Chapter 479 Demons and monsters quickly appear

Concubine Zhang Shu is smart. It doesn't matter if she doesn't understand what Concubine Yu means. As long as she delivers the news to the Crown Princess as soon as possible, she will be able to figure it out given the Crown Princess's city and scheming.

 As for her, all she needed to do was let the Crown Princess know her feelings.

Concubine Zhang Shu did not dare to blatantly send the news directly to the Crown Princess, so she handed the news to the Eighth Prince Concubine first. When the Prince Consort found the Crown Princess, Shaoxuan also sent the news to Huaishang. In front of Baili Fengming.

Fan Qingyao saw that Shaoxuan was still reporting to Baili Fengming, so he went to the side hall alone to meet the eighth prince's concubine.

The Eighth Prince Concubine kept things in mind and did not go around in circles. She told the news from the palace straight to the point, "Shu Concubine prides herself on being stupid and cannot guess the purpose of Concubine Yu's actions, but Concubine Shu knows that the Crown Princess knows Being a smart man, I wanted to ask the princess what she meant."

Fan Qingyao didn't know that Concubine Zhang Shu deliberately found an excuse to tell her the news. In this way, she kept her personal relationship secret and avoided the suspicion of overstepping.

It has to be said that Concubine Zhang Shu's measured advance and retreat was much more comfortable than the way the Eighth Prince gave Fan Qingyao. She was even more polite when she looked at the Eighth Prince and Concubine in front of her, "Thank you, Concubine Zhang Shu has to worry about being far away in the main city. I’m really not a junior anymore.”

Of course Fan Qingyao would not really tell the eighth prince concubine what Concubine Yu meant.

 Even if we are allies now, it does not mean we will always be allies.

Say less now, and you will have less leverage in the other party’s hands when you fall out with each other in the future.

The Eighth Prince Concubine was really envious of the Crown Princess's smart mind and said with a busy smile, "Concubine Shu is just curious, so she thought of asking me to ask. I think it would be inconvenient for me to ask the Crown Princess to take care of His Highness." Excuse me."

Fan Qingyao smiled and said a few more polite words before personally sending the eighth prince's concubine away.

Fan Qingyao had also heard about the disputes in Zhuangzi some time ago. Unexpectedly, the eighth prince's concubine was also very clear-minded and was not really successfully brainwashed by the eighth prince. In this case, as long as the eighth prince did not bother to free the concubine. In an ugly situation, Fan Qingyao would naturally persuade Baili Fengming to let the eighth prince live well.

 After seeing off the eighth prince's concubine, Fan Qingyao turned around and returned to the palace.

By coincidence, Shaoxuan was talking about the situation in Huaishang.

Fan Qingyao rarely heard the news about his uncle with his own ears, so he walked a few steps quickly.

 Baili Fengming looked at her rare anxious look, raised his hand to stop Shaoxuan's rambling report, smiled and pulled her to sit beside him, so that Shaoxuan could continue talking.

 Shaoxuan, “…”

It’s really hard to live a life like this when you have to give me a mouthful of dog food to report the news.

But the heartache is a heartache, and the report still needs to be reported...

From Shaoxuan's words, Fan Qingyao thought of the heroic appearance of her uncles on the battlefield. Thinking that she had allowed her uncles to lie dormant for so long and finally allowed them to stand in the sun again, her eyes couldn't help but feel a little sore. .

  Although the name of a gangster is unpleasant, it is better than living in darkness forever.

After Shaoxuan finished his report, he handed Fan Qingyao's handwritten letter with a smile, "This is what the second lady of the Hua family entrusted to my subordinates to deliver to the Crown Princess."

Fan Qingyao's exhibition Xinyue contains trivial details recorded with a smile.

A few years ago, Xiaoyan got in touch with Tianyu in Youzhou. I heard that Ji Yuze went to Youzhou to visit Tianyu and stayed with Tianyu until the New Year. Then he quietly returned to the main city. Xiaoyan even said Let Fan Qingyao rest assured that sooner or later they will be able to reunite again.

Fan Qingyao's fingertips gently touched the last word "reunion" before lighting the candlestick and throwing the letter in. The second sister is right, as long as they are both alive, they will eventually be reunited.

Shaoxuan did not notice Fan Qingyao's actions. Instead, he recounted the news he had just received from the main city. It was nothing more than that the third prince was seriously thinking about the matter behind closed doors.

Originally, the third prince had made such a big fool of himself this time, and all the princes were rushing to pack their things, waiting to rush back to the main city as soon as possible to see with their own eyes the third prince's life-or-death state.

As a result, now everyone has heard that the third prince has seriously repented, and even the people sent by Concubine Yu have blocked the door. They all know in their hearts that the third prince is acting in front of his father again, just to make his father I feel sorry for you and can't bear to punish you. The disappointed princes have really slowed down a lot in packing their things.

Baili Fengming poured two cups of tea, handed one to Fan Qingyao, and then said softly, "It is true that Brother Three Emperors was caught off guard by the incident of the Huaishang bandits, but it prompted my father to It’s true that he lost face in front of the courtiers. With my father’s character, even if he favors the Third Emperor’s brother, he is the only one who feels sorry for him in the end.”

Even he can figure out such a simple thing, so how could Concubine Yu, who had served her father for decades, not be able to figure it out.

Fan Qingyao thought for a moment and then said, "Nowadays, there are rumors in the palace that the third prince is seriously thinking about his mistakes behind closed doors, even if he doesn't even see his biological mother and concubine. It seems that Concubine Yu Yu wants the third prince to retreat in order to advance."

Shaoxuan was stunned, "What the Crown Princess means is that the Third Prince may be planning something else?"

Baili Fengming turned the tea cup in his hand, and the fragrance of tea overflowed, "If you want your father to forgive the Third Emperor Brother as soon as possible, you can use the Third Emperor Brother's position in the Father's heart, or you can use other methods. This incident has covered up Brother Sanhuang’s mistakes.”

Fan Qingyao nodded, "The Queen has not sent anyone to send news for a long time, which shows that Concubine Yu and the third prince are still in the planning stage."

It's a pity that she and Baili Fengming are not in the main city now, so they can't guess what Concubine Yu is thinking.

However, based on Fan Qingyao's understanding of Baili Rongze, this man is narrow-minded and full of calculations. He has suffered such a big loss in Huaishang this time and must work harder to get it back.

 Only in this way can he replenish his dying glass heart.

“I heard that the people sent by my father have arrived at the palace this morning. Since my father needs good news now, it’s not a bad idea to fulfill my father’s wish.”

"Calculating, it has been less than half a month since the last time there was news that you were seriously ill. During this time, I have been adjusting your pulse. A few days ago, I asked the imperial doctor to diagnose that you are getting better. Now if there is news that you are awake, The news is also logical.”

 Others say that striking grass can scare snakes, but if you don’t hit it with a stick, you really don’t know what kind of snakes you can scare.

 Baili Fengming now spreads the news of his awakening back to the main city. Firstly, it is to put pressure on Concubine Yu, and secondly, he also wants to give the emperor a ray of sunshine when he is in the most difficult situation.

Just like, when you put a lot of effort into raising an object, you naturally hope that it will be good, and if it really gets better little by little in response to your expectations, it will naturally get better for the person who donates it. I can't put it down.

 Baili Rongze wanted to erase Baili Fengming's position in the emperor's heart, but Baili Fengming wanted to secure this position.

Fan Qingyao thought that with Baili Rongze's narrow-mindedness, once he knew how to calm down Baili Fengming's awakening, he would not go crazy because of his stupid boy's strong physical strength.

But in this situation, Baili Fengming's stick must not only be struck, but also struck firmly and hard.

In this way, those demons and monsters lurking and hiding in the dark will inevitably reveal their true colors.

As long as someone dares to take action, it will be one against one, or two against one.

 (End of this chapter)

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