The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 592: Are you so arrogant about beating people?

Chapter 592 Are you still so arrogant about beating people?

 “There’s a rush—!”

With a burst of chaotic noises, Fan Xuening, who was supposed to be throwing herself on the tray, fell heavily to the ground.

The weather in winter is already freezing cold. Even if there is silver charcoal burning in the house, the ground is extremely hard.

Fan Xuening felt pain and cold when she fell on it, and tears flowed out directly.

 After being shocked, everyone was confused again.

Of course Pan Yulu could see that Fan Xuening was planning to frame Fan Qingyao just now, but now Fan Qingyao said she would do it. Of course she couldn't just sit idly by and ignore it, "I don't care how the princess closes the door at home and teaches her sister a lesson." Yes, but now that Aunt Fan is from the Third Prince’s house, the Crown Princess will take action if she says so, but where does she put the Third Prince’s face?”

Fan Qingyao turned his eyebrows slightly and looked at Pan Yulu who was furious at the side, "I've been beaten, what do the third princes and concubines think?"

 Are you still so arrogant when it comes to beating people? !

 Everybody, “…”

 Is the Crown Princess’s temper so violent?

 The second and eighth princesses were obviously shocked and had indigestion.

On the other hand, Yan Hanbai, who had always been very nervous, always felt that something was not quite right.

 She had often opposed Fan Qingyao in the past. Although she never got good results every time, Fan Qingyao never took action immediately.

If Fan Qingyao was really someone who would use his power to solve problems when they disagreed, she would probably have been beaten to death long ago, right?

 Actually, Yan Hanbai was right this time. Fan Qingyao was the one who was the least willing to do anything.

 If you use your hands, it will only hurt your skin.

Fan Qingyao doesn't like this kind of fleeting pain.

So Fan Qingyao took action not to let Fan Xuening know the pain, but to take the opportunity to make things worse.

The reason why Fan Xuening dared to do this was because it was obvious that Baili Rongze was not in the mansion at the moment.

It is precisely because of this that Fan Xuening will always pretend to be pitiful and weak. It is best to let herself get hurt. In this way, she can drag everyone down in front of Baili Rongze afterwards. To prove that he is innocent and pitiful.

 When dealing with someone like Fan Xuening who stabs someone in the back, one must cut through the mess quickly.

This is how we can nip the crises lurking in the dark in the cradle.

Moreover, Fan Qingyao came here this time not just to add insult to injury.

 Baili Rongze mixed his people into the team to welcome Baili Fengming and gave Baili Fengming such a big gift. Fan Qingyao naturally wanted to reciprocate.

 Only by making things bigger can Baili Rongze be alarmed back.

Only when Baili Rongze comes back in person can he appreciate the chicken feathers in his mansion.

Pan Yulu, who finally caught Fan Qingyao's braid, could let him go so easily. She also wanted the third prince to see how troubled Fan Xuening was, so she turned around and wanted to have someone go to the palace to look for the third prince. .

At this moment, Fan Xuening cried and threw herself at Pan Yulu's feet, "It's my own fault. It's all because I didn't stand firm. This matter has nothing to do with my sister. I hope the third prince will not disturb the third prince."

Hearing this, Pan Yulu wanted to kick Fan Xuening out of the house.

This man took the wrong medicine, and he helped Fan Qingyao speak properly!

Fan Xuening knelt in front of Pan Yulu, crying so hard that she took all the responsibility on herself.

 But she was not doing it for Fan Qingyao.

Now let the third prince come back and see all this, no matter how innocent she pretends to be, she will still be the trigger.

With the third prince's current indifference towards her, how could he not be angry with her?

So Fan Xuening has to swallow it alive no matter how reluctant she is.

After Pan Yulu recovered, she guessed Fan Xuening's little thoughts. However, facing Fan Xuening who took all the blame on herself, Pan Yulu couldn't find a reason to look for the third prince no matter how much she hated him.

Fan Qingyao looked at Fan Xuening who had fulfilled his wish, and suddenly felt so familiar.

Fan Xuening, who is so different on the outside, soft on the outside and ruthless on the inside, is the Fan Xuening in the memory.

The former self was used around and over by Fan Xuening.

  But now...     Such methods are no longer worth mentioning to her.

Just when Fan Qingyao was about to speak, a figure suddenly stepped forward.

Everyone was stunned when they saw Yan Hanbai looking at Pan Yulu angrily and saying, "The Crown Princess just wanted to save Aunt Fan from being scalded by the tea, so why would the Third Princess pretend to be ignorant and frame her up."

The reputation of framing the Crown Princess is not trivial. Of course, Pan Yulu would not admit it. "The incident happened suddenly. I only saw the Crown Princess beating Aunt Fan, and nothing else..."

Pan Yulu was still scratching her neck to defend herself, when she suddenly saw something passing in front of her eyes.

When she reacted, there was a crisp sound in her ears.


This sudden slap not only stunned Pan Yulu, but also the others.

What's the matter, is it still contagious to get into trouble now?

No one expected just now that the Crown Princess would get in trouble at the slightest disagreement.

No one would have thought now that the eldest princess would take action without even saying a few words.

Pan Yulu, who just now was worried that she had no reason to find the third prince, now covered her face and shouted to the people around her, "What are you doing standing still! Why don't you go into the palace and find the third prince back!"

Seeing the servants rushing out of the door, Fan Xuening collapsed on the ground.

 At this time, Baili Rongze was accompanying Concubine Yu in Yue Yu Palace.

He knew in his heart that his mother-in-law was deliberately delaying him from going back to get married.

In fact, he didn’t want to go back and face Fan Xuening’s face, so he simply went with the flow.

Concubine Yu was very satisfied with her son's obedience, and her voice became much gentler, "If you really don't like Fan Xuening in your house, just find an opportunity to get rid of him."

Baili Rongze wanted to nod, but when he thought of Fan Xuening's face that looked exactly like Fan Qingyao, he still said perfunctorily, "Now that she has changed her identity, it is better to keep her than to get rid of her." "

Concubine Yu certainly didn't think that a woman who threatened her son to marry could be of any use.

But before Concubine Yu could reprimand her, the news that she had come to look for the third prince to return home was sent in.

As soon as Baili Rongze heard that something happened in the mansion, he knelt down to his mother and concubine and went out.

Now his father no longer wants to see him. If any more troubles are caused in the house and are reported to his father, his situation will only get worse.

Concubine Yu was furious when she saw Baili Rongze leaving in a hurry, "Mother Ying, look at what he has become now. The affairs of his daughter's family are not worthy of his being so busy." Four!”

Aunt Ying hurriedly tried to persuade her, "The third prince doesn't want the matter to get into trouble and spread to the emperor's ears."

   Concubine Yu's heart became severely clogged at the mention of the emperor.

 Since it was confirmed that the prince would return to the palace, the emperor has not been to the harem for a long time.

 No matter how serious she pretended to be, the emperor would just send someone over to take a look.

 Concubine Yu has never felt such neglect.

However, Concubine Yu also knew that it would be increasingly difficult to retain the emperor in the future.

 So the top priority is to start from other places.

Concubine Yu lowered her voice and looked at Aunt Ying, "How did you go about the things I asked you to do?"

Aunt Ying bent down and said softly, "Don't worry, Madam, we have continued to let people out the news. As long as the public opinion becomes agitated, even if the person involved wants to admit it, it won't work."

 “Let the people over there be smart and try to train the prince before he returns to the palace.”

"Yes, the old slave will send someone to spread the news soon."

 (End of this chapter)

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