Chapter 384 Fan Qingyao also felt frustrated?

 A maid came in again carrying freshly boiled water.

Fan Qingyao took the initiative to stand up and said, "It is all thanks to His Highness that I can drink such wonderful tea. I would also like to ask Your Highness to give me a chance to thank you and take the initiative to pour tea and refill water for Your Highness."

 Baili Rongze saw that Fan Qingyao had not waited for him to answer, so he took the initiative to come over. He was even more sure that his things had probably been cracked by Fan Qingyao.

Thinking like this, Baili Rongze did not dare to take it lightly.

While Fan Qingyao stood still in front of him, he also stood up and tried to **** the teapot from Fan Qingyao's hand. "From now on, Princess Qingping will be the Crown Princess, and I will be one of the same family. We are one family." There is no point in talking about two things.”

Fan Qingyao did not dodge, but Baili Rongze snatched the teapot away. Unwilling to do so, his eyes were filled with a layer of sullenness, and his hands were clenched tightly into fists, "Your Highness, Third Prince, this If you meet me outside, how can you talk about being a family?"

Baili Rongze smiled and said, "I just don't want Princess Qingping to be too tired."

As if he was afraid that Fan Qingyao would **** the teapot away again and pretend to accidentally drop it on him, Baili Rongze even poured the tea for himself while talking, and then handed the teapot over to him. Gave it to a servant.

Seeing his servant walking out of the front hall carrying a teapot, Baili Rongze looked at Fan Qingyao with a hint of teasing.

Fan Qingyao is still too young to play these tricks with him.

 Even if Fan Qingyao can see Ni Duan in this, so what, the Han family is already under his thumb. No matter what Fan Qingyao says, the Han family will not believe it.

As long as today passes and he follows the Han family's path to the Zhou family, it will be of no use even if the Han family reacts afterwards.

 So right now, the most important thing is to protect the sachet around his waist.

Fan Qingyao seemed to see the sarcasm in Baili Rongze's eyes, and turned away in anger, without even saying hello to Mrs. Han and Han Yao.

 Baili Rongze looked at Fan Qingyao's back with a little satisfaction, feeling indescribably comfortable in his heart.

But he had never seen Fan Qingyao walk out of the door, his face already calm and cold.

 The so-called irritation just now seemed to have never happened to Fan Qingyao.

Sun Congtong had been waiting anxiously in the yard for a long time. Seeing Fan Qingyao coming out, he quickly came over and took her hand and asked, "Why did you come out so slowly? Could it be that the third prince made things difficult for you?"

Fan Qingyao shook his head and looked in the direction of the backyard, "What's going on over there with Han Jingchen?"

Sun Congtong said with a smile, "I had already started to lose my hair when I came out."

As soon as Sun Contong's voice fell, the sound of crackling firecrackers was heard at the door.

Fan Qingyao knew that this was an auspicious time, and the sixth prince should have arrived at the door of the mansion to pick him up.

 When the Sixth Prince's Concubine is picked up, the guests from her mother's side will also go to the Sixth Prince's residence.

Although the Sixth Prince’s mother and concubine left early, the Zhou family is the mother’s family of the Sixth Prince’s mother and concubine after all. Now that the Sixth Prince is getting married, even if the Zhou family doesn’t get close to the Sixth Prince on weekdays, they still want to go there to support him.

 Baili Rongze has laid out such a big game of chess, so he has to follow it personally.

By then, Han Yao, who was already at the mercy of Baili Rongze, might be willing to be a stepping stone for Baili Rongze.

Without further ado, Fan Qingyao took Sun Contong's hand and whispered in his ear.

Sun Congtong's originally happy face turned into one full of shock. Then he looked at Fan Qingyao who was standing next to him. He felt that after hearing what he just said, his life seemed to be in danger.

“Qingyao, are you serious?”

From the corner of his eye, Fan Qingyao saw a figure moving in the backyard, and he squeezed Sun Contong's hand tightly, "Of course."

Sun Congtong still couldn't believe it, "This is Han Jingchen's happy day. Is it really okay for us to make such a fuss?"

Fan Qingyao nodded, "Believe me."

Once Baili Rongze steps on Han Yao and gets married to the Zhou family, what if Han Yao is overpowered by the medicine afterwards?

 At that time, I am afraid that Baili Rongze, who has already integrated into the Zhou family, will lead me by the nose.

 After all, Han Jingchen is the sixth prince’s concubine, and the Zhou family is the sixth prince’s maternal family.

Even if Han Yao didn't want to stir up the muddy water, he still had to get involved in it in order not to make it difficult for Han Jingchen.

Fan Qingyao doesn’t want to see that kind of situation.

 Thinking about it, Han Jingchen didn’t want to see it either.

 So the simplest way now is to cut through the mess with a quick knife. Sun Congtong saw that Fan Qingyao was really not joking. Although he still couldn't understand her thoughts, he still slipped away from the crowd obediently.

 At the same time, there was a cry, "The auspicious time has come!"

Wearing wedding clothes, Han Jingchen walked out of the backyard with the support of Xi Po.

As the door of the Han Mansion opened wide, the guests in the front yard immediately saw the sixth prince who came to receive the bride.

The sixth prince, who was also wearing a wedding dress and was sitting on a horse, had a fake smile on his handsome face, but in fact, he was nervously tightening the horse rope in his hand.

 It’s not that he is afraid of getting married.

 But I am afraid of the horse underneath me...

He has been ignorant of all kinds of things since he was a child, and he doesn't know how to ride a horse at all.

 It's just that now everyone is focusing on the Han family in order to curry favor with the Zhou family. No one cares about him, the sixth prince who has no power and no sense of existence.

 Fortunately, Han Jingchen didn't have any ink marks, and in just a blink of an eye, she was surrounded by people and walked to the front yard.

It was Sun Contong who was standing in the crowd, standing on tiptoes and looking in the direction of Fan Qingyao, making his final death struggle.

Fan Qingyao caught a glimpse of Baili Rongze following the two elders of the Han family out of the main hall and nodded to Sun Contong.

Sun Congtong felt that her heart was in her throat. With the thought of dying, she shouted at the top of her voice, "Ahhh! Where did the mouse come from!"

The people present today, both men and women, are dignitaries with high status in the main city.

 For these pampered people, rats can be described as evil men and women to be afraid of.

As Sun Contong's words fell, the crowd waiting to see him off exploded in an instant.

Sun Congtong thought about Fan Qingyao's explanation, and even pointed to a certain place in the panic of everyone, and said firmly, "It's there! I saw it with my own eyes! It's as big as a cat! I'm afraid a rat of this size will bite Are you human?"

Almost instantly, the guests in the courtyard could no longer stand still and rushed out of the door one after another.

Because the courtyard has long been overcrowded, now it is completely chaotic under the wanton crowding.

Upon seeing this, the two elders of the Han family hurriedly walked down the steps to evacuate the guests.

Po Xi also hurriedly helped Han Jingchen aside, for fear of knocking off the red hijab on her head.

 Baili Rongze looked at such a messy scene and subconsciously looked in the direction of Fan Qingyao.

 At this moment, Fan Qingyao was also looking at him.

 When their eyes met, Fan Qingyao's coldness in the black ink made Baili Rongze feel uneasy.

 Baili Rongze, who was still wondering what was going on, suddenly understood that this was probably designed by Fan Qingyao.

 As for the reason…

 Baili Rongze instinctively blocked the sachet at his waist with his arm.

As expected, Fan Qingyao was walking slowly step by step while Zai Baili Rongze was on guard.

Baili Rongze never expected that Fan Qingyao would be so courageous.

But it’s right to think about it, Fan Qingyao has already taken refuge in the prince, and he is naturally incompatible with him.

At the thought of Fan Qingyao and Baili Fengming becoming a couple in the future, Baili Rongze felt an unspeakable hatred growing in his heart.

Spurred on by hatred, Baili Rongze was even ready. As long as Fan Qingyao really dared to walk in front of him with the intention of destroying his plan, he would simply bite Fan Qingyao and want to be disrespectful to him.

As long as he insists on this matter, Fan Qingyao's reputation will be completely ruined.

How can a person who dares to be disrespectful to the prince be the crown prince of Xiliang?

 (End of this chapter)

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