The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 581: What it feels like to be protected by your mother-in-law

Chapter 581 What it’s like to be protected by your mother-in-law

Now that the emperor is keeping an eye on Huaishang, even Fan Qingyao cannot contact his uncles secretly.

 So Fan Qingyao knew nothing about the rights and wrongs in Huaishang.

But Fan Qingyao, who knew Baili Fengming's thoughts, was not worried about anything.

Early in the morning, the Xijiao Mansion became busy.

Two weddings in just one month. Not to mention the Hua family, everyone was exhausted from the busy work, and even the guests were exhausted.

 But after hearing that the Queen would be a guest today, the guests had to bite the bullet and come no matter how tired they were.

 Fortunately, the process of marrying the bride went smoothly.

On the auspicious occasion of the wedding, Hua Fengning took the red silk in Wu Qiuzhuo's hand and entered the main hall.

 When the Queen Mother arrived, it was the time to pay her respects.

The guests in the room, together with the elders of the Hua family and the Wu family, stood up and knelt down one after another, shouting, "A thousand years old, the Queen."

Queen Zhen Xi came here just to put on airs. She was helped by Lily and sat on the main seat. She smiled and asked everyone to stand up. She even waved to Fan Qingyao beside her and asked her to stand beside her. around.

In front of everyone, all Queen Zhen Xi said was nothing more than some innocuous remarks.

 Even so, it still shocked everyone present.

That is the Queen!

Now, in addition to the emperor, even Concubine Yu, the most favored concubine in the palace, must bow and greet her when she sees him.

 Besides, there have been many ladies who married princes throughout the ages, but the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has never been so close.

Especially the concubines in the harem, no matter how high they are, they are all used to being pampered. When you see the daughter-in-law of the younger generation, who is not aloof and has eyes on the top of your head?

 So now looking at the Crown Princess standing next to the Queen, everyone should not be too envious!

 When the ceremony was completed, Wu Qiuzao was sent to the wedding room first.

Hua Fengning wanted to stay in the front yard and have wine with the guests.

Fan Qingyao asked Mu Yan to go to the kitchen to fetch the meals that had been prepared early and deliver them to Wu Qiuzao, while he accompanied the Queen to the side hall to rest first.

As soon as she entered the door, Queen Zhen Xi took Fan Qingyao and sat on the soft couch together.

  The majesty and majesty of the queen who was so arrogant just a second ago disappeared, leaving only a mother-in-law and a daughter-in-law.

Lily saw it, snickered and stepped back to guard the door.

Empress Zhen Xi took Fan Qingyao's hand and said, "I haven't left the palace for a long time, and now it feels a little uncomfortable to be looked at by everyone."

Fan Qingyao smiled and said, "The Queen is so majestic that she will attract the attention of thousands of people."

Empress Zhen Xi quickly waved her hand, "If you don't talk about this, why is there no movement from Fengming?"

Fan Qingyao had already guessed the queen’s intention, “The emperor keeps a close eye on Huaishang, so it’s hard to act rashly.”

After hearing this, Queen Zhen Xi knew that she was impatient, "I don't know what that kid Feng Ming wants to do. I should finish my work and come back as soon as the emperor pays attention to him."

Fan Qingyao understood the Queen’s intention to strike while the iron is hot.

But she said, "Last time the Third Prince suffered a defeat in Huaishang, if His Highness the Crown Prince goes too smoothly this time, it will arouse suspicion and gossip from others. Moreover, my daughter-in-law feels that the harder it is to get something, , it will make people feel cherished even more.”

 Baili Fengming deliberately delayed Huaishang this time, which may not mean that he did not want the emperor to pay more attention to it.

 For the emperor, whatever he wants from a high place is just a matter of stretching out his hand.

And if you want the emperor to pay more attention to you, you have to let the emperor taste the taste of something you don't want.

Hearing these words, Queen Zhen Xi was in a trance for a moment.

 Yes, it seems that she is impatient.

 In the past, she had always remembered the principle of striking while the iron is hot, but she had forgotten that the best taste was what she couldn't get. It was as if the emperor had married her when he married her. She originally wanted the emperor to remember her desperate measures, but now it seemed that she was being taken advantage of by the emperor.

 Damn scumbag!

 When she thought about what had happened in the past, Queen Zhenxi felt very blocked.

"Even though my uncles have a large presence in Huaishang, they must be loyal to His Highness the Crown Prince, so please rest assured, Queen Mother, His Highness the Crown Prince will return safely." Fan Qingyao said seriously.

Queen Zhen Xi knew that the child had gone astray, so she smiled and said, "It's not that I don't believe in the Hua family, I just thought of the **** who once tricked me into the palace."

 Fan Qingyao, “…”

Empress, you are...mighty.

Seeing Fan Qingyao's speechless look, Queen Zhen Xi smiled happily.

 Looking carefully at this little flower-like face, Queen Zhen Xi fell in love with it more and more.

I think she was so worried about Feng Ming's marriage that all the ladies in the city stared at her all day long.

Who would have thought that the person sitting next to her in the end was someone she had never thought of.

 This is probably because children and grandchildren will have their own blessings.

 The children are getting older, and she is getting older.

After thinking about it, Queen Zhen Xi added, "In a few days, the third prince and the sixth prince will also take concubines. But how did I hear that the third prince took a daughter from the Fan family?"

Fan Qingyao originally didn't want to upset the Queen by saying it at this time, but the Queen's method of finding out the information was too sharp, so she couldn't hide it any longer, "It's the daughter of the Fan family, Fan Xuening."

 Queen Zhenxi, “…”

 What a magical thing?

Fan Qingyao said again, "Fan Xuening pretended to be Yunying and approached the emperor. No matter what thoughts she had, she still stood with Concubine Yu and the third prince. If something really happened to her, Concubine Yu and the third prince would The prince is afraid that he will not do well."

After hearing this, there is something else that Queen Zhen Xi doesn’t understand.

I am afraid that I don’t know what means Fan Xuening used to threaten Concubine Yu and the third prince, so that they could escape from the palace.

 Now she continues to threaten the third prince, forcing him to marry her as a concubine.

Even though Empress Zhen Xi felt it was a bit magical, she couldn't help but be happy.

Concubine Yu's extraordinary virtues make her want to bring down the fairies from the sky to be her daughter-in-law.

 As a result, we are now forced to accept a shabby shoe with no family status.

You can imagine how much Concubine Yu had to vomit blood.

Fan Qingyao has never seen the Queen so relieved and happy, and she also smiled from the bottom of her heart.

After laughing enough, Queen Zhen Xi took Fan Qingyao's hand and said, "You don't need to worry about things in the palace. The emperor has this palace to deal with it. You might as well take a good rest when you have time."

Fan Qingyao hurriedly said, "In front of the queen mother, the daughter-in-law dare not say she is tired."

Queen Zhen Xi reached out and flicked her forehead, "You kid, why do you have to hold on in front of me? While I'm still angry, I have to protect you. Besides, you are me My daughter-in-law, if I don’t love you, who will you love? The good days for you and Feng Ming are still to come. You should always stay in good health to enjoy happiness, instead of fighting like this. My body is broken."

Hearing these words, Fan Qingyao wanted to feel the Queen’s pulse.

As a result, Empress Zhen Xi held her hands with a smile and said, "I haven't received my grandson yet, so how can I be willing to leave so soon?"

Fan Qingyao stared blankly at the empress's loving smile, feeling a little dazed.

 She had never been a daughter-in-law in her previous life, but only she understood the bitterness of it.

Now, she is also a daughter-in-law, but she is really held in the palm of her hand, cherished and protected.

This feeling is really...


 (End of this chapter)

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