Chapter 527 Something happened to Sun Contong!

When Fan Qingyao left Fengyi Palace, it was already the second quarter of the unitary hour.

As soon as he left the palace gate, he saw that his carriage was blocked by another carriage.

Fan Qingyao felt a chill in his heart and walked quickly to his carriage.

At first I thought someone was causing trouble, but when I got there I saw clearly that it was the carriage from the Sixth Prince's residence.

Han Jingchen, who was waiting in the carriage until he was about to catch fire, pulled Fan Qingyao into his carriage as soon as he saw him, and then ordered the coachman, "Go to Sun Mansion."

Fan Qingyao frowned subconsciously when he heard the word "Sun Mansion".

Of course she knew that the Sun residence that Han Jingchen mentioned could not be Sun Che's residence.

Looking at Han Jingchen's anxious look again, Fan Qingyao had doubts in his heart, "Has something happened to Congtong?"

Han Jingchen was thinking about something in her mind and was startled by Fan Qingyao who suddenly spoke.

 Touching her chest, Han Jingchen breathed a sigh of relief and said, "How did you know?"

Fan Qingyao said, "It's already late at this hour, so where is the time to visit? Besides, you were in such a hurry that you blocked the palace. If Sun Contong is not busy, what else could it be?"

 Han Jingchen, “…”

 Can you see all this?

When thinking of Sun Congtong, Han Jingchen held Fan Qingyao's hand and was shaking, "Qingyao, you must save Congtong this time, otherwise she will really be finished for the rest of her life!"

Fan Qingyao became serious when he saw that Han Jingchen was not kidding, "Don't be anxious, speak slowly."

Han Jingchen looked at Fan Qingyao and hesitated for a long time before she said softly, "I'm afraid I have to talk about this from the beginning..."

 In total, Sun Congtong has also reached the age of getting married.

Mrs. Sun's family has always had a lot of friends, so she looked for the wives around her to find a husband from a well-matched family for Sun Contong.

 In the end, I don’t know how this matter spread throughout the main city.

Although the Sun family is not a high-ranking official residence, it cannot be denied that the Sun family is rich.

 When many families in the main city heard that the Sun family wanted to marry a daughter, they took the initiative to visit and recommend themselves.

 Among them was a tofu maker in the east of the city, who also brought his only son to join in the fun.

Hearing this, Fan Qingyao wanted to laugh but held back.

Even if the Sun family cannot marry a daughter, they will never agree to it.

 Unexpectedly, some people really overestimate their abilities.

Han Jingchen was also melancholy, "I heard that the tofu seller's son went to the Sun family every day to pester Cong Tong. Now that the Sun family wants to marry their daughter, the Sun family's wife just doesn't like that anymore. People like Tofu don’t dare to really break up with each other, otherwise once rumors spread that the Sun family is snobbish and bullying, Cong Tong won’t have to remarry. "

Fan Qingyao thought for a while and said, "If you really don't want to be entangled, just find a good marriage for Congtong."

She didn't believe that no matter how shameless someone was, he could still come after Sun Contong after he got married.

Now that family is pestering Sun Contong, just because they are interested in the Sun family's money.

 When Sun Contong is married, the family will have no motive even if they are pestering him.

"It would be nice if things were so simple. You don't even know that Cong Tong is being harassed by that family so much that he doesn't even dare to leave the house. After I heard the news, I originally wanted to go to Sun's house today to see Cong Tong. , but unexpectedly...I saw Congtong fall from the attic..."

As soon as Han Jingchen entered Sun Contong's yard, she saw something falling.

After the accident, Han Jingchen was so frightened that she regained consciousness after staying at Sun's house for a long time.

Han Jingchen knew that no one could beat Fan Qingyao in terms of medical skills, so she came to the palace gate to block people after asking.

Fan Qingyao came here as a regular person, but who knew he would hear this? !

She had no time to joke now. Seeing that Han Jingchen's hands were shaking badly, she comforted her softly, "Don't worry, it's okay. I'll keep Congtong safe."

Han Jingchen nodded and held Fan Qingyao's hand tighter.

 Half an hour later, the carriage stopped at the door of Sun's mansion.

Fan Qingyao pulled Han Jingchen out of the carriage and walked through the door carrying the medicine box. When Mrs. Sun's wife, who had just seen off several doctors, heard that the Crown Princess and the Sixth Prince's concubine were coming, she hurriedly led the servants around her to greet them.

“I would like to express my regards to the Crown Princess and my regards to the Sixth Prince and Concubine…”

As Mrs. Sun spoke, she was about to kneel on the ground.

Fan Qingyao quickly took Mrs. Sun's arm and said, "Mrs. Sun, there is no need to be polite. I came here because of Tong's injury. I wonder if it would be convenient to see her now?"

After hearing this, Mrs. Sun's tears began to flow out, "It's convenient, of course it's convenient. Even those doctors just said that Cong Tong may never wake up again..."

"Whether I can wake up or not, I'll have to see it before I know. I'd rather ask Madam Sun to lead the way." Fan Qingyao hasn't seen anyone yet, so he can't make any arbitrary decisions.

But when she heard Mrs. Sun's words, her heart sank.

Although the medical skills of the doctors in the city are not as good as those of the imperial doctors, they are not trivial when it comes to human life.

I'm afraid that Sun Contong's injury was too serious, and the doctors were afraid of taking responsibility, so they had to find excuses.

Fan Qingyao followed Mrs. Sun into the yard. Han Jingchen beside him pulled her sleeves, pointed to the attic not far away and said, "That's where Congtong fell from."

Fan Qingyao looked up and saw that although the attic had three floors, it was not very high.

 But now she couldn't think too much about this situation, so she continued to follow Mrs. Sun's wife inside.

 On this journey, Fan Qingyao was actually prepared for the worst.

 But when she saw Sun Contong unconscious on the bed, her heart still dropped hard.

It was obvious that Sun Congtong's clothes had been changed by his servants. He was lying there quietly wearing only his underwear. His body looked unusually white due to lack of blood, and his breathing was even but weak, as if he might die again at any time. I just can't get angry.

 Looking at the bandaged forehead again, there were thick white soft cloth wrapped around it.

But even though it was wrapped very thickly, you could still see traces of blood seeping out.

When Han Jingchen saw Sun Contong like this, she couldn't help but sob quietly.

Mrs. Sun's face was already filled with tears and she was so choked that she couldn't even speak.

Fan Qingyao was also very sore in his heart, but crying could not solve any problem.

Walking to the bed, Fan Qingyao ordered people to light all the candles and lanterns in the room. Then he stretched out his hand, found the pulse on Sun Contong's wrist and pressed it.

The pulse is soft and heavy, soft and slippery. It can be felt by gentle pressure, but not obvious by heavy pressure.

 This is a sign of wet pulse.

Fan Qingyao looked at the maids around him and said, "Turn your lady over and take off her clothes!"

The maids were stunned and quickly looked at Mrs. Sun's wife on the side.

Mrs. Sun's wife hurriedly said, "Hurry up and do what the Crown Princess wants."

While the maids were helping Sun Contong turn over, Fan Qingyao hurriedly opened the medicine box on the side and took out the silver needle. He also had someone prepare a jar of strong wine, poured it into a bowl and lit it on fire.

When the maids took off Sun Contong's clothes to his waist, Fan Qingyao took the silver needle dipped in hot wine and searched for the cervical vertebrae behind Sun Contong one by one, and dropped them one by one.

After all the silver needles were settled, Sun Contong, who was originally white due to lack of blood, finally regained some color in his body.

Mrs. Sun's wife was trembling with excitement, "Princess, is there any way we can be saved from Congtong?"

Fan Qingyao didn’t dare to make a conclusion now, so he could only say, “I will try my best.”

Mrs. Sun's hope was shattered once again. Her body softened and she almost fainted.

Han Jingchen quickly helped the person, "Mrs. Sun, please don't be impatient. The Crown Princess has superb medical skills and will definitely try her best to treat Congtong. I believe that Congtong Jiren has his own destiny and will be safe and sound." ”

Mrs. Sun's wife leaned in Han Jingchen's arms, covering her lips and crying hard.

 In the yard, there were sudden bursts of noisy sounds.

Mrs. Sun's wife forced herself to straighten up, and bent her knees towards Fan Qingyao and Han Jingchen. "My wife, go out and have a look. If anything happens, the Crown Princess and the Sixth Prince's Concubine will just call me directly."

 (End of this chapter)

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