Chapter 519 My daughter cannot be slandered

But today, thinking about how the old lady of the Sun family and Zhu Lirong didn't know how to restrain themselves in front of their daughter, Hua Yuelian felt nauseated, "I have no appetite now, so let's put it aside for now."

Zhu Lirong stood there holding the soup bowl without moving, and pushed the soup bowl towards Hua Yuelian again, "This is stewed with delicate pork chops, how could my cousin-in-law let me down like this?" kindness?"

Waves of the smell of solidified lard penetrated her nose, and Hua Yuelian couldn't bear it anymore, holding her chest and retching.


"Sister-in-law, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?" Zhu Orong asked with concern, but she stood still and didn't move.

Hua Yuelian suppressed the feeling of nausea and slowly raised her head. When she saw Zhu Lirong still standing in front of her, she swept the soup bowl angrily.


 The soup bowl shattered on the ground, and the oily soup inside spilled on the ground.

 The greasy smell in the room is even stronger.

Zhu Lirong froze on the spot with an innocent face, tears welling up in her eyes, "Cousin-in-law, what are you doing? That's the soup I worked so hard to make. You can't knock it over even if you don't drink it. ah…"

Just as he was talking, the expression on Zhu Orong's face began to change.

Gradually, that innocent look no longer exists, and what remains is full of disgust and impatience.

Looking at Hua Yuelian who was sitting next to the bed, Zhu Orirong raised her lips in a sinister manner, and said with a smile, "Or is it that my cousin-in-law is just a shady person? But think about it, there is such a arrogant person You bastard, how can you, a mother-in-law, be any better?"

Hua Yuelian looked at Zhu Lirong like this and was not surprised.

 After all, she would be threatened by Zhu Orong like this every night.

But now, Hua Yuelian narrowed her eyes slightly and warned, "You are not allowed to slander my daughter!"

"Slander? I think what I said is the truth. I heard my cousin say before that you and your **** daughter were kicked out by your husband's family. I still sympathized with you a little, thinking that I would wait until I marry my cousin. Brother and queen, I share the burden with you, but now it seems that you are as cheap as your daughter, and you deserve to be abandoned! "

As long as Zhu Lirong thinks of Fan Qingyao's majesty in front of her today, she will spit fire with hatred all over her body.

 Just because she is the Crown Princess, she can do whatever she wants?

 At the end of the day, he’s just a **** whose father doesn’t want him!

Huayue Lian squeezed the bed frame on the side, "Sun Che will never look down on a duplicitous person like you. If you dare to insult my daughter again, I will fight you to the death even if I risk everything!"

Zhu Lirong glanced at Hua Yuelian's belly with disdain, and smiled sarcastically, "I have told you a long time ago that you should obediently make a place for me. I have no intention of asking you to get out, but I just want to be here." There is only a position here, but you are shameless and have been occupying your cousin. Now you can't stand it when you hear me scolding your daughter? But whoever called her deserves to be scolded!"

After hearing this, Hua Yuelian slowly stood up and walked off the bed.

 Under Zhu Lirong's eyes full of hatred and greed, she closed her eyes and gently stroked her belly.

 Child, my mother is sorry for you and cannot let you come into the world safely.

 But your sister has already sacrificed too much for my mother, and my mother will never allow anyone to dare to slander my daughter!

 You need to be stronger and more ambitious...

If you are really destined, after you are born, your mother will personally apologize to you.

 A line of clear tears rolled down the corner of my eyes, silently, sad and decisive.

Suddenly, Hua Yuelian opened her eyes, and without even thinking about it, she raised her hand and landed it on Zhu Oriong's face.


With the crisp sound, Zhu Lirong was a little stunned.

Zhu Lirong covered her beaten face in disbelief and looked at Hua Yuelian in shock. Hua Yuelian tensed her body and warned word by word, "No matter what idea you have, as long as Sun Che agrees, I will not object, but you are absolutely not allowed to use those dirty and despicable words again." My daughter is smart, calm, and responsible! She is definitely not comparable to someone like you! If you continue to speak ill of my daughter, I will risk my life. I won’t let you go!”

Zhu Lirong has never seen Hua Yuelian looking like this.

From the moment she followed her cousin in, no matter how much she insinuated herself or secretly put pressure on Hua Yuelian, Hua Yuelian would always remain silent.

But now Huayue Lian is like a beast that is ready to attack.

But why?

He is just a despicable person who has been abandoned by others. Why should he show off his power in front of her?

She is young and considerate, but how can she be compared to such an unclean woman!

The shock in Zhu Lirong's eyes was slowly replaced by anger, "Since you don't want to do well, then just go and die. Anyway, my cousin is facing me now, and my cousin believes in me. Even if the child in your belly is really gone, you will still die." No one will suspect me."

Zhu Lirong said, suddenly reaching out and pushing towards Hua Yuelian.

At the same time, Sun Che, who had been standing outside the door for an unknown length of time, rushed in with the cool breeze.

  While blocking the two of them, he held Hua Yuelian tightly in his arms.

The expected pain did not come, Hua Yuelian opened her eyes in confusion. When she saw the familiar face in front of her, she was completely confused.

 “Sun Che?”

Sun Che looked at the cautious and cautious woman in front of him, feeling so distressed that he almost suffocated, "It's me, I'm here."

 He was wrong.

 He was wrong from beginning to end.

He believed whatever his stepmother and cousin said.

I have always believed in what I see in front of me, but I have never thought that people can actually pretend.

“I’m sorry, Yue Lian, I was careless. As long as I’m here from now on, no one can hurt you.” Sun Che slowly raised his hand and heartbrokenly stroked the face that had been fattened by others.

It was Huayue Lian with such an appearance that made him believe what he said to his cousin.

 But I don’t know that everything has ulterior motives.

Tears, I don’t know when they will burst out.

Hua Yuelian wanted to tell Sun Che that she actually didn't blame him, she knew he was busy.

 But all the sadness and grievances were stuck in her throat, so stuck that she couldn't say a word.

Zhu Lirong looked at her cousin who suddenly appeared in shock, her whole body frozen in place.

She tried her best to regain her original appearance and cried in a very innocent manner, "Cousin, you are finally here. I don't know what happened to my cousin-in-law. It scares me to death."

Sun Che ignored the crying behind him and helped Hua Yuelian to the bed.

After helping her sit on the bed, he said softly, "Wait for me here. I'll come back as soon as I go."

After finishing her words, she turned around and walked towards Zhu Lirong, grabbed her arm and pulled her out.

 (End of this chapter)

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