The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 516: The first time you rolled, there will be a second time

Chapter 516: The first time, there will be a second time

 “Don’t you care, Mr. Sun?”

“Master Sun is so busy on weekdays, how can he have time to take care of these things.”

 Fan Qingyao just understood.

 No wonder the food in the Sun Mansion is so good, and it’s like sucking my mother’s blood.

  Under the pretext of being good to my mother, I spend all day lavishly eating and drinking.

And mother, no matter how disgusted her body is, she still has to swallow it for the sake of peace.

Gradually, my mother’s body became mellower, and even Sun Che thought that all this was for her mother’s good.


 It’s really good.

Suppressing the anger of chopping up the old lady of the Sun family and feeding it to the dogs, Fan Qingyao came to the kitchen.

As soon as he entered the courtyard, he saw Zhu Lirong chatting and laughing with several servants.

This scene is really indescribably harmonious and dazzling.

Zhu Lirong didn't expect Fan Qingyao to come. His face that was full of smiles just now suddenly felt awkward.

Fan Qingyao smiled and said, "Miss Li Rong, don't be nervous. I just have something to tell you."

Zhu Lirong nodded and dismissed all the servants in the yard.

Fan Qingyao took advantage of the situation and sat on the stone bench in the yard, looking at Zhu Oriong indifferently.

Zhu Lirong stood there without sitting down. Her body was very tense, as if she had been punished.

Fan Qingyao didn't have time to give up his seat to Zhu Lirong, he raised his chin slightly, smiled softly and said, "Miss Lirong is very attentive, she is actually busy with Uncle Sun, I'm afraid she even knows his taste clearly, right?" "

Zhu Lirong listened to this, with a flash of pride in her eyes, "My cousin is always very busy on weekdays. I just want to make my cousin feel more comfortable in the house. Although I haven't been here for a long time, I know that my cousin is very busy." My brother likes sweet food but not spicy food, and he likes to drink porridge every night as a snack.”

 Even knowing about late night snacks, it’s really thoughtful.

Fan Qingyao raised his hand and knocked on the stone table in front of him, and said with a smile, "There are only two people in this yard, Miss Li Rong and me. Why should Miss Li Rong continue to pretend?"

Zhu Lirong was stunned, and her body stiffened instantly.

As if he didn't understand what Fan Qingyao said, he opened his eyes in confusion and said, "I don't understand what the Crown Princess means..."

"If you don't understand, how can you sleep with my mother every night, not to break up the relationship between mother and Sun Che? If you don't understand, how can you be so attentive in front of Sun Che? After all, , you simply want to replace my mother's position in Sun Che's heart little by little."

Zhu Lirong trembled all over, still shaking her head, "Princess, you misunderstood, I really didn't..."

Fan Qingyao raised his eyebrows and interrupted, "Since you know my identity, you should understand that what I want from the Sun Mansion is just a matter of one sentence. If it comes to identity, even Sun Che will do it in front of me. Dali, who do you think you are and dare to show off in front of me? "

 Fan Qingyao was, after all, a queen in her previous life.

  No matter how miserable she was at that time, the sharp aura and powerful aura of a person who has sat in the Phoenix position is unmatched by others.

Just like Zhu Lirong now, her face has turned completely pale.

"Do you really think that with the support of the old lady of the Sun family as a matchmaker, you can ask my mother to abdicate in favor of a worthy person? Miss Li Rong's thinking is too simple, or too naive."

Fan Qingyao smiled softly, but his sharp black eyes seemed to tear Zhu Oriong into pieces. Hearing this, Zhu Lirong was so frightened that her legs went weak.

"I really don't have that idea. My cousin is also devoted to my cousin. Princess, you really misunderstood. We have no other thoughts."

"It doesn't matter whether you have him or not. I'll go find Sun Che soon. Either you get out, or he gets out of his current official position."

 Would the old lady of the Sun family still be so fawning to a powerless Sun Che?

Will Zhu Lirong still want to commit herself to her?

  Of course not.

Even if Zhu Lirong calls Sun Che a cousin, Sun Che is more than ten years older than her.

Zhu Lirong was really scared. She bent her knees and knelt on the ground. She even wanted to kowtow and said, "Crown Princess..."

Before she could finish her words, Fan Qingyao stretched out his toes and touched her chin, "You secretly want to marry my mother, but now you openly come to me to beg for mercy. Do you think I'm a fool?" ?”

"Princess, you really misunderstood. My cousin is so kind, how could you treat him like that..."

“Stop your pretense. Since I was able to get the old lady of the Sun family to get out once, I will naturally find a way to get the old lady of the Sun family to take you out again.”

Zhu Lirong was angry and panicked after hearing these words, and was trembling all over.

Fan Qingyao raised his toes a little more, supported Zhu Lirong's chin and said, "Did you understand what I said?"

 Zhu Lirong nodded instinctively under the pressure of this invisible aura.

"Now that you understand, you can get out and go inform the old lady of the Sun family. It's best to ask her to pack the package in advance so that she won't look too embarrassed when leaving." Fan Qingyao said, suddenly Take back your legs.

Zhu Lirong, who was unprepared, gnawed on the ground.

It's just that Zhu Lirong couldn't care less about the pain now, and ran away in a hurry without even having time to wipe her tears.

Fan Qingyao shook the hem of her skirt and stood up. Instead of leaving immediately, she stepped into the kitchen.

On the kitchen stove, a casserole is still simmering, and the rock sugar pear inside is exuding a sweet and glutinous fragrance.

Fan Qingyao picked up the spoon and scooped out a bowl, picked up the pepper on the side, poured all the rock sugar and snow pears in the bowl, and then walked out.

After asking around all the way, Fan Qingyao came to Sun Che's study.

It was Sun Che who was working in the study. Hearing that the boy came to report that Fan Qingyao was here, he quickly came out to greet him personally.

“Why is little Qingyao here?” Regarding Fan Qingyao, Sun Che felt sorry for her past, and now he admired her step by step for her current position as the princess.

Fan Qingyao took the initiative to enter the door and placed the soup bowl in his hand on the desk in Sun Che's office. "This is the rock sugar snow pear that was just stewed in the kitchen. I just wanted to come over and tell Uncle Sun something. Just by the way. "Bring it over."

Sun Che quickly picked up the soup bowl and scooped it up gently to make the soup cool faster.

Fan Qingyao looked around the study and said casually, "Uncle Sun, do you still remember what you promised me when you married my mother?"

Sun Che was stunned for a moment, and then said sternly, "I will never take a concubine again in this life, and I will never let your mother down."

 This is his oath, of course he remembers it.

Fan Qingyao nodded and asked again, "So, Uncle Sun, do you think my mother is doing well?"

 (End of this chapter)

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