The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 595: I just can't see you having it easy.

Chapter 595 I just can’t see you having it easy

Suddenly hearing Fan Qingyao's voice, grandma was so frightened that she dropped the money in her hand on the ground.

When grandma looked along the crack in the door again, her fat body trembled with shock. She hurriedly opened the back door and walked out. She knelt on the ground and saluted, "Old slave, please give my regards to the Crown Princess."

Today, the crown princess made a lot of noise in the third prince's residence.

Even now, the servants in the house are still spreading the word about this matter. It is impossible for this grandma to pretend that she doesn’t know it even if she wants to.

The word "Crown Princess" was like a thunderbolt exploding in Zui Ling's ears.

Of course Zui Ling knew that Fan Qingyao had become the Crown Princess, and she also knew that the Crown Prince held her in his hands and doted on her as if she were something else. However, hearing some things was one thing, but seeing her was another matter.

 So when she heard the word "Crown Princess", Zui Ling didn't want to look back.

Because as long as she sees Fan Qingyao's face, she will remember the fact that she was compared to dust by this mother and daughter!

Fan Qingyao was not in a hurry, and just watched Zui Ling's body stiffened in place.

 Zui Ling, “…”

 At this moment, fine snowflakes started to fall in the sky.

The cool snowflakes fell into Zui Ling's collar, making her tremble with the coldness. She could only grit her teeth and look back with a smile, "I just said that the voice sounded so familiar. It turned out to be Qingyao."

Fan Qingyao looked at the Zui Ling in front of him. He was still the same person, but it was really different from the one in his memory.

 Zui Ling in the previous life was extremely glorious.

 She has a charming foundation, coupled with the careful dressing up all day long, she still has charm even if she is middle-aged.

However, the Fan Mansion is currently in a recession, and there is Su Hong in the house all day long, taking care of her. The money in Zui Ling's hands is barely enough to make ends meet, so how can she have any spare money to dress herself up?

Today, Zui Ling's face is facing the sky, her hair mixed with white hair is just pulled into a simple sideburn. Even though she put on decent clothes to come to the third prince's residence, she still can't hide the fine lines and wrinkles on her face. Vicissitudes of life.

Zui Ling saw that Fan Qingyao hadn't spoken for a long time. He secretly raised his eyes and saw Fan Qingyao sizing her up.

I don’t know whether she felt guilty or ashamed, Zui Ling pulled her sleeves nervously, and then put on a false smile, "Your sister came back a few days ago, and she even sent you a post to ask you to come back and get together." It's a pity that I couldn't wait for you. Your sister has been depressed for a long time because of this matter. Even when she got on the sedan chair today, she was still thinking of you as my sister. "

Those who don't know this would think that the relationship between Fan Qingyao and Fan Xuening is very good.

Of course Fan Qingyao knew that Zui Ling would not be stupid enough to talk nonsense in front of her.

But Fan Qingyao will also not forget that the nun at the third prince's residence is still kneeling here.

 So it is not obvious to whom this statement is addressed.

 A son inherits his father, and a daughter inherits her mother.

I have to say that Fan Xuening’s hypocritical look is really inherited from Zui Ling.

In the past, Zui Ling used such a hypocritical face, pretending to be weak and pitiful in front of her father, so that her mother could live like a year in the Fan Mansion. She was obviously a head wife but had to take the initiative to abdicate in favor of someone more worthy.

In the last life, Zui Ling also used the same method to brainwash her and make her a stepping stone for their mother and daughter.

“I only knew that the third prince’s residence had a new aunt, but I didn’t know that I also had a younger sister.” Fan Qingyao spoke softly, his voice cold and indifferent. Zui Ling was stunned, and hurriedly took Fan Qingyao's hand and said, "Qingyao, how could you say such cruel words? Even if you don't admit it, who in the main city doesn't know that you are a child of Fan Mansion. Back then, It’s your mother who just hugged you and left, so how could we stop her?”

 Now, are you still trying to frame her mother for being jealous?

"I'm afraid Aunt Zui Ling has forgotten that the reason why I left Fan Mansion was just because of your gift. Ever since you stepped into the door of Fan Mansion with a big belly, everything in Fan Mansion has changed. Even if my father and grandfather were You bewitched me and protected you at every turn, but in the end you couldn't change the fact that you were born in a brothel. My mother didn't allow my father to take concubines, but she took me away because she couldn't bear to see Fan's house in trouble because of you."

  When mentioning the past, Fan Qingyao's voice couldn't help but be filled with daggers, sharp and sharp.

  She thought that after such a long time, she had forgotten about it.

 But when the old things were brought up again today, she realized that hatred was hatred, it had already been integrated into the blood and engraved on the bones.

 The grandma who was kneeling on the ground was shocked.

 She had always known that the Crown Princess was not getting along with the Fan family, and the divorce between the Miss Hua family was also very popular back then.

But I didn’t know there was such a tangle in it.

 And the nanny never expected that Aunt Fan’s biological mother was once just an aunt.

Facing such a sharp-tongued Fan Qingyao, Zui Ling was filled with hatred, "The Crown Princess is now in a high and powerful position, so naturally she can do whatever she says. How can a little person like me dare to challenge the Crown Princess."

These words are clearly saying that Fan Qingyao is bullying others.

 After all, the title of Crown Princess Fan Qingyao is now certain, so any explanation is in vain.

But Fan Qingyao didn't even think about explaining. He just looked at the nanny kneeling on the ground and said, "When I was having dinner with the third prince's concubine today, I heard that the third prince's concubine talked about Aunt Fan's natal family. I didn't expect that her natal mother's family would be there tonight. Even if you come in person, I think if the third prince and concubine knew about it, she would definitely receive her warmly due to her hospitality, and grandma would definitely be rewarded generously. "

Hearing this, grandma can be scared to death just thinking about it.

Ever since there was news in the palace that the third prince wanted to take a concubine, the third prince's concubine has never had a smile on her face.

If the third prince's concubine knew that she helped pass things around, she wouldn't know what the heavy reward would be, but she would definitely not be able to escape with a heavy punishment.

"The Crown Princess has misunderstood. The rules of the Third Prince's Mansion are very strict. You are definitely not allowed to bring them in or out without permission. This old slave just wants to verbally reject Aunt Fan's mother, not to help pass it on." Mammy knelt down and knelt down. Kowtowing on the ground, he cursed all the eighteen generations of Zui Ling's ancestors in his heart.

Hearing this, Zui Ling almost lost his temper and pouted on the spot.

Fan Qingyao still looked at the nanny and said, "It would be best if this is really the case."

"Of course it is true. Don't worry, Crown Princess. I will set an example and go back immediately to inform the other servants in the mansion. I will never do anything to smear the third prince's mansion by bringing him in or out." Mammy said, Then he struggled to stand up, hurried back to the house, and closed the back door tightly.

Zui Ling looked at the closed back door, and his eyes were as dark as the dark door.

The sound of horse hooves came from behind, it was the Hua family's carriage going and returning.

Fan Qingyao, who was satisfied, also felt a little cold, turned around and walked in the direction of the carriage.

After reacting, Zui Ling looked at Fan Qingyao's distant figure and wanted to eat him alive, "Fan Qingyao! If you are good for yourself, you don't want others to be good! How can you be so hateful!"

 (End of this chapter)

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