Chapter 453 Where is your face, Your Highness?

The reply Baili Fengming asked Fan Qingyao to write was very simple.

  It’s just a few words.

When Fan Qingyao sent the letter to Prince Heshuo's cronies and then came back, he saw a certain unscrupulous prince sitting on the bed, looking at the book in his hand.

 The warm candlelight enveloped his whole body, making him moist and beautiful.

Hearing the footsteps, Baili Fengming put down his book and looked at her, "Have you gone out for a walk after coming to the palace?"

Fan Qingyao sat back on the bed and shook his head.

 Since arriving at the palace, she has been busy with big and small things. How can she have the time and mood to go out and walk around.

Besides, even if she doesn't have to look at Concubine Yu's face and be suppressed by Baili Rongze like she did in her previous life, after all, she holds the title of Crown Princess, so how can she show up easily.

 As soon as the palm of her hand was warm, the jade-like hand wrapped her slightly cold hand.

Fan Qingyao raised his head and ran into Baili Fengming's slightly smiling eyes.

"The Dragon Boat Festival will be here in half a month. Although the town here is not as lively as the main city, it still has a festive atmosphere." Baili Fengming was not in good health when he was a child. For several years, he lived with Shaoxuan and Lin Yi. In the palace.

It was the unrestrained life in the palace during those years that gave him the opportunity to practice martial arts with Shaoxuan.

Fan Qingyao didn't know that Baili Fengming had this past. Although she was not involved in it, she did not interrupt. She just sat quietly by the bed and listened.

 Gradually, my eyelids began to sink, and even the sounds in my ears began to become blurry.

 Baili Fengming felt his chest sink, and he saw someone had fallen asleep leaning on his chest.

 This kind of her was unlike any other time he had ever seen her, without being unfamiliar or defensive, sleeping in his arms with such unconditional trust.

 Slowly he raised his hand and touched the fat cheek. The silky skin was really addictive.

 Baili Fengming unconsciously lowered her cheeks and approached the unconsciously pouted lips...


There was a sudden knock on the door.

Fan Qingyao suddenly opened his eyes and saw the beautiful face magnified in front of him.

 Baili Fengming raised his lips and smiled lightly, but he said frankly, "It would be better if it was a quarter and a half later."

 Fan Qingyao, “…”

The desire to steal incense is still unfinished. Where is your face, Your Highness?

"Fan Qingyao, open the door for me. Why have you never let me see His Highness the Crown Prince? What exactly do you want to do to His Highness the Crown Prince? You can hide it from everyone but not me..." Zhou Renjian's voice was clear and impatient. The ground echoed outside the door.

 Fan Qingyao and Baili Fengming in the bedroom were not surprised.

There are many people staying in the palace, but there is no one who enjoys it as much as Zhou Renjian.

  At the beginning, various princes and concubines would come to test under the guise of coming to see the prince's well-being, but Fan Qingyao kept blocking the door. As time went by, those princes and concubines were exhausted.

  Except for asking people around me to ask questions as usual every day, I have never shown my face.

Only this Zhou Renjian, even if Fan Qingyao blocks the door every day, he can always knock on the door of Baili Fengming's palace again with confidence the next day.

 Sometimes Fan Qingyao thought that Zhou Renjian had something wrong with him, and wanted to prescribe him some decoctions to treat amnesia and forgetfulness.

Every time, Baili Fengming looked at Fan Qingyao's helpless look but smiled without saying a word.

But this time, Baili Fengming said, "Let him come in."

Fan Qingyao looked at Baili Fengming and was stunned.

 Baili Fengming said again, "Only when you take risks can you see your sincerity."

 Fan Qingyao just understood.

Zhou Renjian has been following Baili Fengming since he was a child. The companion reading is good, but only when he was a child. At that time, both the Zhou family and Zhou Renjian were devoted to Baili Fengming, but people's hearts would always change. Even if Baili Fengming now wants to reuse the Zhou family, he has to be on guard.

Now is a good opportunity. If Zhou Renjian can keep Baili Fengming's recovery a secret, it will show that Zhou Renjian and even the Zhou family can be trusted.

“But what if the Zhou family has other ideas?” Fan Qingyao looked at Baili Fengming.

 Since you want to gamble, you must be prepared to lose.

 Baili Fengming turned his face sideways and smiled slightly, "Then let Zhou Renjian stay here forever."

Of course Fan Qingyao knows what this means forever.

Only the dead are worthy of the word eternity.

 Under the candlelight, Baili Fengming's black eyes are deep and her cheeks are calm.

 But he is so gentle and harmless, but he has decided the life and death of others while talking and laughing.

"Are you scared?" Baili Fengming looked at Fan Qingyao and smiled.

Fan Qingyao shook his head, "You won't hurt me, why should you be afraid."

 Baili Fengming didn't expect Fan Qingyao's answer to be so affirmative, and was stunned for a moment.

But soon, he laughed softly.

 Yeah, he won't hurt her.

It is precisely because he wants to prevent her from being hurt that he must not lose this battle.

Fan Qingyao stood up and opened the door.

Zhou Renjian, who was standing outside the door, didn't know. He was still shouting in Qiyun Dantian, "Fan Qingyao, come out and tell me clearly. Do you know how to see a doctor? Why are the three princes always in charge?" The city is in good condition, but His Royal Highness is still unconscious, please give me..."


Before he could finish his words, the closed bedroom door was opened.

Zhou Renjian didn't expect Fan Qingyao to come as he said. Normally, he would not see Fan Qingyao answering him for an hour, but now when he saw the real person, he couldn't keep up with his words, "Your Majesty, Crown Princess "

It was Lin Yi who was standing aside, and Zhou Renjian, who was already wilting in an instant.

 What about the momentum you promised?

 Where is the courage you promised?

Zhou Renjian seemed to feel a little timid, and he puffed up his chest and said, "I'm just worried about His Highness the Crown Prince, and I hope the Crown Princess will be accommodating. I..."

Before Zhou Renjian could finish speaking, Fan Qingyao stepped aside and said, "Oh, come in."

 Zhou Renjian, “…”

He came today ready to fight Fan Qingyao for 300 rounds, but before he could say anything, he took the initiative to make way for him.

Zhou Renjian thought about himself who was lighting lamps and boiling oil to collect various vocabulary last night, and suddenly felt the urge to cry.

Just as Fan Qingyao turned around and walked away, Zhou Renjian hurriedly followed him and crossed the threshold.

Lin Yi also didn't expect that the Crown Princess would let the young master of the Zhou family in, but thinking that the Crown Princess must have her own reasons for doing so, he quickly closed the palace and continued to stand guard.

 The bitter smell of concoction filled every corner of the palace.

Zhou Renjian's heart sank just by smelling the smell of the medicine.

 Looking at the rows of medicine stoves in the outer hall of the palace, Zhou Renjian's calm heart began to rise again.

 Could it be that His Highness the Crown Prince is really...

 (End of this chapter)

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