The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 586: Borrow someone else's hand to slap you in the face!

Chapter 586 I’ll slap you in the face with someone else’s hand!

Just when Fan Xuening was being taught by Pan Yulu, Fan Qingyao arrived at the Third Prince's Mansion.

Fan Qingyao had just stepped off the carriage when he saw Yan Hanbai walking over from the opposite street.

Now that the eldest prince has been demoted to a commoner, he is still idle all day long.

If Yan Hanbai's mother-in-law had not provided some relief for a long time, the family would probably be in trouble. How could Yan Hanbai afford a carriage now?

Yan Hanbai came today, ready to be laughed at by Fan Qingyao.

 But Fan Qingyao just looked at her and said, "Coming?"

This indifferent tone and distant attitude are no different from the past.

Yan Hanbai looked at Fan Qingyao coldly, "I know you are extremely happy now, so why bother pretending."

Fan Qingyao raised his eyebrows, "If I really want to see your joke, why bother to pick a date? Now you and the eldest prince are the biggest joke."

  Yan Hanbai, “…”

Sure enough, Fan Qingyao is still as annoying as ever, choking people to death without repaying his life.

Yan Hanbai gritted his teeth and said, "I don't believe you would be so kind as to let me come with you."

Fan Qingyao held up her skirt and walked up the steps in front of the third prince's residence, "You are right, but I did not ask you to come here just to laugh at you, but to use you to make others unhappy. "

Whether it is Fan Xuening or Pan Yulu, they all owe Yan Hanbai.

Now that Yan Hanbo is here, what is the difference between him and a creditor?

Why would Fan Qingyao not do something like this that can make his enemies upset with little effort?

But Yan Hanbai couldn't figure this out no matter how much he thought about it.

Fan Qingyao did not want to explain anymore and handed the post in his hand to the concierge.

When the gatekeeper saw that the princess was coming, he hurriedly ran into the yard to report her.

Fan Xuening's Pan Yulu was still hanging in the main hall when I heard the waiter hurriedly come to report, "To the third prince, the princess is here, but she is outside."

Pan Yulu thought she heard something wrong at first, "Who are you talking about? Who is here?"

 The boy hurriedly handed over the post.

When Pan Yulu saw the post, she was so angry that she wanted to slap Fan Xuening twice.

What a bitch, she dared to call herself the third prince’s aunt before she even entered the door, and even posted a message to the crown princess!

But now Fan Qingyao was outside the door. Even if Pan Yulu wanted to fight, she could only temporarily suppress the anger in her heart and hurriedly asked the servant to invite him in.

Seeing this, Fan Xuening pretended to be surprised and asked with red eyes, "Is it my sister who is here? But my sister is here?"

Pan Yulu didn't know what the relationship between Fan Qingyao and Fan Xuening was. Seeing Fan Xuening like this, he couldn't let her continue to kneel. He took the tea hastily and asked her to stand behind him.

Fan Xuening seemed to be standing behind me obediently, but the corners of her lips could not stop rising.

So what if she becomes the third prince's aunt? Fan Qingyao, who had been in love with the third prince all her life in her previous life, could not even get close to him in this life.

 She just wanted Fan Qingyao to see with his own eyes that the third prince still liked her.

 And she could even take the opportunity to act like a sister with Fan Qingyao in front of the third prince and concubine.

 In this case, let’s see if the third prince’s concubine will dare to embarrass her in the future!

Pan Yulu looked at Fan Xuening's proud look and couldn't hold back her anger.

Even if Fan Xuening sent the post to Fan Qingyao in the name of the third prince, Fan Qingyao had to come because he was worried about the relationship between the prince and the third prince, but in her case, Fan Qingyao went overboard.

Since it was a transgression, Pan Yulu had the confidence to raise an army to investigate the crime.

 She would like to ask her questions carefully later. The Crown Princess came with such a big fanfare, but she came to demonstrate for her!

Fan Xuening looked at Pan Yulu's suddenly hardened waist and knew that Pan Yulu might have thought of some idea to embarrass Fan Qingyao.

But Fan Xuening didn’t care at all.

 In other words, she was really hoping that Pan Yulu would give Fan Qingyao some color. Fan Xuening called Fan Qingyao here just to use Fan Qingyao to gain a foothold in the third prince's residence.

 And after using it, whether Fan Qingyao is dead or alive, what does it have to do with her?

If Pan Yulu really had that ability and could really trample Fan Qingyao under her feet, Fan Xuening would be happy to watch.

 In the main hall, both of them were waiting with their own plans.

Not long after, I saw Fan Qingyao walking over with his servants leading the way.

The moment he saw Fan Qingyao, Fan Xuening subconsciously rushed to meet him, and Pan Yulu was also ready to launch an attack to investigate.

 But as Fan Qingyao's figure became clearer, the two of them widened their eyes in shock.

 Fan Qingyao is right to be here.

 Who is the one following Fan Qingyao?

 Why is it so familiar?

 Looking carefully at it again...

 The eldest princess?

  Yan Hanbai!

Fan Xuening stopped as soon as she stepped out.

Pan Yulu’s open mouth also closed.

Whether it is Fan Xuening or Pan Yulu, looking at Yan Hanbai stepping into the threshold is like a dream.

 But if this is a dream, can you please wake them up quickly?

Fan Qingyao couldn't help but sneer in his heart when he looked at the messy appearance of the two of them.

 Don’t do bad things during the day, and don’t be afraid of ghosts knocking on your door in the middle of the night.

Looking at the expressions of these two people, it can be seen that they have done a lot of bad things.

Yan Hanbai walked all the way, his heart felt as if he had been thrown into the spring water in the cold winter and had been frozen for a while.

Since she had an accident with the eldest prince, Pan Yulu had sent someone to comfort her at first, but as time went by, the number of visits became less and less.

Yan Hanbai still remembers the last time, when the people sent by Pan Yulu told her that because of the eldest prince's matter, it was now difficult for the third prince to deal with it, and the third prince's concubine was even more depressed all day long.

Yan Hanbai was just friends with Pan Yulu, so how could he really implicate his friend?

So for such a long time, Yan Hanbai was also sensible and never looked for Pan Yulu again.

Even if the eldest prince told her himself after being drunk that the murder of the prince was instigated by the third prince.

 But as soon as he stepped into the third prince's residence today, Yan Hanbai felt that his world view had been refreshed.

 Look at the unique scenery of this mansion, the exquisitely carved verandahs, and the chattering and laughing servants...

This is what Pan Yulu said would happen if the third prince was also implicated? !

Looking at Fan Xuening, who was exquisitely dressed and smiling like a flower, Yan Hanbai suddenly felt so strange.

 In the past, Fan Xuening would secretly send her letters every now and then, telling her about her experiences.

It is precisely because of this that Yan Hanbai would complain again and again for Fan Xuening.

 But since what happened to Yan Hanbai?

 Fan Xuening can be said to have disappeared from her world!

If she hadn't seen Fan Xuening standing here without incident today, she would have thought that Fan Xuening had vanished from the world.

 This is her good sister.

 This is the friendship that she has always maintained with all her heart.


Not worth mentioning.

Now without Fan Qingyao opening his mouth, Yan Hanbai started laughing at his own stupidity.

 (End of this chapter)

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