Chapter 359 I was so angry that I vomited blood.

Concubine Yu had long seen that Concubine Pan De wanted to seek refuge with the queen.

 Although Concubine Pan De was not very favored in the harem, many friends are always better than many enemies.

 Especially I want to stand by the Queen’s side.

Seeing everyone in Longyan Hall pleading, Concubine Yu knelt down on the ground without any haste.

"Your Majesty, I think that since the Queen wants to conduct a thorough investigation of Fengyi Palace, it's okay for the Emperor to give permission. Only in this way can the truth be revealed. Maybe we are all wrong about Princess Qingping. I don't know for sure." Concubine Yu Periodically Ai Ai looked at the emperor.

On the surface, he wanted to help Fan Qingyao prove his innocence, but in fact, he completely declared Fan Qingyao's death sentence.

As long as the emperor reaches out, whether he can find the dress or not, Fan Qingyao is dead.

The veins on the backs of Emperor Yongchang's hands had bulged out. Looking at Fan Qingyao's cold and piercing eyes, there was already a layer of murderous intent.

"Come here! Search Fengyi Palace quickly! Find me the clothes worn by Princess Qingping!"

 Following the emperor's order, the guard standing outside the door turned and left again.

The originally noisy Longyan Hall fell into complete silence.

 When everyone noticed the murderous aura in the Emperor's body, they did not dare to breathe another breath.

The emperor was so angry that he laid down millions of corpses!

Even Concubine Yu, who wished Fan Qingyao would die now, closed her red lips.

Emperor Yongchang stared at Fan Qingyao in front of him, and when he reached his lips, he could no longer restrain himself.

It turns out that the so-called cleaning up the family and the so-called treating the prince's injuries are just ploys to get closer to him, and Fan Qingyao's real purpose is probably to avenge the Hua family man!

The teacup in Emperor Yongchang's hand made a crackling sound. He gritted his teeth and finally couldn't help asking, "Fan Qingyao! What else do you have to say?"

Fan Qingyao raised his cheeks slightly, his already fair face still extremely pale.

Their eyes met, and the dark eyes trembled fiercely, and there was a slight redness in the eyes. If he hadn't held on with all his strength, the tears that had piled up in his eyes would have collapsed.

Although Fan Qingyao didn't say a word from beginning to end, the unspeakable grievance was so painful that I felt pity for him.

Even Emperor Yongchang frowned.

There was anger, grievance and countless sadness in that expression...

 But there is no guilty conscience.

 Could it be that…

"Princess Qingping, how could you do such a treasonous thing? In vain, I want to propose to the emperor that you be betrothed to the third prince as a concubine." Concubine Yu looked at Fan Qingyao with disappointment, and she let out two words first. Clear your tears.

 Amidst Concubine Yu's heartbroken tears, the ruddy color condensed in Fan Qingyao's eyes lacked the meaning of distress.

Emperor Yongchang looked at Fan Qingyao in deep thought.

If Fan Qingyao really has such evil thoughts this time, he really can't stay.

But that’s okay, he was still struggling at first, but now he doesn’t have to.

Fan Qingyao seemed to be so terrified by the murderous gaze in Emperor Yongchang's eyes that he could not help but tremble slightly.

When Concubine Yu saw this, the smile on her lips became even thicker.

The search of Fengyi Palace was not very fast. Everyone was waiting in Longyan Palace and couldn't bear it any longer. Even Concubine Yu had had enough of seeing Fan Qingyao's frightened look before she saw the guards leaving and returning. .

Seeing the captain of the guard holding a wet dress in his hand, Concubine Yu's excitement reached its peak.

 Fan Qingyao, this bitch, can finally die!

“Your Majesty, this is the dress that was found in Fengyi Palace.” The captain of the guard knelt on the ground and slowly raised the long dress in his hand above his head.

Concubine Yu couldn’t hide the smile in her eyes and glanced at her, and the result was...

  I can’t laugh anymore!

  Everyone looked at the long skirt tacitly, and they were also collectively stunned.

Emperor Yongchang looked at the dress calmly for a long time, and then looked at Yunying in front of him, "Are you sure the clothes of the villain you saw are blue?"

Yunying nodded swornly, "I saw it with my own eyes, it's blue."

As soon as these words came out, Concubine Yu was so anxious that she wanted to rush over and cover Yunying's mouth!

 But in front of the emperor, she could do nothing...

 In the main hall, it fell into an eerie silence at some point.

Yunying, who was kneeling in front, turned her head slightly in confusion when she saw that the emperor had not yet made a decision.

It was this look that made her freeze in place.

 How, how is it possible...

 Why is the shirt the captain of the guard holds in his hands white?

Concubine Yu couldn't laugh anymore and stared at Yunying fiercely. How on earth did you do this?

Yunying also looked confused. She was sure that the clothes Fan Qingyao was wearing were blue. How could it become like this?

Concubine Yu saw that Yunying's expression didn't seem like she had misremembered, so she couldn't help but said hurriedly, "Your Majesty, the Queen in Fengyi Palace has thousands of clothes, who can be sure that this clothes must be..."

 “The Queen is in trouble!”

Before Concubine Yu could finish her words, Lily rushed in with an anxious and frightened look on her face.

As if she sensed that something was wrong with the atmosphere in the hall, Lily stopped not far away and knelt on the ground in fear, "Your Majesty, calm down, it's this servant who deserves to die."

Empress Zhen Xi frowned angrily and said, "The rules are becoming more and more unruly. How can we tolerate making noise in front of the Emperor?"

Baihe knelt on the ground and explained hurriedly, "Queen Qi, I just saw a group of guards rushing into Fengyi Palace to conduct a search. The result was that they only took Princess Qingping's wet clothes away. I didn't know it, but I just wanted to Come and report to the Queen immediately."


This white dress really belongs to Princess Qingping?

  Although everyone present did not expect that such a mistake would happen, fortunately, there was no danger.

They are all official ladies who have been accustomed to pampering since childhood. How can they be seen to be accustomed to bloodshed?

 If Yu Guifei's words are stuck in her throat, she can't go up or come down.

 His face turned purple all over!

The timing of Baihe's appearance was really perfect. Although Concubine Yu didn't believe that such a coincidence could really happen, looking at the emperor's relaxed expression, she knew that whatever she said was useless.

Full of unwillingness was piled in her chest, and Concubine Yu's eyes began to turn black.

 After planning such a big plan, Fan Qingyao still failed to be executed in the end. How could Concubine Yu not be angry?

Concubine Yu was almost furious and looked in Fan Qingyao's direction unwillingly.

Who knows…

Fan Qingyao was also looking at her silently.

When their eyes met, Fan Qingyao's dark eyes no longer held the fear just now.

 Some are just silent sarcasm and chuckles.

 Something flashed past the alarm clock, and Concubine Yu suddenly understood.

Everything just happened was simply Fan Qingyao's pretense. Although I don't know what method Fan Qingyao used to turn the cyan clothes into white, from the beginning, Fan Qingyao was absolutely sure that he could avert danger. of!


 Has she been played by Fan Qingyao?

Concubine Yu looked in the direction of the queen without giving up. The result was that she saw Empress Zhen Xi sitting on the chair, her graceful and noble face had long lost any trace of anger.

 Concubine Yu, “…”


 Has she been manipulated by Fan Qingyao and the Queen together?

Thinking about Fan Qingyao and Queen Zhen Xi's pretense of turning against each other just now, thinking about Fan Qingyao's pretended fear, and thinking about how stupid he was to beg the emperor to search Fengyi Palace in person...

Concubine Yu felt something very hot in her chest.

Just at this time, someone outside the palace made a report.

Emperor Yongchang raised his hand to announce the person through the door, and saw Doctor Li kneeling on the ground carrying a medicine box.

“Your Majesty, the Princess of Heshuo County is under the protection of the Emperor. She enjoys the protection of Long En, and her mother and son are safe.”


Before Emperor Yongchang could speak, Concubine Yu vomited a mouthful of blood.

Everyone was frightened when they saw Concubine Yu vomiting blood.

Concubine Yu, however, squeezed her suffocated chest tightly, and her consciousness gradually became blurred.

 Fan Qingyao is safe.

 The princess of Heshuo County is also safe.

How can Concubine Yu be able to swallow this breath!

 In the end, Concubine Yu passed out softly on the chair.

“Someone is coming quickly to help Concubine Yu enter the side hall to rest!”

 “Mr. Li, hurry up and check your empress’s pulse!”

 “Come here! Come some more people!”

 (End of this chapter)

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