The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 371: Be careful, it's definitely someone who comes with bad intentions.

Chapter 371 Be careful, it’s definitely someone who comes with bad intentions

During this period, Baili Fengming has been accompanying the emperor and busy with matters related to the Zhenyi Kingdom. Queen Zhenxi didn't want to distract him, so she simply pretended to be sick and came out of the palace privately.

Fan Qingyao had already begun to guess something, and he finally had the answer in his heart.

"No matter which Yunying is accompanying the emperor now, one thing is undeniable, she is the one who pleases the imperial concubine."

Queen Zhen Xi's face turned cold, "I didn't expect that they couldn't bribe Yunying, so they came up with another fake one. In order to cause trouble for me, Concubine Yu was really serious."

As expected, he was the master of the harem. Fan Qingyao only knew a little bit, and Queen Zhen Xi understood everything.

It’s just that Fan Qingyao never revealed Yunying’s true identity.

The Queen is always in danger in the palace. She cannot tell the Queen about this matter before she has any evidence to be absolutely certain whether Yunying is that person.

 Otherwise, if something goes wrong, the Queen will not know what kind of trap she will fall into.

"Since Yunying is Yu Guifei's lover, this proposal to go to the palace for winter hunting may also be Yu Guifei's intention." Queen Zhen Xi already knew in her heart that if she went to Yue Yu Palace this time, she might be coming from a bad person.

Fan Qingyao thought for a while and said, "Even if the emperor loves the current Yunying, it is just a promise."

This is enough to show that the emperor has not really been obsessed with Yunying.

 If this is the case…

Fan Qingyao looked at the Queen and said, "I'm afraid that the Emperor will agree to Yunying's proposal, because he must have something hidden."

Queen Zhen Xi thought for a moment, "I will definitely send people to investigate this matter carefully, but no matter what the reason is, I am afraid that the emperor has already decided to go to the palace for winter hunting. The emperor said that this is a family banquet. , I’m afraid even you will have to go with me, so remember to be extremely careful.”

 Empress Zhen Xi no longer has any conscientious hope in Yue Yu Palace.

Even the innocent Yunying beside her was plotted to death. How could such people expect that they would let go of Xiao Qingyao, who was her future daughter-in-law!

“Queen, don’t worry, I will be extremely careful.”

Queen Zhen Xi looked at the obedient, sensible, mature and steady person in front of her, and sighed softly, "I have also heard about the recent rumors in the main city. In order to stabilize the emperor, Fengming must do something It’s pretty cool, but don’t worry, I won’t let you suffer in vain.”

Fan Qingyao smiled and said, "With the Queen's love and affection, I will not feel aggrieved."

Look at that little mouth, it’s really eloquent.

 No wonder he trapped his cold son.

Seeing that everything that needed to be said had been said, Queen Zhen Xi got up and left through the back door.

After all, you are leaving the palace privately, so it would be bad if you cause trouble.

 As Queen Zhen Xi left, two hours later, people from the palace knocked on the door of the western suburbs mansion.

 Unsurprisingly, the emperor has decided to go to the palace for winter hunting to celebrate the New Year.

Not only Fan Qingyao, who is the future prince's concubine, but also the other princes and concubines are also among those invited.

 Just before everyone accompanied the emperor to the palace to celebrate the New Year, the weddings of the princes had to be held first.

Otherwise, there would be so many unmarried daughters-in-law hanging out with the princes, which would be embarrassing and not nice to hear.

Since the weddings of the princes of the right age are all on the same day, the weddings of each prince are also closely connected, and they are almost all held within a month.

 Just like this, all the princes and concubines decided on a date and planned to have a get-together in advance.

 After all, we are both sisters-in-law from now on, so we hope to have a good relationship.

Of course, as the latest Crown Princess Fan Qingyao, she also received the message.

Early in the morning, Nanny Xu quickly brought over the clothes she had prepared.

Fan Qingyao, who was teaching Mu Yan how to prepare the new hair oil, was not in a hurry and asked Aunt Xu to wait aside while he continued to teach Mu Yan attentively.

Mu Yan is now the head of Qingnangzhai, so he must learn to be careful in everything.

 It’s just that the preparation of each new product of Qingnangzhai is extremely cumbersome and complicated. Even if Mu Yan learns it quickly enough, it will already be three hours later.

Mammy Xu, who finally let the fourth lady go, hurriedly came over to change her daughter's clothes.

Fan Qingyao waved his hand, "No need, it's just fine."

At this gathering of the princes and concubines, she knew no one except Han Jingchen, the sixth prince's concubine. I had no intention of being hypocritical, and I was wasting my time just to deal with those people.

Xu Yan was helpless, but just saw that his lady was iron -hearted and uniform, and could only let the driver set up a carriage and personally sent his lady to get on the carriage.

The banquet happened to be held at the residence of the sixth prince's concubine, Han Jingchen.

 When Fan Qingyao arrived, the room was very lively.

 All the princes and concubines who were accused of being married were present, it could be said that they were all gathered together.

 Han Jingchen saw Fan Qingyao entering the door, and hurriedly walked over and took her hand, "You are finally here, so I can wait."

Fan Qingyao smiled and said, "Something in the house delayed me."

Before Han Jingchen could continue to speak, Pan Yulu stood up and said, "The Crown Princess is different from us. We are all married. We are so busy with our time, but others are so busy."

  Everyone knows that Pan Yulu was intercepted by Fan Qingyao and Princess Hu.

Furthermore, besides the prince, the third prince is the most valued prince by the emperor. Even if there is no overt conflict, there is no way he is not fighting secretly behind the scenes.

Now that Pan Yulu has become the third prince's concubine, she has openly drawn a clear line between herself and the prince's concubine Fan Qingyao.

 The other two princes and concubines looked a little embarrassed when they heard this.

Even though they were jealous of Fan Qingyao in their hearts, she was the princess who would crush them in the future.

Han Jingchen quickly smoothed things over and said, "I heard that after the wedding, we will go to the palace with the emperor to celebrate the New Year. To be honest, this is my first time going out to celebrate the New Year."

 The other two princes and concubines were also deeply touched and hurriedly changed the topic.

While everyone was chatting, Han Jingchen quickly pulled Fan Qingyao to sit down and whispered, "Don't take it to your heart, she is just jealous of you."

Fan Qingyao smiled and nodded.

With a person like this who can't even hide his temper, even quarreling is a waste of time.

 What she cared about was Pan Yulu's attitude.

  This was not the first time that Pan Yulu had dealt with her, and she knew that she was not a soft persimmon.

Even if Pan Yulu really disliked her, she would never be stupid enough to provoke her.

Fan Qingyao narrowed his eyes slightly, and found something more interesting.

Obviously she was in Han Mansion, but Pan Yulu was full of aura. Not only did she take the initiative to greet the other princes and concubines present, but she also directly ordered the servants around to bring tea and water...

What is even more surprising is that Han Jingchen, who has always had a bad temper, actually acquiesced to Pan Yulu's declaration of troops to seize the throne.

After greeting Pan Yulu around, he sat down and then looked at Yan Hanbai beside him with some reluctance and said, "Why didn't you speak for me just now?"

Yan Hanbai secretly looked in Fan Qingyao's direction, with too many unclear things flashing in his tangled eyes.

Yan Hanbai has been so depressed since he came back from the palace last time.

When Pan Yulu saw that Yan Hanbai was silent again, she reminded him, "If you don't fight now, what will you do in the future? Don't forget that the eldest prince is suffering from a hidden disease. If you don't toughen up, won't you? He was bullied to death by Fan Qingyao, who was the Crown Princess."

  She was really stupid at the beginning. How come she didn't realize that Fan Qingyao was so mean, and she stupidly tried to persuade him in the middle.

Yan Hanbai was about to say something when he suddenly saw his maid standing at the door.

Yan Hanbai stood up and walked outside. The maid didn't say anything, but just handed over a note.

He opened it quietly with his back to everyone, and the black and white words on the paper were like silver needles piercing Yan Hanbai's eyes and heart!

 At the main hall, a pretty girl suddenly came in.

Fan Qingyao raised his eyes and saw the girl's slender waist and delicate features.

As soon as the girl entered the door, she walked towards Pan Yulu and called out sweetly, "Sister." After finishing her words, she looked at Han Jingchen again and called out again, "Cousin."

Such an unexpected title really surprised Fan Qingyao.

 (End of this chapter)

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