The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 390: The extremely selfish technique of controlling people

Chapter 390 The extremely selfish art of controlling people

Soon, Fan Qingyao was introduced to the Imperial Study Room.

Looking at the emperor sitting behind the desk, Fan Qingyao knelt down in a polite manner to say hello, "My maid, Fan Qingyao, would like to kowtow to the emperor."

It was Emperor Yongchang who was reviewing the memorial. He didn't even raise his head as if he didn't hear it at all.

Fan Qingyao was not in a hurry, he just knelt on the ground and waited.

Fan Qingyao felt hatred in his heart every time he looked at this man sitting high on the throne.

Obviously he is regarded as a heavenly being by the people of Xiliang, but he does extremely selfish and disgusting things.

Countries are eyeing each other, and even the Zhenyi Kingdom who is visiting this time has ulterior motives.

 But what this man was thinking about was not how to make Xiliang stronger, nor did he look at the faces of other powerful countries. He only thought about how to stabilize the power in his hands.

The man from her flower family spent his whole life sacrificing his life and blood to defend the land of Xiliang, but in the end, he was sent to the border by the person who should be the most supportive and trustworthy, and even died tragically in an insidious plot.

 Be suspicious of ministers, control the prince, and allow the princes to plot against each other in order to balance the power in their hands...

How can such a person be worthy of being the emperor?

As a king, if you don’t have a country and a country in your heart, and you don’t have the courage to embrace the world, how can you talk about longevity and boundless life?

Of course, no matter how much hatred Fan Qingyao hates, he still has to endure it.

 Don't say that she can't compete head-on with this extremely selfish man now.

Even if it is possible, now is definitely not the time.

Today's imperial court and even the royal family have been messed up beyond recognition by this man. They are restraining and taking advantage of each other.

If the emperor dies at this time, the whole of Xiliang will definitely be in chaos.

Even if Baili Fengming ascends the throne as the crown prince, he will definitely be unable to cope with the rebellion of his siblings, the turmoil of the court, and the eager eyes of other countries.

 So now, Fan Qingyao must keep this man alive.

 Live well.

 The imperial study room was so quiet that one could hear a needle drop.

 Emperor Yongchang, who had just glanced at the memorial in front of him, was always looking at Fan Qingyao's expression.

Until Fan Qingyao couldn't see anything on his calm face, he suddenly said, "I heard that there are rumors about you and the prince in the main city recently?"

Fan Qingyao understood that this was testing her attitude towards Baili Fengming.

   “I replied to the emperor, but my daughter didn’t know about it.”

How can you know if you don't care at all?

Emperor Yongchang narrowed his eyes and said, "The sixth prince got married a few days ago, and the prince is still in a couple with you. Do you really have no idea what the people around you think of him?"

Fan Qingyao acted indifferently, raised his head slightly and said, "My daughter is also at a loss about the arrival of the prince, but now that I have been granted a marriage by the emperor, I can't openly reject the prince."

Since the emperor wanted to hear that she didn't like the prince, she just showed it to him.

Emperor Yongchang looked at Fan Qingyao in the center of the hall carefully, as if he was considering something.

 Suddenly, there was a loud noise outside.

Immediately afterwards, I heard a young **** reporting urgently outside, "Your Majesty, His Royal Highness has just passed out!"

Emperor Yongchang did not answer immediately, but still looked at Fan Qingyao in a daze.

Fan Qingyao knelt on the ground calmly, as if the report from outside had nothing to do with him.

Other than Shaoxuan and Lin Yi, there was only Lian Xi who served Baili Fengming.

Although Fan Qingyao didn't have a deep impression of Lian Xi, he still remembered his voice clearly.

If something really happened in the East Palace, people from the East Palace should report it directly.

 So it’s obvious…

 It is a lie that the prince is in a coma, but it is true to test her attitude.

However, Emperor Yongchang suggested at this time, "It happens that Princess Qingping is proficient in medical skills, so why not come with me." Fan Qingyao, who was kneeling on the ground, had no intention of getting up, "If I go back to the emperor, I am ashamed of my medical skills. The doctors at the Imperial Hospital are superb. Furthermore, the doctors at the Imperial Hospital should know the prince’s body better than the court ladies.”

These words are enough to evade.

Even Bai Tu, who was standing outside the door, listened to these words and mistakenly thought that Princess Qingping was afraid of being tainted, so she would rather watch His Highness the Crown Prince fall into a coma and die.

“Princess Qingping’s words are good. Go and tell the imperial doctor to the prince.”

Hearing the emperor's words, Fan Qingyao could only sneer.

Even if Baili Fengming showed affection to her according to the order, the emperor was worried that Baili Fengming would fall in love with her for a long time.

He simply came up with this idea, not only to test him, but also to let Baili Fengming know her indifference and Gu's deep disgust for her in his heart.

 As expected, he is an extremely selfish man, and he is only thinking about ways to control others.

Bai Tu outside the door heard this and quickly agreed for the young eunuch, and then went to the East Palace in person.

In the imperial study room, Emperor Yongchang's expression on Fan Qingyao softened a lot, and he even asked someone to come in and sit down.

Fan Qingyao first handed the prepared banknotes to the emperor respectfully.

Emperor Yongchang looked at the thick banknotes in front of him and felt more and more that it was a wise decision to make Fan Qingyao the crown prince.

Just when Fan Qingyao seemed to be defenseless, Emperor Yongchang suddenly asked, "I also heard that at the sixth prince's wedding that day, the third prince even ignored etiquette for you?"

Fan Qingyao knew that someone might have complained to the emperor.

Whether this person is Concubine Yu or Baili Rongze, judging from the emperor's expression, I'm afraid he has already concluded that she took the initiative to seduce Baili Rongze first.

 That is the case.

Then she did have something to say.

"Returning to the emperor, when we visited the lake that day, Concubine Yu took great care of my daughter. I am grateful in my heart. Although my daughter has been married to the prince by the emperor, I know that I will never be with the third prince again, but as long as I When I see the third prince, I can remember that my daughter might marry the third prince..."

To put it bluntly, if Baili Rongze hadn't run up to her and shouted, she would not have swayed from side to side.

If you want her to no longer be disconnected from Baili Rongze, then please ask Concubine Yu to find a dog chain and tie Baili Rongze's neck.

Didn’t the emperor not want her to fall in love with Baili Fengming?

Fan Qingyao simply followed the wishes of Yue Yu Palace and acted as if he still had lingering feelings for Baili Rongze.

Since the emperor wanted to marry her to Baili Fengming and balance the power of Concubine Yu, he naturally had to guard against anything between her and Baili Rongze.

Emperor Yongchang did not doubt Fan Qingyao's words.

 In the final analysis, no matter how smart Fan Qingyao is, she is just a little girl waiting to be married.

Of course Emperor Yongchang himself knew very well what kind of virtue his son had.

Faced with Fan Qingyao's embarrassment and helplessness, Emperor Yongchang naturally began to doubt Baili Rongze's motives.

The relationship between the Sixth Prince and you is not very good to begin with. Why did you join in the wedding? Isn't it just to take the opportunity to win over Fan Qingyao and let Fan Qingyao support you secretly?

Fan Qingyao saw that the emperor had already made up his mind, so he stopped.

Emperor Yongchang, who originally wanted to test Fan Qingyao, lost his mood and said, "I will leave for the palace tomorrow, so go back early and prepare." and dismissed Fan Qingyao.

As soon as Fan Qingyao left the imperial study, Emperor Yongchang drove to Yueyue Palace.

When Queen Zhen Xi heard the news, she was so full of laughter that she almost laughed, "Lily, what are you talking about? If Concubine Yu wants to become a monster, someone will always need someone to help me get back."

Lily also smiled and said, "The Queen has already planned to meet with Princess Qingping before the Emperor, right?"

"It's natural." After all, they were a couple who had been together for half their lives. Even when the emperor sneezed, she knew whether the mucus would come out of her nose.

 But in the final analysis, Concubine Yu also has to admit that she is unlucky.

Concubine Yu's daughter-in-law is not as smart and capable as her own daughter-in-law.

Just thinking about being a good match all day long is useless.

 (End of this chapter)

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