The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 570: Just waiting for something to happen to the Kong family

Chapter 570 Just waiting for something to happen to the Kong family

 Baili Lingyu also knew that the emperor's brother concealed Fan Qingyao's secret and asked him to avoid danger and return to the palace first.

 But in Baili Lingyu's concept, this should be a kind of love.

If it weren’t for love, who would care whether someone lives or lives?

So now when she saw Fan Qingyao, Baili Lingyu was so friendly and walked over with a smile.

 Baili Lingyu thought that even if Fan Qingyao was angry, he would have been angry long ago.

 Otherwise, I wouldn’t have been planning to get the emperor’s brother back to the main city.

Although Lin Yi was still a little unsure, he still knew how much effort the Crown Princess had put into returning His Highness to the main city, so he still followed her bravely.

Fan Qingyao walked to the palace gate and saw the fifth prince and Lin Yi walking over.

 One smiles very kindly, and the other smiles very guiltily.

"Did the emperor's sister-in-law just come out of the imperial study?" When Baili Lingyu saw Fan Qingyao now, he not only admired but also envied him. If his future wife was half as capable as the emperor's sister-in-law, he would be able to There is no need to turn over after lying flat for thirty years.

 With such a powerful wife, even if he is just a salted fish, he will be tender and delicious.

Fan Qingyao stopped and smiled lightly, "Your Highness, Deputy Young Master Lin."

Lin Yi was well aware of Fan Qingyao's step-by-step plan. He thought he was the **** pretending to be the one who helped the empress go to the merchants outside the palace to buy medicinal materials.

Now, seeing that Fan Qingyao still felt guilty, he still said bravely, "This time His Royal Highness is able to return to the palace thanks to the help of the Crown Princess. I am grateful beyond words."

The implication of these words is that whether you want to be beaten or punished, it is up to you. The princess can do whatever she feels comfortable with.

It was he who helped the prince to hide the fact that the princess was in front of him. Even if he was the prince's man, concealment was just a concealment.

Now, even if the Crown Princess slaps him twice, he won't even blink an eye.

Fan Qingyao looked at Lin Yi with an indifferent expression, "Young Master Lin is right. You are the person next to the prince. It is understandable that you put the prince first. Why should I blame you?"

Lin Yi's eyes widened, a little unbelievable, and a little uncomfortable.

 Baili Lingyu said with a smile, "There are so many of the emperor's sisters-in-law. I said that after the emperor's sister-in-law knows the truth, she will definitely understand the emperor's painstaking efforts, so how can she be angry."

Fan Qingyao looked at the fifth prince, "What the fifth prince said is that everything is for the big plan and he doesn't care about small details. I heard that the fifth prince even personally escorted the eldest prince back to the palace. Just thinking about his heroic appearance makes me sad. Don’t dare to stare.”

Baili Lingyu's eyes widened. He also couldn't believe it and couldn't adapt to it at all.

No matter whether something is right or wrong, if they conceal it, they are accomplices, and to Fan Qingyao, they are evil people.

But now it doesn’t matter if Fan Qingyao doesn’t shout to fight or kill, and he is still smiling and praising...

 It’s very scary!

Fan Qingyao saw that the two of them were not used to it, and the smile on his face became more cordial and harmonious, "It is really enviable to have right-hand men like you by the Crown Prince's side, whether it is the loyalty of the Fifth Highness or the loyalty of His Highnesses. I greatly admire Deputy Young Master Lin’s loyalty.”

 Lin Yi, “…”

Even though I wasn’t scolded, it was weird and swollen.

 Baili Lingyu, “…”

 How about you, Sister-in-Law, give us a scolding?

 They admitted that concealing Fan Qingyao was a bit excessive no matter what angle.

Therefore, whether Fan Qingyao scolds or hits them, they can still bear it with peace of mind.

 But even after their necks were cleaned, they were waiting for Fan Qingyao to give them a sharp blow.

 In the end, just tell them this?

Such a smile like the spring breeze, full of praise, the more they look at it, the more guilty they feel, and the more they listen to it, the more harsh it becomes.

Fan Qingyao looked at the two grown men in front of him scratching their heads and wanting to give himself a slap in the face, his eyes full of indifference.

He smiled faintly again, then turned and left.

Whether it is the fifth prince or Lin Yi, there is nothing wrong with putting Baili Fengming first.

 But being loyal is one thing, hiding something from her is another. She could understand how much they valued Baili Fengming, but she couldn't let them treat her like a weakling.

Since you hid it from her, you have to pay the price. Isn't it fair?

 So now seeing Lin Yi and the fifth prince feeling uncomfortable, Fan Qingyao is very happy.

As soon as he got on the carriage, Fan Qingyao saw Ningtian coming in a hurry.

Standing by the car window, Ningtian lowered her voice and said, "Miss, something happened to the Kong family."

Hearing this, Fan Qingyao showed no expression, "Go directly to Kong's house."

 She has been planning every step of the way so far just to cause trouble to the Kong family.

 What is expected, what is the surprise?

Su Shaoxi has stolen so much money from the Kong family. The Kong family cannot absorb this loss on their own.

Coupled with the fact that my eldest sister-in-law is causing trouble, this hole will definitely be blamed on the Hua family.

 What Fan Qingyao wants is to force the Kong family to speak loudly.

 In this way, my brother can be completely cruel.

Sure enough, when Fan Qingyao arrived at the Kong family, the Kong family was bustling with activity.

Due to the emperor’s summons today, many guests who came later came to the Kong family along with the procession to welcome the bride.

There were many ministers and family members of the dynasty among them. I originally thought that it would be just a formality, but who would have thought that the kiss had not been picked up for two hours.

At this time, these ministers and their family members, who had been pampered and had no troubles, suffered a lot.

Standing in the early winter air, shivering, I wanted to walk but couldn't.

There were too many guests standing in the front yard, and Fan Qingyao's arrival did not attract much attention.

 As I followed Ningtian to the backyard, there were many guests around talking about what had just happened.

  It turns out that the Kong family’s careful thoughts were already quite obvious from the moment the wedding team arrived at the door of the Kong family.

  When everyone knocked on the door, the Kong family warned that they would not open the door without ten thousand taels of silver.

This number shocked the guests present.

Although it is true that the groom bangs on the door with money when getting married, it is just to ask for good luck, and it is usually enough to throw some broken silver to the concierge.

 But the Kong family only has a mouthful of ten thousand taels, so how can they not be scary?

What's the matter? The door of your Kong family is lined with gold!

 Hua Fengning came to pick up the bride, so it was impossible for him to bring so much money with him.

 Fortunately, Wu Qiuzao, who was also among the guests today, saw this and quickly sent someone back to his house to fetch 10,000 taels of silver.

Hua Fengning couldn't tell how he felt when he got a lot of money from Wu Qiuzhuo's hands.

Wu Qiuzao said nonchalantly, "Even if you owe me first, you can pay me back when the time comes."

Hua Fengning knew that since Wu Qiuzao wanted to take the money, he had no intention of paying it back. He just wanted to make him feel better. Looking at the closed door of the Kong family in front of him, it became even more dazzling. .

  Marriage is a major event and must not be trivial. Hua Fengning almost gritted his teeth and asked people to send the money in.

Although all the guests felt that the Kong family was going too far, they all breathed a sigh of relief when the door opened.

Who knows, today’s nightmare has just begun.

 (End of this chapter)

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