The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 392: Being smart is mistaken for being smart

 Chapter 392: Being clever is being misled by cleverness

Standing in the rockery, Fan Qingyao waited until the footsteps outside completely disappeared before walking out.

Bent down and touched Chiwu's head, which was scratched by Xiaotuanzi, and put his handkerchief into Chiwu's mouth, "Go back, it's time for me to leave the palace."

Chiwu could come over at this time because Baili Fengming ordered him.

I'm afraid that Baili Fengming had heard about the emperor's methods of sowing discord and asked Chiwu to look for her.

Chiwu put the handkerchief in his mouth, looked at Fan Qingyao silently, then turned and walked towards the East Palace.

Fan Qingyao continued walking towards the palace gate.

 The first snow that fell a few days ago has already been cleared away by the palace staff.

 The spacious palace road stretches as far as the eye can see.

 Suddenly, a group of people came from not far away.

Accompanied and supported by several palace servants, a young woman in gorgeous clothes was slowly coming towards this side.

 When the woman came closer, Fan Qingyao finally recognized her.

It was Yunying, who was now favored by the Holy Spirit, who agreed.

Yunying was in a hurry to go back to Concubine Yu to summon her, but unexpectedly she bumped into Fan Qingyao who was about to leave the palace.

Looking at the face welded deep in her memory, Yunying's heart was inevitably filled with jealousy and hatred, but on her face, she still smiled faintly, "I didn't expect to meet"

It seems that she can't figure out Fan Qingyao's identity, so Yunying just looks at Fan Qingyao over and over again.

"Yun agree." Fan Qingyao stood on the spot and called out coldly, seemingly as a greeting, but she bit the word "promise" extremely hard.

Whether she is the princess now or the crown princess in the future, a promise does not qualify her to kneel down and say hello.

Yunying didn't know whether Fan Qingyao did it intentionally or unintentionally. The word "promise" fell into her ears like a needle prick, and even the anger in her heart was aroused.

Looking at Fan Qingyao in front of her again, Yunying suddenly shook off the hand of the palace attendant beside her and took a few steps forward.

Fan Qingyao stood where he was, still looking calm and composed.

 The people around the palace looked at it with fear.

Who doesn’t know that this Yun promised to be a person who used to serve the Queen, but now she has transformed into a phoenix with the help of Princess Yu?

And this Princess Qingping is the Queen’s future daughter-in-law.

 When these two people collide, the sparks will definitely be gone, but the fire will definitely be there.

But just when the hearts of the palace people were in their throats, they heard Yunying smile again, "I just happened to want to go to the palace gate to do something. I wonder if Princess Qingping would like to come with me? "

Fan Qingyao seemed not to see the provocation in Yunying's eyes, and smiled and nodded, "Of course it's good."

 There are many things she fears in this life.

 She is afraid that the people she cares about will make the same mistake again.

 She was afraid that she would not be able to protect her relatives on her own.

 But in Fan Qingyao's so-called fearful dictionary, there is never the word Yunying.

Seeing this, the palace people who were originally guarding Yunying took a few steps back and followed the two masters.

Yunying looked at Fan Qingyao, who was walking side by side with her, and the smile on her face was indescribably weird, "It's been a long time since we said goodbye after traveling to the lake. I didn't expect that Princess Qingping would be there when we saw each other again." She is already a princess."

Fan Qingyao remained calm, "Things are unpredictable, and who knows what will happen tomorrow."

Hearing this, Yunying laughed softly, "But I seem to be different from Princess Qingping. For some reason, I always have dreams recently. In the dreams, people who block my way are cut into pieces, and it's even more difficult to see. Life would be worse than death, it’s really satisfying to think about it.”

Fan Qingyao raised his eyebrows slightly, thinking about it in his mind, but his face remained calm, "It's just a dream, why should Yun Da take it seriously?"

Yunying smiled and said, "I wonder if Princess Qingping has ever heard of the word "dreams come true". Although it is a dream, maybe the things in the dream will really become a reality?"Fan Qingyao seemed like He nodded in understanding, "If that's the case, then I can only wish Yun that all her wishes will come true, but she must be careful when she agrees. As far as I know, there are still things in this world where what you ask for is not received, and cleverness is rewarded. Smart is a misnomer."

Yunying’s face turned dark instantly!

 Don’t think she can’t hear such a naked curse.

Fan Qingyao, such a sharp-tongued man, really thinks he has a chance to win now?

Yunying rolled her eyebrows, suppressed the anger in her heart, and laughed again, "Princess Qingping is really quick to talk, but..."

Before she finished speaking, Yunying suddenly slipped and fell in the opposite direction of Fan Qingyao.

From a distance, this scene looks more like Fan Qingyao and Yunying didn’t get along, so he pushed Yunying.

Although Yunying only made a small promise, she is now the most favored person in front of the emperor.

If something really happened today, Fan Qingyao would not be able to explain it clearly.

 Suddenly, a hand grasped Yunying's wrist.

Yunying was stunned. Before she could react, she saw Fan Qingyao hugging her and placing his body under hers.

Yunying felt bad, but it was too late to struggle.

Soon, the two people rolled down to the ground together.

Yunying didn't know the pain, but Fan Qingyao, who was pressed underneath, had a look of pain on his face.

Looking at Fan Qingyao who fell to the ground, Yun Ying's face turned dark with anger.

 The palace people behind him hurried over and helped the two masters up at the same time.

The palace officials who had no idea were extremely grateful to Princess Qingping for her help. "I really want to thank Princess Qingping for her thoughtfulness in what happened just now."

As soon as these words came out, Yunying's face turned even darker.

 The palace people already believed that Fan Qingyao saved her, so how could she frame Fan Qingyao who actually wanted to harm her?

Just when Yunying was feeling upset that her trick had not succeeded, Fan Qingyao's next words seemed to push her into a bottomless abyss.

 Can’t even climb up.

I saw Fan Qingyao patting his clothes gently and walking in front of Yunying.

Just at this time, the guards patrolling the safety of the palace passed by.

Fan Qingyao's neither gentle nor serious voice was enough for everyone to hear clearly, "Yun promised that she is pregnant, but you have to be careful about your body."

Yunying, "…"

 Damn it, Fan Qingyao, did he really have to do such an incredible job?


Fan Qingyao doesn’t think so.

Just now she accidentally touched Yunying's wrist. Judging from her pulse, Yunying was nearly two months pregnant.

 For the concubines in the palace, the pregnancy time is not short.

 But the last time she left the palace, the Queen was obviously unaware of it.

 Obviously, both Yunying and Concubine Yu were deliberately concealing the truth.

The emperor is already over fifty years old, and now that he is old and has a son, he attaches great importance to it.

If this child really has something to do with green melon and tofu, no one can afford it.

Fan Qingyao would never allow this hidden danger to exist.

Simply putting it on the table can be regarded as letting the hidden crisis surface.

 (End of this chapter)

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