Chapter 549 The Zhao family came uninvited

Wu Qiuzao obviously couldn't sit still for such a conversation, so he simply escaped out of the door by peeing.

Seeing this, Kong Qingying said, "Qiu Zhuo has always liked lively and noisy things since she was a child, and she would feel bored if she didn't listen to books for a day. Today she had to choose among the tile houses. I thought It was inappropriate, but I couldn't resist her, so I had to change the room quietly. "

Kong Qingying looked apologetic and took the initiative to get up and accompany her.

I saw her bending her knees for Tao Yuxian first, and then she looked at Fan Qingyao and said, "Now this window faces the street and not the main hall where storytellers and singers sing. She was already angry with me, so she neglected her." The Crown Princess and the old lady of the Hua family, I hope the old lady of the Hua family will not take it personally, and the Crown Princess must not blame it. "

Fan Qingyao said with a smile, "Miss Kong's words are serious. If Miss Wu enters the Hua family, she will be my future sister-in-law. How can I be angry with my sister-in-law?"

Kong Qingying probably didn’t expect that the future crown princess would be so easy to talk to, so she was a little dazed for a moment.

Fan Qingyao took the opportunity to get up and also left the private room on the pretext of peeing.

In the corridor, Wu Qiuzao was leaning against the wall not far away, looking up at the sky, taking a deep breath without listening.

Fan Qingyao saw it and couldn't help but walked over with a smile, "It seems that a blind date is really a laborious thing for Miss Wu."

Wu Qiuzao, who was in a trance, was startled. When he came back to his senses, he quickly stood up straight, raised his head and scratched his head in embarrassment, but felt that this action was very unsightly, so he put down his hand again, "Let's Are you kidding me?"

Before she left home, her mother had been telling her to be elegant and skillful, and to learn more from Kong Qingying when she had time. She also tried hard to do it, but she just couldn't do it well.

"Why are you laughing? If this is Miss Wu's true temperament, I think it's good." Fan Qingyao came here to find a wife for his brother, not to find a painting to offer as an offering. It's real and sincere. is the best.

Wu Qiuzao seemed a little in disbelief, "Don't you think I'm rude?"

Fan Qingyao smiled and shook his head, "Character is nothing more than good or bad. It just depends on whether you meet someone with similar interests. I think Miss Wu's character is very good. If she didn't have such a character, how could she dare to be on the street in the first place?" Speak up and argue with others for the sake of my Hua family’s reputation?”

Fan Qingyao could hear the rhetoric in the street that day like thunder.

 So when Wu Qiuzhuo opened her mouth today, Fan Qingyao recognized her voice.

Wu Qiuzao didn't expect that Fan Qingyao was also present that day, and felt even more embarrassed, "I'm just telling the truth, why does the Crown Princess need to comfort me."

"What's the consolation? If it weren't for the fact that it's not convenient for me to show up now, I would have cheered for Miss Wu in person that day."

Wu Qiuzao was a little confused.

Also shouting and cheering...

 Are you sure this is what the Crown Princess should do?

Fan Qingyao looked at Wu Qiuzao's surprised look and blinked slyly, "I can even block the palace gate, what else can't I do?"

 Wu Qiuzao, “…”

Why is this princess so different from what she imagined?

 But she just likes being swollen!

"Actually, I don't have much merit. It would be reasonable for the eldest young master of the Hua family to look down on me. Besides... I also hope that he can meet a better person, so that I can take good care of him." No longer unfamiliar, Wu Qiu Zhuo then spoke out what was on his mind.

It was only at this time that Fan Qingyao realized that this young lady from the Wu family had already met her brother.

 This matter will start when my brother leaves the city.

That day, the horse in front of Miss Wu's carriage was frightened. It was her brother who intervened in time. Although it was just a little effort, Miss Wu remembered her brother's kindness.

Even now, Fan Qingyao can still see the gratitude that the Miss Wu family feels when talking about her brother, as well as the lingering love and yearning in her eyes. "But I know that I am not worthy of such a good person, so I just thought that it would be best if he could meet someone who is truly worthy of him. Speaking of which, I would be blamed for being arrogant. If I hadn't been in my mother's As I mentioned before, my mother will not take the initiative to find the Hua family and propose a kiss. "

Fan Qingyao finally understood why he decided to get married in Wase.

It turns out that the Miss Wu family came here just to disturb the marriage.

 Fan Qingyao, “…”

It’s really hard for you to put a **** basin on your own head.

"My brother doesn't know about this, how can Miss Wu know that my brother doesn't like her? I think that with my brother's character, he will fall in love with Miss Wu at first sight."

 In the last life, my brother was too tired.

  Even until death, I never truly lived for myself for a single day.

Fan Qingyao certainly hopes that his brother can find his own happiness.

In this way, even if the brother does not feel sorry for himself, someone will feel sorry for him on his behalf.

“I, can I really do this?” Wu Qiuzao felt like a big pie fell from the sky, which made her a little confused.

"As long as Miss Wu is willing, she can do it. My brother will be returning to the city in a few days. If Miss Wu is free, she can come to Hua's house more often. I believe that my brother will like Miss Wu."

Wu Qiuzhuo nodded hurriedly, "Okay, I'll go and play with you then."

Fan Qingyao smiled when he saw Wu Qiuzao happy.

 Now she is really looking forward to her brother coming back so that she can get married as soon as possible.

 Downstairs, there was suddenly a conversation.

Although the speaker obviously lowered his voice, Fan Qingyao still felt extremely familiar.

"I still have some things to do, so Miss Wu will go back to her private room first. My grandmother is not a reasonable person. Miss Wu can just say whatever she wants. There is no need to be so restrained."

With Fan Qingyao's help, Wu Qiuzao felt that he was resurrected with full blood and became a good man again. He immediately nodded in agreement and walked towards Yajian with long strides.

 Originally, she didn't have any hope, so she wouldn't strive for anything.

 But it’s different now. The princess is right. How will you know if you don’t try?

Fan Qingyao looked at Miss Wu's head held high and smiled slightly.

Hunted to watch Miss Wu enter the private room, she retracted her gaze and went down the stairs in search of the sound.

At the corner of the stairs on the first floor, Mrs. Zhao and Zhao Jianjia were discussing with the guy from Wase, "I heard that the Hua family came here to listen to books today. I don't know which private room it is in. Can I ask this guy to help me?" Ask around?"

The waiter was obviously in a dilemma, "Although we are Washe, we can't divulge information about our guests at will."

Seeing this, Mrs. Zhao quickly took out a piece of silver from her sleeve and said, "I just want to know which private room the Hua family is in. Other things have nothing to do with you."

 (End of this chapter)

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