this chapter)

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