The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 387: That's right, there's no comparison at all

Chapter 387: There is no comparison at all

At first, Baili Rongze wanted to use the help of the Pan family to send the second lady of the Pan family to the sixth prince's residence, but it was just to try to win over the sixth prince.

 In other words, even Baili Rongze was just trying to see if he could catch the Zhou family through the Han family.

 This was just a test, but the result was that Baili Fengming spread the news and everyone knew it.

 For a time, the princes who were secretly fighting for power were impatient.

Since the third prince can win over the Han family, they can too.

 That’s why we have today’s situation.

But everyone has forgotten that even though Han Yao is the governor of Sichuan Province and has a second-rank official, the Zhou family is the mother's family of the sixth prince.

To put it bluntly, if the sixth prince hadn't married Han Jingchen, why would the Han family have anything to do with the Zhou family?

 So, the focus has never been on the Han family, but on the Sixth Prince.

 The sixth prince is weak, incompetent, and powerless, but he is a real grandson of the Zhou family.

Nowadays, everyone is eager to please the Han family, which is basically a detour in favor of the far away.

Of course, even if those who want to win over the Zhou family react now, it will be of no use.

Fan Qingyao was really amazed.

First, the news was spread, making Baili Rongze stand out...

 Attracting other princes to follow Baili Rongze's footsteps and ignoring the most important sixth prince...

 Baili Fengming's method of killing two birds with one stone is simply not too clever.

It was also at this time that everyone came to their senses belatedly.

 They were led astray by the third prince.

 And it’s the kind of deviation that will never come back.

Just looking at the surprisingly firm gaze of the Sixth Prince, everyone knew in their hearts that even if they reacted, they would never have a chance to be with the Zhou family again.

 For a time, everyone had to cast their resentful eyes on the culprit.

If your third prince hadn't been mentally ill and thoughtless, how could he have turned us all into the eighteen bends of the mountain road?

Baili Rongze, who was like a victim, felt a splitting headache as he faced the resentful gazes of everyone.

 In fact, he originally just wanted to use the Pan family to test the Han family.

 How come the Han family is regarded as a target to get close to the Zhou family?

 Suddenly, Baili Rongze remembered.

They were rumors, and they were all rumors that he was trying to please the Han family to get closer to the Zhou family. At the time, he was anxious and worried that other princes would hear the rumors and be the first to get there, so he decided that getting closer to the Zhou family would help him consolidate the Zhou family.

To put it bluntly, he was actually deceived by the rumors.

 It’s just that now, it’s too late to say yes.

“Brother, let’s go, don’t let my grandpa and grandma wait too long.” The sixth prince pulled Baili Fengming’s sleeves in the mood of breaking the pot.

 Actually, the Sixth Prince knew clearly that the appearance of his brother here today was no accident.

 But faced with the wolf-like behavior of other people, he just felt that even if the emperor's brother was profitable, it would be reassuring.

 Having grown up among a large number of princes, the Sixth Prince naturally understands the turmoil among the princes.

Although he was not interested in that chair, as long as he had enough food and clothing, he still had to find a reliable partner even if he wanted to wait until death.

 Looking around, the sixth prince felt that the prince's thighs were stronger.

So, the Sixth Prince willingly stretched out his arms and hugged her tightly.

 Baili Fengming looked at the sixth prince's determination that emerged from his cowardice, and smiled tacitly, "Let's go."

But before the Sixth Prince could react, he saw Baili Fengming walking straight towards the Han Mansion alone.

 Then, under the gaze of everyone, he took Fan Qingyao's hand.

 In this way, everyone can react.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince not only left by himself, but also took Princess Qingping with him.

 Xiliang is a place where men are king, let alone the princes who were born with a silver spoon in their mouths. Generally speaking, in situations where men and women get together, even if they are a loving couple, the male is superior to the female.

But look at His Highness the Crown Prince who is supposed to be aloof now. Not only did he take the initiative to talk to Princess Qingping, but now he even didn’t forget to take the person away with him when he left...

 How is this indifference to marriage?

 This is just too much concern!

If the prince is indeed the most noble one among the princes, it is just that the former prince was not good at showing up and spent all day in the East Palace recuperating from illness. Therefore, over time, the people in the main city ignored this prince.

Even if he is the crown prince, so what, the result is not a sick man who will not live long.

But things are different now. Looking at the handsome face of His Royal Highness, he is simply more energetic than everyone present, and seems to be glowing under the sun.

Even though the marriage between the prince and Princess Qingping is finalized, everyone still regrets it.

If only they had known that today's Crown Prince would be so outstanding and highly appreciated by the Emperor...

  At the beginning, they squeezed human heads into dog heads because they wanted to compete for the crown princess for their daughter.

As the saying goes, if you compare people with others, you will die, and if you compare goods with each other, you will be thrown away.

 Under the halo of the prince, even the third prince, who had always been gentle, courteous and personable, was no longer worth mentioning.

There are even some people who are thankful that fortunately the princes of various families were smarter and did not step forward today. Otherwise, wouldn't they be like the third prince and be thrown into the dust as sadly?

 The Sixth Prince himself is a salty fish, so naturally he doesn't care about the comparisons of others around him.

But when the same gaze fell on Baili Rongze, it became extremely sharp and piercing.

The resentment that had always been shrouded in his heart flowed through his limbs and bones. Seeing Baili Fengming pulling Fan Qingyao into the carriage, Baili Rongze couldn't bear it anymore and said angrily, "Before the big day comes, It’s so shameless to get married! It’s a disgrace to the royal family!”

 Everyone was shocked.

 Looking at the third prince in disbelief, his eyes were red with anger.

Let’s not mention that the prince and Princess Qingping have been granted a marriage. Just saying that it is really detrimental to the royal family’s face. What does it have to do with you? Shouldn’t it be the emperor who should worry about it?

Third Prince, don’t think we haven’t noticed your face that is obviously twisted with jealousy.

In fact, Baili Rongze already regretted it when he blurted out these words.

Even he realized that he was too impulsive today.

But now that the words have been spoken, Baili Rongze has to hold on even if he is stiff.

Facing Baili Rongze's extremely angry face, Baili Fengming just smiled softly and said, "Brother Three Emperors are teaching you that Brother Liu Huang is still planning to get married. I beg Brother Three Emperors to show your respect. I will personally visit the house to talk to Third Brother." Brother Huang, I apologize."

 These words were said in an extremely humble manner.

If it were normal, Baili Rongze would be able to wake up with a smile even in his dreams.

 But now, Baili Rongze was so angry that he could faint while standing.

Compared with the prince's humility and courtesy, Baili Rongze, who was always unreasonable and making trouble, became a joke.

 The sixth prince looked at the prince with gratitude in his eyes. Could this be what the legendary feeling of holding someone's thigh feels like?

Han Jingchen, who had been sitting in the sedan for almost half an hour, felt her **** hurt and coughed helplessly, "Your Highness, please don't miss the auspicious time."

The sixth prince finally came to his senses. With the help of everyone, he quickly got on his horse and staggered back home.

Seeing this, the guests present also got into their carriages one after another.

  Scattered, scattered.

Are you waiting for the third prince to bark at them again?

It was Han Yao who was sitting in the main hall of the Han family. Hearing the news coming from the door, he breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

Although he had never thought of taking sides in such a hurry, since there was no way out, the prince was always better than the third prince.

 At least the relationship between his daughter and the Crown Princess is close. In addition, the Crown Prince was chosen by the Sixth Prince on his own initiative, so the couple can be considered to be of the same mind.

Mrs. Han looked at her master and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

 She was worried to death when she saw the master and the third prince chatting happily yesterday.

 Fortunately, the master rejected the third prince in time, and now everyone is happy with the situation.

Since the two elders of the Han family did not go to the Sixth Prince's residence, most of the guests from their parents' family also left directly.

As for the prince’s mother’s family, seeing that there is no sweetness, they will naturally part ways.

 (End of this chapter)

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